A new groundbreaking essay by Cynthia Chung: The Shaping of a World Religion (From Jesuits, Freemasons & Anthropologists to MK Ultra & the Counter-Culture Movement)
I typically don’t do this, but I felt compelled to put out this advertisement for an incredible new essay written by my brilliant wife Cynthia Chung who sheds light on the insidious marriage of freemasons, Jesuits and imperial social engineers which manipulated native Americans, European settlers throughout the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries inducing a state of constant war in the Americas.
Cynthia didn’t stop there, but went further into the depths of mass manipulation by tracing out how techniques of hypnosis and synthetic cult creation informed the psychological warfare operation launched onto the western world during the 20th-21st centuries in the form of the 1960s counter-culture movement, MK Ultra and much more.
This 14,000 word essay is only the first of a 3 part series which will be coming out over the course of the coming weeks… and while much of it rests behind a paywall, I highly recommend investing in this research as the intellectual returns are massive. Click below to access Cynthia’s essay today:
Will it be available for purchase as a pdf?
This is not a comment but a request. Did not know of alternative way to address you.
Could you analyze and comment on how effective was the name of Hitlers’s political party National Socialist German Worker’s Party. I draw the analogy to the Democratic Party in the US that derives enormous support just from their brand name. Ignorant Americans pay great attention to brand names because their ignorance gets in the way of having their own opinion. My suggestion for the Republican party is to change their name to National American Worker’s Party.