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Courtenay Turner and I break down the occult ritual behind both the murder of Mary Cecilia Rogers (treated by Edgar Poe's Inspector Dupin in 1841) and also Jack the Ripper murders of 1888, which is directly tied to the pagan ambition to reconstruct Solomon’s Temple and usher in a new age of Horus/Aquarius...
Follow Courtenay’s podcast here
ALSO: Cynthia and I will be speaking in Calgary and Toronto (Sept 22 and Sept 29). Come join us
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Mr. Ehret,
In exploring my subscription to your 'stack, I've come to the conclusion that you are an unusually courageous man. In that conclusion it occurred to me that you might enjoy becoming acquainted with another man of unusual courage, George MacDonald. Mr. MacDonald is a 19th century churchman who was cast out of every religious denomination in Great Britain and on the continent. Mr. MacDonald took strong outspoken exception to the man-made doctrines, rules and regulations of organized religion. He organized his own arguments against all of it in a document entitled, "Unspoken Sermons." To say "Unspoken Sermons" is a remarkable document is would be an understatement of our Age. C.S. Lewis came across "Unspoken Sermons" in his early search for Christian truth. Dr. Lewis was deeply affected by "Unspoken Sermons." The following is from the Preface to "George MacDonald" which is an anthology of G.M.'s writings that Dr. Lewis compiled and published in 1946:
"My own debt to "Unspoken Sermons" is almost as great as one man can owe to another: and nearly all serious inquirers to whom I have introduced it acknowledge that it has given them great help--sometimes indispensable help toward the very acceptance of the Christian faith. It gets under our skin, hits us at a level deeper than our thoughts or even our passions, troubles oldest certainties till all questions are reopened, and in general shocks us more fully awake than we are for most of our lives."
In that same Preface, Dr. C.S. Lewis, the (now) world-famous Cambridge don, honorably and humbly claims George MacDonald as his master.
Mr. Ehret, I know that you are a busy man on an important mission. Nonetheless, and with all due respect, may I urge to seriously consider the information that George MacDonald arranged and produced for his friends (us!) in his unspoken sermons. Here is a link to the whole work. Please see first "Abba, Father!" in Series Two. Therein Mr. MacDonald dismantles what he calls "the evil doctrine of Adoption." Astonishing! https://www.online-literature.com/george-macdonald/unspoken-sermons/1/
P.S. I never miss any conversation you make available between Yourself and Ms. Turner. Thank You!
Lot of what is happening is explained here..... this is easy to understand which makes it brilliant.
The Highest-Level Operatives Are Using Compartmentalization
... and nobody seems to notice