In this discussion with my good friend Patrick Timpone at One Radio Network, IO was invited to discuss the following topics (outlined by Patrick in the following order):
What do Xi and Putin talk about today? Collapse of the unipolar order and alternatives.
The swamp people are supranational, operate above nations, and penetrate official govt. positions.
Since the Ukraine military operation, how has Russia’s leadership drained her swamp people.
How has Saudi Arabia has been a trophy for the multipolar alliance and why are the Saudis beginning to see the light?
Same thing for Turkey. Neither they nor Saudi Arabia are given the promised respect. Forming alliances with Russia.
How does western decarbonization puts Saudi Arabia’s energy sector in peril.
Why don’t green infrastructure projects provide a means to pay for themselves.
How has a fanatic like Henry Kissinger come to represent a voice of (pseudo) sanity in the west?
Oligarchs have a lot of power but they don’t have staying power. Historically, when they’re achieved their goal of consolidation, they’re destroyed themselves. Will cohere themselves into a conspiracy but collaboration will end when opportunity arises for dominance over the other oligarchs.
Cecil Rhodes wanted to reconquer the US. Rode roughshod over Africa. Rhodes Scholarships started to brainwash young talent. He was a useful tool, but money came from older blocks of Europe.
Banking, pharma, Vatican, politics – all intertwined by the oligarchs. They corrupt anything they can touch. But they have points of weakness within their structures of control that others take advantage of to bring them down.
Who owns Klaus Schwab?
Why did Plato’s Academy require that students know both geometry and know themselves?
Two different ways to think about the universe. Stasis: the universe is static, what’s changing is unnatural.
Versus the idea that creative acts are making things better. Involves making more discoveries, changing modalities. Obeying laws but with an increased power and freedom not available otherwise.
Oligarchy believes they must subvert by sabotaging scientists making pioneering discoveries. Learn to live with less.
3.6 trillion dollars of global Belt And Road Initiative projects envisioned by China. Building massive infrastructure, roads, ports, railways, plus training local engineers.
And more…
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Matthew Ehret the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Patriot Review , and Senior Fellow at the American University in Moscow. He is author of the ‘Untold History of Canada’ book series and Clash of the Two Americas trilogy. In 2019 he co-founded the Montreal-based Rising Tide Foundation .
Grateful for your scholarly insights, as always.