Clash of Two Americas: Between Republicanism & Imperial Grand Strategy [Geopolitics & Empire Podcast]
In this episode of Geopolitics and Empire, I had the chance to sit down with host Hrvoje Moric to discuss my new book (Clash of the Two Americas vol. 1 co-written with Cynthia Chung).
What was it that drove me to write this book or begin studying history to begin with? What was the value in approaching American history as a Canadian who understood that his own nation is the result of the failure to accept the Benjamin Franklin challenge of 1776 and again in 1865? What were the reasons for the rise of Hamilton’s system of national banking, public credit and protectionism and how were they subverted by British intelligence operating through the figure of Aaron Burr and his vast political machine? How did this same parasite go on to conduct cultural warfare within the heart of the USA for the next decades leading to the killing of the National Bank and the ultimate effort to break up the USA in 1861?
How is all of this related to Qadaffi’s Great Manmade Water Project that was destroyed by NATO in 2011 and what does all of this have to do with the Belt and Road Initiative today?
These questions and much more are addressed in the following program:
Or watch the video on Bitchute
To purchase the book “Clash of the Two Americas Vol. 1”, click here.