This week, Mel K and I conducted a deep dive into the roots of eco-terrorism and made the point that the exact same axioms animating the anti-humanist oligarchs at Davos are the same as those eco-revolutionary anarchists obsessed with tearing down civilization “from below”. And yes, all of this is tied to MK Ultra and the Unabomber
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This discussion is based on the following essay
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......while there's NO question of MUCH related extremism AS relates to 'carbon footprint', [other] greenhouse gases I'm just wondering at WHAT point before it IS too late to respond, we START seriously talking about a RAPIDLY-weakening terrestrial magnetic field (CATASTROPHIC effects of which CAN be CITED, from flash-frozen mammoths to ANOMALOUS rock vitrification) and ASSOCIATED, comparatively-IMMINENT polar reversal estimated to be COMPLETE in NO less than 23 years, Matthew - extinction EFFECTS of which are CLEARLY being seen NOW, particularly amongst mag'navigatory species (including US, if to a FAR lesser extent - YET) heavily EXACERBATED by UBIQUITOUS wireless radiation exposures (to say NOTHING of bioelectrically-reactive GARBAGE prevalent - such as aluminum, graphene, S.M.A.R.T. dust / powder, OTHER proprietary-injection contents WIDELY contaminating the ecosystem) that have OBLITERATED an exceedingly-FRAGILE ozone layer, allowing for what COULD be a proverbial 'perfect STORM' within UNDER two and and a half decades......ISN'T it just a REALLY good IDEA to have our OWN contingencies REGARDLESS theirs - JUST in CASE?
Just read the essay. Well said, that man.