In this 6th episode of the ongoing series of history videos based upon the Clash of the Two Americas: Unfinished Symphony, we are introduced to the founding of the British Fifth Column in North America that has come to be known as the 'Deep State’. The role of Aaron Burr will be of special relevance in this tale and the true nature of Wall Street as an arm of the City of London embedded deeply within the heart of the USA.
Click below to watch The Origins of North America’s Deep State on Youtube, Rumble and Bitchute:
I’ve paused reading the third book of this series to read Anton Chaitkin’s book Treason in America, which I also highly recommend. These books explain the true origins of the current Empire, as well it’s true nature. The same methods used to undermine the early American Republic are used today to both undermine non-vassal countries and keeping existing vassal countries under total control.