The Canadian Patriot Review is proud to announce a new film series titled ‘The Hidden Hand Behind UFOs’.
This series will introduce the ancient mystery cults and the associated priesthood of “adepts” that managed humanity like cattle under a pantheon of pagan deities and we will explore what connections exist between these ancient sects, the emergence of 18-19th century occultism and the 20th century phenomenon of UFOs.
How have H.G. Wells' insights into predictive programming shaped the 20th century and how has the War of the Worlds played a role in mass psychological manipulation? How did leading representatives of the British Empire like Sir Henry Tizard and Lord Louis Mountbatten launch the UFO truth movement and also MK Ultra before WWII was over?
How did the same operatives who murdered JFK also cultivate the UFO disclosure project and how does that relate to the conversion of leading segments of the US military into a cult?
How did the Rockefeller Foundation oversee the transformation of the USA into an empire and how is this related to the Disclosure Project, Hollywood films celebrating ETs, Scientology and modern occultism?
These questions and much more will be answered in the new docu-series.
This project only works because of the generous help from citizens like you, so consider making a donation on
A complete repeat of Orson Welles War of the Worlds from 1938, now that internet is here, we can access information that normally would have been forgotten - like repetitive World Wars which seem to re-occur on a timely basis of 100 years or so...
History of the Human Race -- Montauk (Project Phoenix), time travel and timeline manipulation, the Fourth Reich and the German breakaways, super soldiers and human trafficking, cloning, alien slavers, ascension.