This week, I had an interesting chat with Maryam Heinein on the topic of occultism, how theosophy breaks the mind of its powers of judging right vs wrong, and the perversion of sacred geometry.
Or watch the show on Bitchute here, Odyssee here, or Soundcloud here
If should find yourself either in, or near Calgary on September 22, or Toronto on September 29, then come meet up for an afternoon of big ideas with Cynthia, myself and a bunch of like-minded people. In these events, we will deliver live presentations designed to assist patriots in cutting through the layers of gordian knots of misinformation shaping th…
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Thank you for sharing your knowledge. Interrupting was inconsiderate at key moments.
Keep up the good work, but remember, the internet is mostly fake and warping people's minds, find out how in my podcast here: