In this final installment of a trilogy of lectures on the topic of ‘Humanity’s Struggle for a City of God’, I recapitulate the first two classes by going over the the migration of the Babylonian oligarchy and its network of cults to Persia, and thence to Rome after Alexander the Great’s victory over his father Philip of Macedon and the broader Persian empire which his father served.
This parasitic growth of oligarchical migration was contrasted with the opposing struggle to establish upon this earth, a society premised on Natural Law, Justice and Goodness as advocated by Solon, Plato and later Cicero who each attempted to create institutions capable of creating philosopher kings.
Such was the fight waged by Augustine of Hippo as outlined within his City of God, and such was the objective of Charlemagne’s advisor Alcuin who led the Augustinian reforms of the Carolingian Renaissance of the 8-9th century AD.
We follow the growth of Augustinian Statecraft to the halls of the Abbasid Dynasty of Haroun al Rashid, the Jewish Khazarian Kingdom and the Tang Dynasty of China which established a win-win foreign policy premised around peaceful cooperation of diverse cultures, rather than divide-to-conquer wars or wealth extraction.
Why was this beautiful ecumenical alliance of cultures sabotaged by the newly reconstituted oligarchy then centering itself upon a new host within Venice?
How did Thomas More play a vital role in the combat to purge this center of evil from the face of the earth 1000 years after Augustine died during the 1509 League of Cambrai? What was More doing when he wrote his own Platonic tract called ‘Utopia’ in 1516?
These questions and much more will be answered in this lecture.
Click here for part one: Plato’s Republic vs Klaus’ Great Narrative: Who Guards the Guardians?
Click here for part two: St Augustine’s City of God vs the Rot of the Roman Empire
Supplementary reading:
1) The 1508 League of Cambrai and The BRI Today: How Not to Repeat History
2) The Forgotten Jewish-Christian-Muslim Alliance and China’s Silk Road
3) How Jesus Christ and His Followers Saved Civilization (p. 16 of Campaigner 1980)
4) Cynthia Chung’s How to Conquer Tyranny and Avoid Tragedy
Your history, while quite accurate in describing these two schools of thought, neglects a third, that of Orthodox Christianity, which has preserved and handed down an understanding that, 'Our Kingdom is not of this world'; that this world is meant to be a 'stepping off place' into another kind of reality altogether where whatever we Intend comes into being instantaneously.
This is a relatively unknown and seemingly difficult perspective for people to wrap their heads around, being so predominantly focused on 'this world', but nevertheless, it is what Christianity is actually all about...
The City of God is is a mystery as to what it is and clearly different than the rising of the morning sun upon which one thankfully has no control over.
Something is afoot here!