Over the past few months, Cynthia and I have been spending more time than we had ever thought possible researching the occult underground from ancient times to our present age, in order to prepare the groundwork for our ongoing ‘Hidden Hand Behind UFOs’ film series.
This ongoing journey has been enlightening at times, shocking at other times, and has given us both a new set of lenses through which to evaluate many topics ranging from geopolitics, the roots of certain conspiracy theories, quantum mechanics, cultural warfare, and even modern psychology.
Cynthia has produced two essays (which will end up in her upcoming book called ‘The Shaping of a World Religion’) on the topic of the figure of Carl Jung, which are so incredibly important that I decided to share them with you today.
As you will come to discover, Carl Jung has alot more to do with pagan sorcery than with anything resembling a “science” of mind which is probably why his ideas were selected to play such a dominant role in shaping the counter-culture movement in the 20th century, the Esalen Institute, MK Ultra and the new world religion currently being brought online.
I think it was a terrible thing when europe had a foreign faith forced upon her by the sword. we have betrayed and forgotten our ancestors, and are no longer grounded in the soil where they are buried. a faith that claims that all is dead matter but only we have consciousness... our consciousness just spontaneously emerged from dead matter for no apparent reason? either it is all conscious after its fashion, or none of it is. i believe it makes people mentally ill to deny the understanding of their ancestral faith. each person, each people is unique and has different spiritual needs. one size will never fit all. it was a terrible crime to force it on people... like communism or any belief that does not emerge with natural introspection , inquiry, virtues, and dialogue.
Ooh non not Carl Jung too? Dang I liked him 😅 Cant wait for these series to go out !!