New Release: Canada's Potential Eurasian Future: A Vision for the 21st Century and Beyond (107 pages full color)
As the Editor-in-Chief and founder of the Canadian Patriot Review and co-author of the four volume book series ‘The Untold History of Canada’, I am proud to present the following report as a blueprint for Canada’s survival throughout the 21st century and beyond.
This report begins with the presentation of several strategic mega projects which will allow us to return to the path of pro-scientific and technological progress which was abandoned during the post John F. Kennedy era of “post industrialism” and “consumerism”.
It features historic precedents that once animated the best traditions of Canada’s past which have been erased from memory, and it features a solution to the false synthetic nationalism created by the British Empire over the course of two centuries which has used Canada as a chess piece in a great game.
However, I am also aware that his report will also feature a large number of cognitive dissonances for many Canadian readers due in part to my generally positive view of Russia, China, and India which form the bedrock of the multipolar alliance.
My additional assessment that Canada has been manipulated as a weapon on a larger global game board by forces centered in the City of London (which have also worked fervently to infiltrate and destroy the U.S. republic from within over many generations) is another difficult pill for many Canadians (and Americans) to swallow, which may cause a number of negative emotions.
My chapter on the manipulation of First Nations groups throughout Canada’s history by imperial social engineers will also likely anger and disturb some readers.
I honestly wish my research and discoveries hadn’t led me to those conclusions, but if we love truth more than our comfort blankets, then I encourage all readers to push through those negative emotions and cognitive dissonances, as I can guarantee that a bitter truth is absolutely better for our survival in the long run than a sweet lie.
The appendix of this booklet features an in-depth assessment of why Russia, China and even India have been so demonized in the minds of many Canadians and Americans over recent years, which has less to do with any evidence of ill-intent and much more to do with those nations wielding national power in opposition to globalist forces seeking to reduce world population under a system of total enslavement.
Click below to purchase a full color copy of Canada’s Potential Eurasian Future: A Vision for the 21st Century and Beyond as a Paperback, Kindle or PDF
Looking forward to reading your new book "Canada's Potential Eurasian Future" .
Thank you for providing it.
I’m trying to figure out why you hate Latin civilization so much—I mean, really, that IS Western Civilization. I’m guessing the division you’re linking up with has to do with things that happened in the Iron Age around the time of King Josiah. Just keep in mind that when Josiah made his reforms to get rid of the goddess, etc. practically no one read. No one paid attention to it because they couldn’t. They had no idea what those people were talking about, and that was even up to the time of Jesus when only 5% of the people were literate. People have always wanted tangible and visual religion. You don’t like the fact that the Latin civilization encrypted elements of the pre-Biblical Bronze and Iron Age that threatens the Biblical narratives—read archeology.