Last year, Cynthia composed the script for the first episode of our ongoing video series ‘The Hidden Hand Behind UFOs’ which challenged me to dive into a deep study of the occult forces shaping our modern world.
To be perfectly honest, I had shied away from this challenge for years, as the realm of the esoteric underground, secret societies and occult cosmologies is extremely difficult to approach.
This is not surprising as the very nature of the topics indicate the hidden and the secret— meaning whatever evidence a researcher has to work with is going to be tainted with heavy doses of misinformation, sleights of hand, and irresponsible speculative theories which are less than useless for any scientific analysis.
So what is left to work with?
It is here that an appreciation for techniques of epistemological warfare (both good and bad), and a sense of universal history as taught by Friedrich Schiller becomes extremely useful guides.
In constructing the three books which I have called ‘Revenge of the Mystery Cults’, which can be read as stand-alones or as a series, I had to permit my mind a degree of flexibility and a willingness to relinquish a number of deeply-held assumptions about world history IF those assumptions came into conflict with evidence, as troubling or bizarre as that evidence might be.
Despite this flexibility, there were several core hypotheses that I have held firm to, and all discoveries made along this path have only solidified my deep conviction in their validity.
As a full disclosure and transparency for all prospective readers out there, those core hypotheses are:
That despite the evil and folly which humanity is capable of, we are fundamentally Good. Every baby regardless of genetic, religious, cultural factors is born good.
That humanity is made in the living image of a reasonable, loving Creator whose essence is intelligible through Creative Reason (but not reductionist logic)
That any attempt to define characteristics of first causes/prima mobile, which rely upon the denial of Creative Reason (as distinct from simple logic) is at the root of all sophistry.
Because human beings are made in the living image of a reasonable, loving creator, the power of economic growth, making discoveries, generating higher states of beauty both for ourselves and our posterity, is not only NOT a utopian fantasy, but a primary force of Natural Law.
That the oligarchical model of organizing society, as a system, is based upon a rejection of Natural Law on every level, although it must claim ownership of a perversion of the idea of Natural Law itself.
Everything else is fair game.
In volume one
Mystery Babylon and the Age of Aquarius’ (304 pgs), we will answer the questions:
In volume 1, you will be introduced to the shocking origins of many of today's imperial institutions, and techniques of worldwide psychological warfare by going back into deep history in order to map out the ancient pre-Christian world and how it was influenced by a globally-connected network of mystery cults maintaining a pantheon of false deities, initiatory rites, and un-natural ritual practices.
The continuity of such cults from the past into present times, such as Marduk, Baal, Isis, Cybele-Attis, Mithras and also many eastern mystery cults including Shakti-Shiva, and Kali, will be explored.
When these mystery cults could not destroy movements shaped by authentic nation builders of various faiths as an outside force, they attempted to infiltrate those positive institutions from within.
How did this dark tradition launch the Crusades in an effort to destroy the incredible successes of Charlemagne, Haroun al Rashid, and the Tang Dynasty's leaders during the 8-10th centuries?
How did this occult underground oversee the plunge of the world into population collapse, forever wars, and superstition during medieval times, and how did it attempt to co-opt the positive influences of the Golden Renaissance through the efforts of Hermeticists and Neo-Platonic occultists?
When the Templar Knights were extinguished in 1314, how did high priests re-organize around a new secret order that would emerge as 'Rosicrucians' and how would this society oversee the growth of witch covens, Hellfire Clubs, Jesuits and the infiltration (and purge) of European and American freemasonry of its republican, platonic traditions?
How did the occult techniques of left/right hand paths and unification of moral opposites create the framework for social engineering of whole societies and also the unnatural grooming of technocratic leadership across generations?
By the end of this book, you will have a firm grasp on what is the nature of ‘Mystery Babylon’.
In volume 2
Rosicrucian Golem (396 pgs), we will answer the following questions:
How did this Rosicrucian society co-opt the traditions of western European science through such institutions as 'The Invisible College' which spawned the British Royal Society in the wake of the ashes of chaos that was the English Civil War?
And how did those techniques of stealing, and re-packaging creative discoveries reduce humanity's ability to understand and respond effectively to the growth of this moral parasite?
How did this Rosicrucian Invisible College influence the practice of science while separating the natural connection between arts and science over several centuries, leading up to and including Thomas Huxley's X Club in 1865, Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton’s Rosicrucian Revival in 1868 and the Theosophist movement launched in 1875?
How did this invisible college subvert the revolutionary efforts to liberate India by creating a pressure-valve known as ‘The Indian National Congress’ and how were Kali worshiping killers re-organized by British-steered occultists in order to turn India’s revolutionary energy into chaos?
How did this influence the growth of ashrams that included Kali priests Ramakrishna, Swami Vivekananda, and Sri Aurobindo Ghose?
And how this influence the development of Alice Bailey’s program to co-opt the United Nations, and the rise of a Silicon Valley Transhumanist Cult?
How will this battle help us understand the nature and purpose of such phenomena as 'Nikola Tesla' and 'Tesla 2.0' in the form of Elon Musk and even Peter Thiel?
Volume 3
Edgar Allen Poe’s Final Mystery and other Tales of Ratiocination
(364 pgs), we will answer the questions:
What did Edgar Allan Poe do to resist this infiltration and corruption of the leadership and citizens of America during the 20th century, and how did this sect succeed in breaking America from its Platonic Christian roots in Universal History to become a new 'Marcher Lord' for empire?
How does Poe's personal story and method of analysis (dubbed 'Ratiocination') aid us in unravelling the unexplained mysteries of the ritual murder of Mary Roget in 1840, the Whitechapel murders in London of 1888, the murder of Harry Houdini in 1925, the murder of Christian Birkeland in 1917 and of course the mystery of Poe's own murder in 1849?
Throughout this volume, you will discover that conspiracies shaping history have not always been driven by evil intentions, but also positive concepts of humanity and Natural Law.
You will also discover that Edgar Poe was himself an integral part of one such globally extended conspiracy stretching across the Atlantic which sought to accomplish the goals of the American Revolution by breaking Europe free of the hereditary system of oligarchism.
Poe’s work as a counter-intelligence figure, both in his early days at West Point, his work alongside republican patriots in Europe and his efforts to shape a cultural movement in the USA designed to hone the mental and moral fortitude of citizens while subtly exposing the oligarchy’s psycho-spiritual tricks will be revealed in this volume.
Poe’s battles with the Transcendentalists and Spiritualists will be explored as well as the transformation of these agencies into the Theosophist Movement, and this movement’s relationship with the rise of a new world religion centered on the reconstruction of Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem.
Most importantly, all three volumes of this series will converge upon the same final story of the unnatural rise of an Age of Aquarius.
(PS: Since these books were made entirely possible through the extensive study conducted over 20 years and made available in my four volume Clash of the Two Americas and Science Unshackled, you may want to acquire those resources here.)
Mat, almost finished with Volume 1. Superb information and well researched. You have connected so many dots in a concise format regarding the “mysteries” and Mystery Babylon, topics which I have struggled to understand over several decades. Cannot thank you and Cynthia for the great work you are doing. Don’t stop, keep going. We so need this research to get a grasp on our world and make sense of it at the “nuts and bolts” level. I have purchased copies of books published by you and Cynthia as a donation to my public library.
Looking forward to these, a part of history i have mostly ignored until recently. Curious what your thoughts are on Levenda, which is where I was introduced to a lot of these themes.