Platforms for Cooperation: Arctic Development and Space Exploration
As the war for the new system continues and the question of the US republic’s strategic survival remains unanswered, it is important not to lose sight of the long game. Larger issues bearing upon the ongoing survival of the human species must still be held firmly in mind as shaping the context in which the tactical policy fights must unfold over the coming weeks and months.
With this idea in mind, the founder of the Canadian Patriot Review and Rising Tide Foundation was invited to speak at the 6th International Scientific Congress “Globalistics-2020: Global issues and future of humankind” at Lomonosov Moscow State University on the panel topic: “Falsification and Politicization”.
All panelists treated different aspects of history research and cutting through the systemic falsification of history over recent years and also the nature of the future which studies of the past empower us to understand and influence… On this panel I was honored to deliver two short presentations dealing with 1) The history of US-Russia relations and the rise/fall of RussiaGate followed up by a later presentation on 2) Future pathways for cooperation in the new paradigm with a focus on the Polar Silk Road/Arctic Development and space cooperation. I feature my second presentation below
The list of panelists and full panel event follow below…
Edward Lozansky, (American University in Moscow);
Herbert R. Reginbogin, (Fellow at The Catholic University of America);
Peter Kuznick, (American University, Director of the Nuclear Studies Institute)
Oleg A. Alekseenko, (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
Katerina A. Borisova, (Lomonosov Moscow State University);
Michael C. Kimmage, (Ordinary Professor and Department Chair of History at The Catholic University of America)
Matt Ehret – Rising Tide Foundation, Senior Fellow American University in Moscow
Alexei Fenenko – Moscow State University, Moscow
James Jatras – former State Department diplomat, Washington, DC
Herbert Reginbogin – Catholic University of America, Washington, DC
Yuri Rogoulev – Moscow State University, Moscow
To watch the full event click here: