RTF Lecture Invitation: Guanzi- Introduction to 3000 Years of Chinese Economic Thought (Feb 4 at 2pm ET)
Due to the accelerated drive by the narrative controllers to weaponize the population against China- ironically uniting the anti-Great Reset conservative movement of America into total conjunction with the FBI, CIA, MI6 and broader Five Eyes intelligence apparatus, Cynthia and I have decided that a few Rising Tide Foundation lectures showcasing Chinese cultural dynamics, philosophy and economic history would be very appropriate at this moment.
We have been working extremely hard to debunk the nearly infinite array of “China=evil commie haters of western freedom” tropes which have polarized western society over the past few years. Whether it is within our articles, lectures, documentaries or books, we have, and will continue to do our best to address the many lies about the evil of China and Russia.
BUT while we shall do this, it is also evident that the creative writers and spin doctors shaping the information war can always make up ever new claims from one minute to the next. Many people have noticed how this works regarding the never-ending accusations of Russian control of US elections, January 6 insurrection, or Trump’s never-ending list of apparent sex crimes.
So while battling lies will continue, we realize that we need to deal with the deeper issues of ignorance about other cultures that makes ALL OF THESE LIES POSSIBLE.
At this point, the best way that we can think to do this is to help our fellow citizens discover some humility by coming to recognize:
1) the structure of evil that had already existed within our society before either Russia or China even became communist (and which we, to a certain extent, capitulated to, since our common access to reason, free will and conscience means that at least some blame falls subjectively upon our own sins of both commission and omission that evil has thrived) AND…
2) provide insights into the authentic history, philosophy and value systems of other cultures and civilizations.
We believe that it’s only by gaining true insight into the nature of China or any culture for that matter that we can best develop our own sovereign powers of cutting through misinformation, half truths, and simple lies that rely upon our unexamined prejudices and ignorance of other societies in order to thrive.
That said, over the next two Sundays, the Rising Tide Foundation lectures will deal with this important topic featuring a February 4 presentation on the topic of ‘3000 Years of Chinese Economic Thought’ delivered by my friend Li Kangzheng.
This will be followed by a February 11 lecture by Dr Quan Le on the topic of the fight to develop an aristocratic education following the philosophical precepts of Confucius (and Confucius’ followers across millenia) with an eye to a parallel development of Platonic renaissance educational reforms in the western world.
I asked Li to describe his Feb. 4 lecture at 2pm Eastern Time and he wrote the following:
“Guanzi is a nearly 3000 year old Chinese treatise that defines economics as “the study of making the country rich” which is still quoted by China’s leaders to this day. Join us for an afternoon we we transcend the lens of western-only understanding, read from original texts, and see what economics has always meant from a traditionally Chinese point of view”
Click on the zoom link below to access the live presentation: