RTF Lecture invitation: Seeking Truth and Sanity in Climate & Energy Policy [Sunday May 14 at 2pm ET]
This Sunday I will be moderating an RTF lecture featuring Jim O’Brien, Chair of the Irish Climate Science Forum who will introduce the reality of climate science, debunk the pervasive belief in human-driven global warming, and outline what a healthy energy and climate science looks like.
Bio: Jim O’Brien is “retired” after a 39-year career in CRH plc, the leading multinational building materials group, for the latter 19 years being its Group Technical Advisor. He now is Honorary President of the European Aggregates Association and Convenor of the Global Aggregates Information Network (www.GAIN.ie). He founded and chairs the Irish Climate Science Forum (www.ICSF.ie), an independent think-tank on climate science and energy policy, which cooperates with the Dutch-based CLINTEL (www.CLINTEL.org). He is a Fellow of the Institution of Engineers of Ireland, of the Irish Academy of Engineering and of the UK Institution of Engineering and Technology and is a Life Senior Member of the US Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers.
Click on the Zoom link below to access the live event Sunday, May 14 at 2pm Eastern Time: