Some Additional Words on Today’s Pythagorean Revival- From Bussard’s Polywell to the Safire Project
In my last report, I introduced two opposing schools of scientific thinking that have been at odds with one another since the days of Plato’s Academy at Athens.
One system sits dominant upon the throne of today’s western science wearing the garb of “standard model quantum theory” and “standard model cosmology” and hinges its existence upon a fundamentally statistical, descriptive and a-causal approaches to creation. This system presumes an absolute wall dividing the inner subjective universe of human minds from the external “objective” laws of the broader universe.
The other, lesser known tradition, is premised upon a principled, process-orientated view of science which does not assume that subjective minds of creative scientists (or artists) are in any way separate from the outer “objective” reality.
Where one is noun-based, the other can be said to be verb-based.
This second healthier tradition of scientific thinking was exemplified by the Pythagorean movement that saw its fullest and most honest exposition in ancient times within the pages of Plato’s Timaeus. This movement was built around three interconnected principles, namely:
1) The harmony of the universe which was made in accordance with the same principles organizing a healthy human mind,
2) The relationships of boundedness and the golden section which underlay the nesting of the five Platonic Solids and harmonic divisions of musical proportions and
3) The belief in the self-perfectibility of creation.
We traced the foundations of this fruitful method across the ages as it gave rise to the greatest densities of creative breakthroughs ever seen in human history among leading figures of the golden renaissance, and we extensively explored the mind, life and discoveries of the renaissance Pythagorean Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) whose penetrating commitment to truth ushered in a total reform of astrophysics and even established the foundations of a proper science of quantum physics. This was entirely done with the purpose of aiding the reader to understand the full implications of the late discoveries of atomic scientist Robert Moon (1911-1989) whose innovative model of the nucleus broke from all standard theory shackles and re-infused quantum theory onto epistemologically solid foundations.
Today, I would like to briefly showcase two other case studies of modern Pythagoreans whose important work in both quantum and macro physics runs parallel to the discoveries of Dr. Moon and expresses the greatest traditions of Keplerian thinking that deserve to be brought to light today.
Bussard’s Polywell
Dr. Robert Bussard (1929-2007) was known as the father of thermonuclear rocketry, having worked on the original Rover nuclear rockets for NASA in 1955-1960 and having innovated the Bussard Ramjet in 1960 as an interstellar space drive powered by fusing hydrogen via a magnetic field collected from the ocean of interstellar gases providing the jet abundant ion thrust to last thousands of years.
A layout of a Bussard nuclear fusion propulsion ramjet design featuring a magnetic torus collecting interstellar hydrogen which fuses using magnetic compressors to generate ion propulsion delivering in theory near relativistic speeds required for interplanetary and interstellar travel
Although Bussard established the Tokamak fusion reactor design in the USA while working as lead administrator of the Atomic Energy Commission, he recognized early on that the design was a boondoggle offering little hope for ever achieving commercially viable energy for humanity. Bussard could see clearly that the standard model thinking that supposed the existence of “strong forces”, “weak forces”, “gravity” and “electromagnetism” as separate entities requiring fast energy to smash such things as “atoms” into each other in order to achieve fusion, totally ignored the basic principles of physics. Bussard understood that the fourth state of matter known as plasma (heated ionized gases) was a self-organizing process that did not require the charged atoms flowing within it to be “forced” to do anything at all, but rather only required least action pathways be generated in order to induce states of singularities whereby “fusing” of light atoms into heavier atoms could occur naturally.
During the same year that Dr. Moon was formulating his atomic model, Bussard made his own Keplerian leap into atomic geometries with an innovative design called the Polywell[1].
The Polywell was an inertial electrostatic confinement fusor utilizing a magnetically shielded grid. Bussard discovered that the optimal design for inducing magnetic resonances that led self-organizing plasmas capable of fusing helium-3, deuterium, tritium or Boron nuclei took the form of a polyhedron known as the cube-octahedron (an Archimedean solid explored deeply by Kepler).
Despite the fact that all prototypes built with funding from the US Navy between 1994-2006 achieved all goals demonstrating the success of the design even generating fusion in its last prototype, funding was cut off just at the finishing line resulting in Bussard struggling to find investors during the last year of his life, to little avail.
The Electric Universe Revolution
One of the most exciting renewals of the Keplerian method has taken the form of an enterprise called the Safire Project run by lead scientists Montgomery Childs, Astrophysicist Dr. Michael Clarage, Cosmologist Wal Thornhill and a team of physicists who have all rejected the Newtonian/Copenhagen Standard model cosmology in favor of a more natural model that assumes only the existence of electromagnetism as a fundamental force in the universe[2].
The Safire team has pulled together a laboratory affiliated with the several universities and private sector labs with the aim of not only modelling the laws of the solar system utilizing a plasma conception of the Sun but has revived the work of Kristian Birkeland (1867-1917) who realized in 1902 that currents generated by plasmas in vacuums can account for a myriad of phenomena from the sun’s activity, aurora borealis and much more. Today, Birkland currents can be found stringing galaxies together, stars within the interstellar medium and even planets within our own solar system[3].
In the electric universe model showcased by the Safire team, planets are no longer seen as rocks swinging around a sun within an empty void of space mixed with “forces” and filled with “building blocks”, but rather are seen as transformers constantly receiving and giving back energy from the sun mediated through nested arrays of magnetic fields. Each part playing a vital role within a greater whole.
During one of the early prototypes of the solar anode within a bell jar (which later was discovered to have successfully transmuted elements challenging many fundamental axioms of standard model physics), Montgomery Childs noted:
“When we first fired up the bell jar and began measuring the electromagnetic and radio frequencies of the plasma – there was a rhythm, like a heartbeat; stable and continuous. Resonance is a principle in science, a principle that is both universal and scale-able. I wonder if resonance is playing a role in SAFIRE? “And with our reading of an atomic mass of 3, I also wonder if what we are observing is some kind of harmonic resonance mediating a nuclear reaction – to cause fusion. If this is the case, it’s almost as if the universe is singing.”
Just like our own sun’s spots, the plasmas generated in the anode within the Safire lab produced a corona of heated plasma magnitudes hotter than the core [see image below].
Since 2016, Dr. Michael Clarage has taken these ideas of harmonics out of the lab and applied them to a novel set of copper wire models of the solar system utilizing various electric currents passing through arrays of orbits proportional to those featured in our own solar system. Dr. Clarage was curious to see whether the magnetic fields generated by individual currents running through the solar system model would induce self-organizing harmonic resonances or not.
Treating the sun in both our own solar system as well as other planetary systems like Trappist-1 and Kepler-26, Dr. Clarage staged his experiment treating the sun as a primary coil sending out voltage and current fluctuations which in turn induce voltage around each planet. Each planet is in turn treated like an electrical transformer which sends modified currents back into the sun.
Publishing his results in a series of essays stretching between 2016-2019, it is clear that the results point to a definitive yes, although more work admittedly needs be done to complete the exploration and arrive at a new proof of the music of the spheres within an electro magnetic set up[4].
Just as Kepler had opened up new vistas by founding Astro-climatology within his fourth book of the Harmonia Mundi, gestalt psychology with his rigorous studies of the relationship of the sensorium as intermediary between our minds and the objective universe beyond, and also atomic physics with his famous 1609 treatise on the Six-Sided Snowflake, today’s heirs of Kepler’s fight have tended to not fit into any specialized cog within a machine.
These scientists have discovered that this way of looking at the universe (and one’s own mind exploring said universe), enhances one’s power to leap over the hedges separating apparently different fields of study from morphology, geology, weather systems, to the evolution of species, solar systems and even galaxies. In all cases, the man or woman who adopts this potent method of analysis has no need to assume the existence of black holes, God particles, quarks, dark matter, dark energy or alternative dimensions.
Such an explorer need not even assume that gravity is a “force” as it was described by either Newton or Einstein has any existence, but rather that all forces are merely different aspects of the same electromagnetic principle of coherence/harmony that pervades all existence from the largest galactic magnitudes to the smallest sub atomic levels. From the healthy motion of creative human minds to the flow of creative evolution of living matter over long epochs, to the formation and evolution of planets and new atoms of the periodic table, the same fundamental processes can be seen to exert a loving influence if one only has eyes to see.
It is a fact that no blind assumptions such as those demanded by ‘Standard Model’ priesthoods is permitted by a true Platonist, since thoughts are understood to be akin to sacred metaphysical temples and built only atop foundations that are proven to be true through creative acts of reason- always self-reflective, and never skipping steps to leap into assumptions. For, even correct assumptions, if they are not proven to be true create structural defects in our temple which might be tolerable for a short time, but will always lead to collapse.
It is only through this process that the infinitesimal being that each person represents, taps into not only the infinite boundless and eternal realm of truth but also touches in a small way the mind of the creator as well.
When asked to describe this axiom-free method of thinking that generated “intelligible realities” whereupon true knowledge (vs mere opinion) must be founded, Plato said:
“I mean that which reason itself lays hold of by the power of dialectic, treating its assumptions not as absolute principles but literally as hypotheses, underpinnings, footings, and springboards, so to speak, to enable itself to rise to the principle of all, which admits of no hypothesis. After attaining that level, reason descends by taking hold of all the consequences that depend on this principle, until the very last conclusion, without ever making use of any object of sense perception but only going from Idea to Idea, to end with an Idea.”
[1] For more information on the Polywell, see:
[2] See for more information on this project
[3] Birkeland was also the first scientist who posited that rather than being empty, the substance that “filled” the entire universe was a vast ocean of plasma, saying in 1913: “It seems to be a natural consequence of our points of view to assume that the whole of space is filled with electrons and flying electric ions of all kinds. We have assumed that each stellar system in evolutions throws off electric corpuscles into space. It does not seem unreasonable therefore to think that the greater part of the material masses in the universe is found, not in the solar systems or nebulae, but in ’empty’ space.”
[4] The 1st four phases of Dr. Clarage’s ongoing experiment can be viewed by following these links:
Matthew Ehret is the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Patriot Review , and Senior Fellow at the American University in Moscow. He is author of the ‘Untold History of Canada’ book series and Clash of the Two Americas. In 2019 he co-founded the Montreal-based Rising Tide Foundation .