Straussian Fires Burn: Syria, Georgia, Greater Israel and the New Crusades
Breaking History Ep. 75
This week, many people were struck by a blow to the gut as Syria fell to the mercenary hordes of Al-Qaeda’s re-branded HTS and Al Nusra fronts.
What is going on? What dynamics are in play at this moment?
Why has the current leader of Hamas Khaled Maashal celebrated the downfall of Assad and ouster of Russia from Syria as “a victory for the Syrian people”?
What dangers are now faced by Jordan which hosts 1.5 million anti-Assad Syrian refugees and a similar number of Iraqis?
How about Lebanon which required land support of supplies from Iran or Iraq which now faces an increased danger of invasion using US-directed ISIS mercenaries deployed from Syria (according to Mohsen Rezaei (former Chief Commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard)?
Also how does the destabilization of Georgia play into this broader effort to destroy the emergent multi-polar alliance and how is this Straussian dystopic agenda tied to the exact same strategy that launched the world into the never-ending religious wars known as ‘The Crusades’ nearly a millenium ago?
These questions and much more will be discussed in this week’s episode of Breaking History:
I am keen to know what led you to believe that “Jordan […] hosts 1.5 million anti-Assad Syrian refugees and a similar number of Iraqis.”
In ?2008, First Lady Asma al-Assad off-handedly referred to the 1.4 Million Iraqis and over 500,000 Palestinian refugees being accommodated with humanitarian refuge IN [Assad-friendly] Syria.
See at 2:15 of the following
• Asma Al-Assad during the reception made to the participants in " Woman For Peace " Bicycle Ride
Asma al-Assad: “There are over TWO MILLION refugees living in Syria today – 1.4 Million Iraqis, over 500,000 Palestinians … “
The displacement of Syrians was not because of the ‘regime’ of President Bashar al-Assad but only happened as a direct consequence of the incursion of the Israeli/US/Turkish backed terrorists under various labels including ISIS, al Qaeda, al Nusra Front, HTS et cetera. (Vanessa Beeley knows all the names.)
Love Gordon. He's doing great work but he is in a very different space when he has children. That changes the whole game for those in the battle. So bless you Gordon. Embrace the intensity having children brings and fear nothing. Be kind to yourself.