The Deconstructionist Assault on China's Cultural Optimism (Reading Session 01- Feb 11, 2021)
In this first of a series of reading sessions, we will come to explore the cultural, philosophical and political dynamics of China stretching back 2500 years and extending up to the present day with a focus on the two opposing views of humanity, creation, Mind and law stemming from the Confucian, legalist and Daoist systems.
The essay read is titled ‘The Deconstructionist Assault on China's Cultural Optimism’ written by EIR Editor Michael Billington in 1997, and introduces the often overlooked methods used by Anglo-American intelligence to subvert target cultures throughout the ages with a focus on the 20th century efforts to sabotage the republican movement launched by China's first president Sun Yat-sen.
If you wish to read along, the text of this essay is found here:
To join in future readings (to be held every Wednesday at 8pm EST), you need only read the first 13 pages and respond with the rsvp.