In this episode of Press TV's We the People, I was invited to join American Civil Rights Attorney Robert Patillo to deliver some insight into the historical forces shaping the Carter and Iranian Shah's administrations during the 1970s, the reasons for the revolution and the effects of media brainwashing that have induced simple minded westerners to believe that Iran is at the heart of international terrorism.
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Matt, you are Partially correct but you are clever enough to know the truth & that your analysis is Flawed. I was born & Lived in Iran for 18 year Pre-Revoluion & never went back after the revolution. It is well documented that CIA & UK land & aided Not only the promotion of Mosaddegh but also the Shah when he was just out o this Teen years. A Young Man!! Everyone benefitted from The shah of Iran & the region was stable. ALL the middle eastern Chaos started after deposing the shah which you wrongly called it a POPULIST revolution! True millions took into the streets but it was all behind the scenes propaganda & lies as by the The Seal was Old & mature enough to build Iran economically ( the start of OPEC, The Sales of OIL in Rial & Not USD to name a few all of which you know). During the Shah, people had liberties, Women had rights & Freedom of religion. the ONLY think you couldn't do was ARMED Communist Opposition to the Government! That was illegal & rightly so. Can you take Arms & be an armed combative Political Activist against Canada? USA? UK? China? Russia?? NOPE . In 1975 during the Shah, the currency rate of exchange was One Sterling = 10 Toman. Last week One Pound Sterling was 60,000 TOMAN. How is that a Thriving in your books? & you haven't heard of the Woman Life Freedom Movement? Women have No Rights in Iran. Bahai's Can NOT go to university etc etc etc So, The Revolution was NOT & Has NOT been good for the people of Iran. & no, Politically there is No defence of Iran but do NOT give the impression that The Iranian Gov is innocent! & the was a JUST & Thriving Revolution, That is NOT True & No I defend The USA/Globalists interference in ANY Country You show your other side Matt. Be unbiased. Iran WAS Indeed Thriving Economically, Socially & Geo Politically during the Shah of Iran. He just became a Threat to be Too independent & that's what the west didn't Like. they Backed a revolution ( & you of all people you know how a Populist , so called Populist, revolution is engineered don't you? ) & this Revolution, Backfired . Got out of control of the west AND to the detriment of not only the People but the region.
So what is the USA doing to its own peoples?