Is it possible that a Middle East free of regime change is possible? Is it possible that Africa might finally break free of the yolk of imperialism and re-awakening the forgotten renaissance traditions buried under years of colonial rule?
In this week's episode of The Great Game, Matt and CJ analyze the major sea change occurring across the East, Central and Southwest Asia and Africa.
After some historical lessons pertaining to the Berlin-Baghdad railway plans which had more to do with WWI than you might realize, we leapt ahead a century to explore the breakthrough Russia-India treaties signed by Putin and Modi this week, integrating both nations into a broad foundation of defense cooperation, transportation, nuclear and space development.
We then evaluate the importance of the new Azerbaijan-Iran-Turkmenistan gas swap deal that involves a new Iran-Turkey cooperation pact which extends Iranian influence throughout the Middle East while bringing about a community of common interest. The shifting of the role of Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Turkey towards Syria who is now being re-incorporated into the Arab League is also discussed as is the hope for a final resolution to the devastating Saudi vs Yemeni war that has raged since 2014. We extensively showcase the sabotage of Assad’s Five Seas Vision and the revival of this beautiful vision with the New Silk Road’s emergence across a Southern Corridor stretching from Pakistan to Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and beyond.
After a full appraisal of the Middle East, we then spend some time shedding light on the two opposing futures for Ethiopia as either a Libya 2.0 hell or a driver for a new African renaissance.
Matthew Ehret is the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Patriot Review , and Senior Fellow at the American University in Moscow. He is author of the ‘Untold History of Canada’ book series and Clash of the Two Americas. In 2019 he co-founded the Montreal-based Rising Tide Foundation .
And today, India's defense chief dies in a helicopter crash....
That was an excellent presentation Matthew - much appreciated. Shared with family and friends.