The Strategic Hour on Rogue News: What are ‘Conspiracies’ and Why are we the Species that Conspires?
In this week’s edition of the Strategic Hour on Rogue News, Matthew Ehret contrasts the two opposing approaches to scientific policy making now emerging around the “Great Reset”. On the one side we find the advocates of unipolar global government promoting a between a “Green New Dealing” energy paradigm that has recently shown its limitations in the dismal case of state blackouts in Texas VS the ‘open system’ approach of space exploration exhibited by the leadership of the UAE’s space program whose Mars orbiter just arrived in Mars’ orbit this week (joining the orbiters of both NASA and the Chinese space agency). The spirit of love of knowledge, creativity which ties the human species’ destiny to the unbounded ocean of the universe is something which control freaks, technocrats and Malthusians despise for a very peculiar reason which we also explore in this talk.
Lastly, I would like to point out that the the theme of the interview is “Conspiracy Theories’.
What are they?
What is the mind of humanity such that we are the only species that conspires for good or evil?
And finally, why do those who conspire for evil and promote closed system scientific policy wish to also ban “conspiracy thinking” in its entirety?
Hopefully, this video will be reissued as as a transcript, or maybe this phone already has that ability.