Is “terrorism” (either foreign or domestic) an organic phenomenon or something artificially created for geopolitical agendas? How have false flags historically been created to manipulate the behavior of a target population in conformity with the will of an oligarchy? How have British Intelligence-run operations shaped a full spectrum strategy of psychological operations during the Cold War which involve such programs as MK Ultra, Cointel Pro, and the Congress for Cultural Freedom? Finally: What is the multipolar alliance and how does this Open System paradigm represent the last and greatest hope for humanity even at this late date?
In this discussion on the weekly Rogue News program “The Strategic Hour with Matthew Ehret”, these questions and more are discussed.
"Unequivocal 9/11 Nukes" > a reader suggested Heinz Pomer, forward to Gordon Duff >
"Breaking: Solving Nuclear 9/11" > which missed some gamma ray absorbers >
"Exposing NIST Jenga Game" > all three posted at