Who Killed Alfred Herrhausen in 1989- and Why (The Answer Revealed After 32 Years)
This week, I had the great pleasure of moderating a Rising Tide Foundation lecture featuring investigative journalist, film maker and historian Dirk Pohlmann. Throughout this deep dive into history (premised on research that will be revealed in his upcoming book) Dirk sheds light on the truth of Deutschebank President Alfred Herrhausen's 1989 murder in startling detail.
This presentation takes an audience through a century of history starting with the British efforts to destroy the Berlin-Baghdad railway in the early 20th century as a parallel to the current drive for war against Russia and China.
This is followed by a zero-ing in on the takeover of US intelligence by the British during the 20th century and the CIA/MI6 use of fascist stay behinds throughout the post-WWII period to nominally fight the Soviets while in reality becoming a new clandestine terrorist-controlling army deployed against the population itself. With this context set, Dirk then tells the tale of Alfred Herrhausen’s vision for the post-Cold War era and what destroyed this momentum.
Speaker Bio:
Dirk Pohlmann is a German investigative journalist and documentary film maker. He has worked as television and print journalist for 35 years and has produced hundreds of televised reports. He has written and directed more than 20 documentaries, mostly about intelligence operations in the Cold War. His films have been aired in more than 20 countries, including Germany, France, Australia, USA, GB, Canada and Russia.
Pohlmann has studied communications, philosophy and law (MA) he obtained a commercial pilot license when he reported mostly about science, technology and aviation. He served as CEO of the most successful subcompany of the airship company Cargolifter and became a certified project manager during that time.
He is currently chief editor of Free21, an online and print magazine. He is acting partner of dibeva, an worldwide online media marketplace, (a sort of a journalistic ebay), which is currently in closed beta phase and will be online until the end of the year.
Dirk was contracted to write a book about the Herrhausen cold case in early 2019. The book was supposed to be published at the 30th anniversary of the murder. Herrhausen was killed with a high tech bomb. The murder happened on 30th November 1989, three weeks after the Berlin wall came down ushering in an age of great hope and potential which Herrhausen was intent on leading.
During his investigation, Pohlmann was able to solve the mystery of who killed Herrhausen, which in turn led to the question WHY he was killed. Answering this second most important question arose after Dirk discovered the killers (who had their own motives) were under surveillance, which means it was probably a case of "let it happen on purpose".