As I laid out in my recent trilogy ‘The Clash of the Two Americas’, false solutions to a crisis of global proportions are being promoted in the form of a “Great Global Reset” which aims at creating a new economic order under the fog of COVID.
Great article! You forgot to mention how the Rothschilds have impacted the history of the US beginning with the War of 1812 after the defeat of the renewal of the First Bank charter and after Waterloo in 1815, when the Rothschilds basically took ownership of Great Britain. Everyone should understand that any untoward mischief, like depressions and wars, that occurred during the 1800s, should automatically be attributed to the Rothschilds. Any untoward mischief, like depressions and wars, that occurred after 1902 should be attributed to The Anglo-American Pilgrims Society, which was formed by the Rothschilds and Cecil Rhodes’ minions after his death, and as called for in his wills.
You've been duped by a David Blaine style slight of hand. The Rothschilds have always been dynastic mercenaries on behalf of the inner family bloodlines of the black nobility which had formerly been concentrated in the Venetian oligarchy and intelligence priesthood before taking over England in 1688- a solid 60 years before Amshel Rothschild rose to prominence as a well-behaved Shylock. The oligarchy had used jewish families as their house slaves carrying out financial warfare on command since the take down of Khazaria and the insane crusades of the 11-13 centuries. The direct causal nexus of this evil is found in the ruling families and priesthood of the evil elite clubs of Rome that had infused themselves into Venice after Rome's fall. Before that they had been concentrated in the Persian empire and Babylonian before that. Khazaria is a master key in this, but not for the reasons you imagine. I delivered some remarks on this here: and wrote alot about this in my latest book
I know who David Blaine is, but is there something about his style that is especially relevant to what you're saying here, or would any number of other illusionists do just as well?
Was it I who introduced you to the Venetian Conspiracy and LaRouche, or had someone else already sent you “The American Almanac” before me? I’m still waiting for you to write about The Anglo-American Pilgrims Society.
One element of the psychological warfare since the beginning of all this especially ramped up into Industrialization and along with it materialism and looking at how millennials (a generalization) tune into their devices like no other generation before them to seek solace and then FakeBook and Social Media to soothe any rough edginess... these symptoms are well laid out in Jason Christoff's work... I enjoyed a couple of short interviews with Kerry Ford that may interest you and others
Matt, your grasp of history is forever an amazement to me. There is one aspect of American history that remains a bit unknown to most people and that is the change from the Articles of Confederation to the Constitution for the united States. If you have already discussed this change of sovereignty from the states to a central government, I may have missed it.
The Treaty of Paris was England's recognition that there were then 13 sovereign States (i.e. countries) in North America, but there appear to have been some operational anomalies for the American States under the Articles, and so the convention that was put together did not just modify the Articles, it created a new contract for the states, namely the Constitution.
As volatile as the interactions between the States may have been under the Articles, I keep wondering how life might have turned out if the Americas were still controlled by the sovereign States as opposed to being controlled by the current central government.
And, by the way, I suspect the perceived political problems associated with a constitutional convention is what keeps Americans from clamoring for a new con-con. Many Americans want to cling to the Constitution as it is, and don't want a new, more communist central government imposed on them as a result of another constitutional convention. Are they clear headed or are they crazy?
I haven't tackled it directly, although Robert Ingraham did a very good job going through it in Manhattan vs the Slave Power in 2014. I disagree with many of his later attacks on Matthew Carey and Henry Clay but there is alot of substance on the matter of the Constitutional convention itself :
If you listen to my introductions to the last few readings of Hamilton's Report on Manufactures you'll get a sense of the divided basket case situation of the nation between 1783-1787 which was very clearly bankrupt and on the verge of being re-absorbed into the fold of the highly centralized global british empire. You can find those videos here:
When trying to make sense of the articles of confederation, you have to ask if they made that divided character of the nation worse or better. Divide to Conquer is the name of empire.
Also last point of advice: The past doesn't cause the present. So things created in the past that were good and are used for evil in the present is not the fault of the thing created but rather the corruption permitted by the people over time who allowed a power of good to become used as a power of evil. A strong constitution is a great power to conduct coordinated action and provide for the general welfare while fighting evil. If this great power becomes hijacked by evil then you can either 1) organize renew and retake it or 2) try to destroy the thing itself... but then you might be playing into the hands of those evil forces that want to enslave you
Thanks. Good response. I'll follow up with your suggested links.
But, in general, it appears to me that America has devolved into another corrupt empire, which also appears to be ending its reign. I suppose that is a good thing as the American people never asked to become an empire, just as they never asked for the government to fight so many undeclared wars in so many countries, or to bow to a foreign influence as they do in 2022.
But, then again, the people also never asked the government to do anything lawless or unconstitutional as appears to be the regular occurrence these days. I find it interesting to see someone like Pelosi laughed when asked about the constitutionality of a bill. Laugh? Really? Why would she laugh? Is there something funny about abiding by the highest form of law in our country? Today, sadly enough, the central government seems to act far more communist than as a lawful and constitutional republic.
The Revolutionary War that led to the US Constitutional Federal Republic has never ended in the hearts and minds of the “Venetian” British-Dutch Oligarchy, which includes the Vatican and Rothschild Banksters. The war changed from armed conflict on a battlefield to political conflict fought with the power of the purse. Ever since the colonies won their independence the Oligarchy has been using whatever means available to them to chip away at the liberty and rights guaranteed by the Constitution, and to chip away at the bonds that unite the citizens in an independent sovereign nation. The Progressive Movement led by Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson is largely responsible for the transformation of the USA from a Constitutional Federal Republic into a Technocratic Administrative State. But the Administrative State is just a steppingstone in the Oligarchy’s master plan to create a New World Order, where independent sovereign nation-states are abolished and replaced with Mega-Regionalism administered by Technocrats guided by UN-WEF Agenda 21/2030, and the Oligarchy owns all of the land and resources. Neo-Feudalism is their endgame.
Thanks. I suspect that your thoughts are mainly that foreign powers are the destructive influences in America, and I agree. I also suspect that we agree on which religious sect may be the cause of all the destruction.
But, on the American empire, and assuming it is being systematically destroyed, perhaps returning states rights to the states and unhooking from the DC crime syndicate will help the individual Americans survive. I realize the One Worlders don't want fifty sovereign states to deal with.
I would also suggest that getting rid of the CPUSA/DNC political party might help.
On the contrary, I believe the One Worlders would very much encourage the dissolution of the Union into 50 separate sovereign nation-states. “Divide and Conquer” has been one of the Oligarchy’s most effective tactics throughout history, and it is still their prevalent tactic in use today. The Oligarchy instigated the Civil War with their “Divide and Conquer” strategy to dissolve the Union between slavery and non-slavery states. The slavery states were to be united with a new British colony comprising Mexico and the Caribbean to continue the production of cheap cotton and sugar. The non-slavery northern states were to be folded into the Canadian Commonwealth.
If you think about it, the Oligarchy slyly got the 17th Amendment ratified to make Senators popularly elected, rather than elected by State Legislatures.
Why? It is easier and cheaper to buy and corrupt Senators who are popularly elected by uneducated and mostly disinterested citizens than it is to have to buy-off all of the State legislators to get their candidates elected.
Today, the Oligarchy has a new name for their “Divide and Conquer” strategy called Critical Theory:
Globalists create Global Crises that justify Global Governance.
The Hegelian Dialectic:
Problem -
Globalists’ policies and actions result in the “Great Collapse of Society.”
Response -
Globalists implement their “Build Back Better” Plan.
Solution -
Globalists achieve their “Great Reset” “One-World“ “New World Order” where the Oligarchy (Royals, Black Nobility, Black Guelphs, Vatican, and Banksters) owns all of the land and resources, “We the People” are their serfs, and the Fascist Administrators manage the Global Technocracy based on UN-WEF Agenda 21/2030.
The “Great Collapse” of Society:
“The Frankfurt School and “Critical Theory”
The “Frankfurt School”, or Institute for Social Research, was set up by a group of Marxist intellectuals in Germany in 1923, affiliated to the University of Frankfurt and independently of the Communist Party, which has been influential in the development of Marxist theory ever since.
The Frankfurt School believed that as long as an individual had the belief – or even the hope of belief – that his divine gift of reason could solve the problems facing society, then that society would never reach the state of hopelessness and alienation that they considered necessary to provoke socialist revolution. Their task, therefore, was as swiftly as possible to undermine the Judeo-Christian legacy. To do this they called for the most negative destructive criticism possible of every sphere of life which would be designed to de-stabilize society and bring down what they saw as the ‘oppressive’ order. Their policies, they hoped, would spread like a virus—‘continuing the work of the Western Marxists by other means’ as one of their members noted.
To further the advance of their ‘quiet’ incremental cultural revolution (Fabian Socialism) – but giving us no ideas about their plans for the future – the School recommended (among other things):
Divide and Conquer.
The oppressed and their oppressors.
1. The creation of racism offenses.
2. Continual change to create confusion.
3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children.
4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority.
5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.
6. The promotion of excessive drinking/drug abuse.
7. Emptying of churches.
8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime.
9. Dependency on the state or state benefits.
10. Control and dumbing down of media.
11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family.
One of the main ideas of the Frankfurt School was to exploit Freud’s idea of ‘pan-sexualism’ – the search for pleasure, the exploitation of the differences between the sexes, the overthrowing of traditional relationships between men and women. To further their aims they would:
• attack the authority of the father, deny the specific roles of father and mother, and wrest away from families their rights as primary educators of their children.
• abolish differences in the education of boys and girls
• abolish all forms of male dominance – hence the presence of women in the armed forces
• declare women to be an ‘oppressed class’ and men as ‘oppressors.’
Interesting. Thanks. When I mentioned 'sovereignty' I was thinking that the NWO is trying very hard to destroy national boundaries and country's sovereignty, and I want that US state (i.e. country) sovereignty restored. I want national boundaries. I want to break big problems (e.g. the one world government) up into smaller, more manageable pieces. I would have 1,000 sovereign states if possible. Think of the control problems of 1,000 sovereign states as opposed to the control problems of one big mess. This was why I asked my original question. Was life better under the Articles than it has become under the Constitution?
The oligarchs want one set of rules for everyone, except they want no rules for themselves. That's the communist guidelines. Everyone at the slave level is treated the same, but rulers are a second and higher class, and they are treated better.
But, in real life, one size never fits all. We are, after all, individuals, and we are all different, not identical members of any group. And we all know that groups only enforce rules, and never create anything - creation always comes from the unique individual. So, while voluntary groupings may be quite acceptable for joint work efforts, forced groupings of individuals (like communist groupings) never works. If everyone becomes a communist, then we will see the genocides as were obvious in the Soviet Union. Remind me, I forget, how many millions of Russian Christians were genocided under Stalin? Is this what humanity wants?
In our world, isn't everything big also bad? Wasn't that why huge businesses like AT&T were broken up decades ago? What would our country be like if every state county became a sovereign state and if local laws had precedent over central government laws? Would rural counties now be happy they were not controlled by big city urban counties?
It is my theory that when we went from the Articles one branch of government, to the Constitution's three branch government, we planted the seeds of our own demise. Look at how big the central government has become. Besides the shadow rulers, can any citizen say he helps control that insane mess?
Great article! You forgot to mention how the Rothschilds have impacted the history of the US beginning with the War of 1812 after the defeat of the renewal of the First Bank charter and after Waterloo in 1815, when the Rothschilds basically took ownership of Great Britain. Everyone should understand that any untoward mischief, like depressions and wars, that occurred during the 1800s, should automatically be attributed to the Rothschilds. Any untoward mischief, like depressions and wars, that occurred after 1902 should be attributed to The Anglo-American Pilgrims Society, which was formed by the Rothschilds and Cecil Rhodes’ minions after his death, and as called for in his wills.
Recommend the following articles:
You've been duped by a David Blaine style slight of hand. The Rothschilds have always been dynastic mercenaries on behalf of the inner family bloodlines of the black nobility which had formerly been concentrated in the Venetian oligarchy and intelligence priesthood before taking over England in 1688- a solid 60 years before Amshel Rothschild rose to prominence as a well-behaved Shylock. The oligarchy had used jewish families as their house slaves carrying out financial warfare on command since the take down of Khazaria and the insane crusades of the 11-13 centuries. The direct causal nexus of this evil is found in the ruling families and priesthood of the evil elite clubs of Rome that had infused themselves into Venice after Rome's fall. Before that they had been concentrated in the Persian empire and Babylonian before that. Khazaria is a master key in this, but not for the reasons you imagine. I delivered some remarks on this here: and wrote alot about this in my latest book
I know who David Blaine is, but is there something about his style that is especially relevant to what you're saying here, or would any number of other illusionists do just as well?
Was it I who introduced you to the Venetian Conspiracy and LaRouche, or had someone else already sent you “The American Almanac” before me? I’m still waiting for you to write about The Anglo-American Pilgrims Society.
Incredible history! You are providing such an essential body of truth to us all. Thank you for your amazing work.
Still within that fiery trial we a Lincoln said:
"We shall nobly save, or meanly lose, the last, best hope of earth"
This remains our task. It remains at his late date the only hope of earth.
Thanks for your tireless work. Your obviously enjoying yourself, and why shouldn't you.
One element of the psychological warfare since the beginning of all this especially ramped up into Industrialization and along with it materialism and looking at how millennials (a generalization) tune into their devices like no other generation before them to seek solace and then FakeBook and Social Media to soothe any rough edginess... these symptoms are well laid out in Jason Christoff's work... I enjoyed a couple of short interviews with Kerry Ford that may interest you and others
Matt, your grasp of history is forever an amazement to me. There is one aspect of American history that remains a bit unknown to most people and that is the change from the Articles of Confederation to the Constitution for the united States. If you have already discussed this change of sovereignty from the states to a central government, I may have missed it.
The Treaty of Paris was England's recognition that there were then 13 sovereign States (i.e. countries) in North America, but there appear to have been some operational anomalies for the American States under the Articles, and so the convention that was put together did not just modify the Articles, it created a new contract for the states, namely the Constitution.
As volatile as the interactions between the States may have been under the Articles, I keep wondering how life might have turned out if the Americas were still controlled by the sovereign States as opposed to being controlled by the current central government.
And, by the way, I suspect the perceived political problems associated with a constitutional convention is what keeps Americans from clamoring for a new con-con. Many Americans want to cling to the Constitution as it is, and don't want a new, more communist central government imposed on them as a result of another constitutional convention. Are they clear headed or are they crazy?
I haven't tackled it directly, although Robert Ingraham did a very good job going through it in Manhattan vs the Slave Power in 2014. I disagree with many of his later attacks on Matthew Carey and Henry Clay but there is alot of substance on the matter of the Constitutional convention itself :
If you listen to my introductions to the last few readings of Hamilton's Report on Manufactures you'll get a sense of the divided basket case situation of the nation between 1783-1787 which was very clearly bankrupt and on the verge of being re-absorbed into the fold of the highly centralized global british empire. You can find those videos here:
When trying to make sense of the articles of confederation, you have to ask if they made that divided character of the nation worse or better. Divide to Conquer is the name of empire.
Also last point of advice: The past doesn't cause the present. So things created in the past that were good and are used for evil in the present is not the fault of the thing created but rather the corruption permitted by the people over time who allowed a power of good to become used as a power of evil. A strong constitution is a great power to conduct coordinated action and provide for the general welfare while fighting evil. If this great power becomes hijacked by evil then you can either 1) organize renew and retake it or 2) try to destroy the thing itself... but then you might be playing into the hands of those evil forces that want to enslave you
Thanks. Good response. I'll follow up with your suggested links.
But, in general, it appears to me that America has devolved into another corrupt empire, which also appears to be ending its reign. I suppose that is a good thing as the American people never asked to become an empire, just as they never asked for the government to fight so many undeclared wars in so many countries, or to bow to a foreign influence as they do in 2022.
But, then again, the people also never asked the government to do anything lawless or unconstitutional as appears to be the regular occurrence these days. I find it interesting to see someone like Pelosi laughed when asked about the constitutionality of a bill. Laugh? Really? Why would she laugh? Is there something funny about abiding by the highest form of law in our country? Today, sadly enough, the central government seems to act far more communist than as a lawful and constitutional republic.
The Revolutionary War that led to the US Constitutional Federal Republic has never ended in the hearts and minds of the “Venetian” British-Dutch Oligarchy, which includes the Vatican and Rothschild Banksters. The war changed from armed conflict on a battlefield to political conflict fought with the power of the purse. Ever since the colonies won their independence the Oligarchy has been using whatever means available to them to chip away at the liberty and rights guaranteed by the Constitution, and to chip away at the bonds that unite the citizens in an independent sovereign nation. The Progressive Movement led by Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson is largely responsible for the transformation of the USA from a Constitutional Federal Republic into a Technocratic Administrative State. But the Administrative State is just a steppingstone in the Oligarchy’s master plan to create a New World Order, where independent sovereign nation-states are abolished and replaced with Mega-Regionalism administered by Technocrats guided by UN-WEF Agenda 21/2030, and the Oligarchy owns all of the land and resources. Neo-Feudalism is their endgame.
Thanks. I suspect that your thoughts are mainly that foreign powers are the destructive influences in America, and I agree. I also suspect that we agree on which religious sect may be the cause of all the destruction.
But, on the American empire, and assuming it is being systematically destroyed, perhaps returning states rights to the states and unhooking from the DC crime syndicate will help the individual Americans survive. I realize the One Worlders don't want fifty sovereign states to deal with.
I would also suggest that getting rid of the CPUSA/DNC political party might help.
On the contrary, I believe the One Worlders would very much encourage the dissolution of the Union into 50 separate sovereign nation-states. “Divide and Conquer” has been one of the Oligarchy’s most effective tactics throughout history, and it is still their prevalent tactic in use today. The Oligarchy instigated the Civil War with their “Divide and Conquer” strategy to dissolve the Union between slavery and non-slavery states. The slavery states were to be united with a new British colony comprising Mexico and the Caribbean to continue the production of cheap cotton and sugar. The non-slavery northern states were to be folded into the Canadian Commonwealth.
If you think about it, the Oligarchy slyly got the 17th Amendment ratified to make Senators popularly elected, rather than elected by State Legislatures.
Why? It is easier and cheaper to buy and corrupt Senators who are popularly elected by uneducated and mostly disinterested citizens than it is to have to buy-off all of the State legislators to get their candidates elected.
Today, the Oligarchy has a new name for their “Divide and Conquer” strategy called Critical Theory:
Globalists create Global Crises that justify Global Governance.
The Hegelian Dialectic:
Problem -
Globalists’ policies and actions result in the “Great Collapse of Society.”
Response -
Globalists implement their “Build Back Better” Plan.
Solution -
Globalists achieve their “Great Reset” “One-World“ “New World Order” where the Oligarchy (Royals, Black Nobility, Black Guelphs, Vatican, and Banksters) owns all of the land and resources, “We the People” are their serfs, and the Fascist Administrators manage the Global Technocracy based on UN-WEF Agenda 21/2030.
The “Great Collapse” of Society:
“The Frankfurt School and “Critical Theory”
The “Frankfurt School”, or Institute for Social Research, was set up by a group of Marxist intellectuals in Germany in 1923, affiliated to the University of Frankfurt and independently of the Communist Party, which has been influential in the development of Marxist theory ever since.
The Frankfurt School believed that as long as an individual had the belief – or even the hope of belief – that his divine gift of reason could solve the problems facing society, then that society would never reach the state of hopelessness and alienation that they considered necessary to provoke socialist revolution. Their task, therefore, was as swiftly as possible to undermine the Judeo-Christian legacy. To do this they called for the most negative destructive criticism possible of every sphere of life which would be designed to de-stabilize society and bring down what they saw as the ‘oppressive’ order. Their policies, they hoped, would spread like a virus—‘continuing the work of the Western Marxists by other means’ as one of their members noted.
To further the advance of their ‘quiet’ incremental cultural revolution (Fabian Socialism) – but giving us no ideas about their plans for the future – the School recommended (among other things):
Divide and Conquer.
The oppressed and their oppressors.
1. The creation of racism offenses.
2. Continual change to create confusion.
3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children.
4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority.
5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.
6. The promotion of excessive drinking/drug abuse.
7. Emptying of churches.
8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime.
9. Dependency on the state or state benefits.
10. Control and dumbing down of media.
11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family.
One of the main ideas of the Frankfurt School was to exploit Freud’s idea of ‘pan-sexualism’ – the search for pleasure, the exploitation of the differences between the sexes, the overthrowing of traditional relationships between men and women. To further their aims they would:
• attack the authority of the father, deny the specific roles of father and mother, and wrest away from families their rights as primary educators of their children.
• abolish differences in the education of boys and girls
• abolish all forms of male dominance – hence the presence of women in the armed forces
• declare women to be an ‘oppressed class’ and men as ‘oppressors.’
Interesting. Thanks. When I mentioned 'sovereignty' I was thinking that the NWO is trying very hard to destroy national boundaries and country's sovereignty, and I want that US state (i.e. country) sovereignty restored. I want national boundaries. I want to break big problems (e.g. the one world government) up into smaller, more manageable pieces. I would have 1,000 sovereign states if possible. Think of the control problems of 1,000 sovereign states as opposed to the control problems of one big mess. This was why I asked my original question. Was life better under the Articles than it has become under the Constitution?
The oligarchs want one set of rules for everyone, except they want no rules for themselves. That's the communist guidelines. Everyone at the slave level is treated the same, but rulers are a second and higher class, and they are treated better.
But, in real life, one size never fits all. We are, after all, individuals, and we are all different, not identical members of any group. And we all know that groups only enforce rules, and never create anything - creation always comes from the unique individual. So, while voluntary groupings may be quite acceptable for joint work efforts, forced groupings of individuals (like communist groupings) never works. If everyone becomes a communist, then we will see the genocides as were obvious in the Soviet Union. Remind me, I forget, how many millions of Russian Christians were genocided under Stalin? Is this what humanity wants?
In our world, isn't everything big also bad? Wasn't that why huge businesses like AT&T were broken up decades ago? What would our country be like if every state county became a sovereign state and if local laws had precedent over central government laws? Would rural counties now be happy they were not controlled by big city urban counties?
It is my theory that when we went from the Articles one branch of government, to the Constitution's three branch government, we planted the seeds of our own demise. Look at how big the central government has become. Besides the shadow rulers, can any citizen say he helps control that insane mess?