You mentioned the new physics crowd of Oppenheimer, etc were more probability-centered.
OK, I’m in one of those moods to touch a hundred subjects in one pass, and have a moment to do it, so buckle-up, heh.
Yes, quantum physics went into a lock-box dead-end, because the idea of knowing subatomic “hidden variables” was declared forbidden. The attempted refutation of Einstein, that God indeed plays dice. So yes. Hence the wave function talks about probability, not cause and effect, essentially.
The fact that this statistical approach “works” is a red herring, used to browbeat questioners demanding an underlying mechanism, as if they were cult victims in dire need of de-programming.
When an argument like this feels dishonest or evasive of rational causality, or feels like clever mind-virus sophistry, trust your instinct and never settle for missing causality.
Remember our minds are of the universe too, and reflect a knowable reality, not eternal mystery and superstition as some would prefer, for sake of continued exploitation by a entrenched oligarchy without setbacks by game-changing discoveries.
The final wisdom on the subject of how widespread organized conspiracy is in actual practice in high places, is clarified by the sudden realization, that many so-called exaggerated conspiracies are no more exaggerated than everyday plots by certain imprisoned criminals to dominate the others in prison by any means necessary. To morally compromised individuals, it’s simply a question of who gets “punked”, and who maintains Alpha status.
Back to the topic of the statistical roots of the anti-Einstein crowd, the method of determining the chain reaction odds was called Monte Carlo, I played with it in the computer, and there are modern fractal algorithms that are even more efficient, while running in parallel, and it’s interesting and fun. It speeds up complex searches for a buried optimum, and similar hard multi-variable calculations.
Monte Carlo works like randomly throwing darts at a fixed model via sampling, and seeing where they come out, the method being necessary because calculating the whole problem using the traditional approach, results in a combinational explosion, the problem becomes computationally intractable from a practical standpoint; it would take too long to finish.
The Monte Carlo method got the Manhattan mathematicians their answers for calculating the neutron collision rate under certain assumptions, snd thus the required critical mass, but like the wave equation, furnishes no seed of further insight into the underlying mechanisms behind the probabilities.
Causality was sacrificed on the altar of practical application, and “what works”, statistically-speaking.
Now, on the bright-side of new developments, the pilot wave theory of Louis de Broglie was recently given a second lease on life, as a possible mechanism involving memory in an oscillating system. A French scientist set up a vibrating bath of silicone oil and dropped droplets of silicone oil onto the vibrating pool, and many quantum behaviors became evident and dramatically demonstrated under camera.
Critics say it’s not the same thing, an overreaching comparison, etc. but nevertheless, this idea provides an edifice into the general type of mechanism we should be looking for. At the very least, it reminds us of the potential for discovering new dynamical phenomena that might bear fruit in better explaining subatomic systems.
The droplet makes a splash, and the splash from previous impacts guides the droplet. A mutual-two-way cause and effect feedback loop. Most interesting stuff!
Notice how feedback seems to be the root of complex behavior. I don’t buy all complexity theory as it goes statistical too hard in much the same way as quantum mechanics, but highlighting feedback with memory in the loop seems like where the next breakthroughs or clarifications will come from.
Notice feedback mechanisms are deeply related to qualitative change found all over nature and biology, where change builds up a new contribution and then snaps to something different altogether, often in a dramatically non-linear way. The fun is there, in the non-linear department. Notice even in our human inventions of distinction, feedback plays a pivotal role; the jet turbine engine, oscillators, control circuits of all kinds and, the most interesting and capable part of computer programming, such as graphics depicting fluid dynamics, etc. These all use memory mixed with gradients, to morph from one form into another seamlessly.
As a fun side note, I heard one AI guy I follow say something pretty profound on this topic, essentially that a linear relation has no meaning, being absent of change by definition, the ends just go off into their supposed opposite directions forever, so without imposed “mile-markers”, one can’t tell where one is located as everything looks the same anywhere within the line itself, but an exponential, by contrast, has intrinsic meaning in the sense that it has a trend, a change and a rate of change, thus containing not only the curve per-se, but the boundaries of itself. If you go one way you converge on zero or low values, and if you go the opposite way, you converge on infinite values, like bumpers on the boundaries. It has no need for imposed mile-markers, as it might be used in nature by this implicit self-contained essence of its own nature. In this sense the exponential also has more generative power, as all profound causes in nature seem to be non-linear.
Modern math suffers from always trying to make linear, what in nature is inherently non-linear. So they cheat to achieve linearization, and garbage comes down the chute.
Or they model by resorting to a statistical conclusion, which always shares the quality of occluding the underlying mechanism.
Which is the problem with AI, they assume after-the-fact knob turning reapplied to the beginning for another go at it, makes something “intelligent”. It only goes so far, there is something much more subtle at play.
A good start towards a general remedy js being able to spot “illegal arguments” before they steal the stage, or exorcise them by effectively detecting the deception buried in the underlying assumptions.
As the RT motto says, “Question More.”
They could not have been more succinct as to the solution for the overall problem.
The professional myth-makers explore the multi-dimensional space of bs people will buy into, and milk it for all it is worth. At the end of the day, it feels like cheap salesman showmanship.
Yet another reason to get Fusion working, it claims ground away from these operations and recenters the public imagination on human creative potential and a future with a clearly articulated pathway to progress. Oh, that last part will sting the most.
I keep being surprised by occult on-ramps, influencers that present originally like deeply-reasoned or profound introductions, only to see it descend into un-reason upon closer inspection. It’s freakin’ everywhere, especially with the wealthy. The more money they have, the kookier or more shallow they are once you scratch the carefully-curated facade. It’s like a jungle out there, and all the predators use advanced psychological and truth camouflage to attract prey, often wanna-be successful folk, but naive enough to get lured in as a useful idiot.
It’s dense in higher circles, because it’s a common practice to use these beliefs like converting people to a religion, for building their fiefdoms using the gullible as a pawn army. These manipulators see other human beings as slot machines, pull the handle (sell the claim) and see what prize drops out. Then after some success with this tactic, they start to believe their own bs. This includes both academia and the corporate business world, both stuffed full of well-fed quacks. And now that this “getting ahead” pattern has fully saturated the intelligence and military circles, it is no wonder we are headed to nuclear war with Russia. The rare still-honest power brokers are now forced to capitulate to the tide of the trend. God bless those who push back.
😜 title is like libertanos books of rebelnews director ezra levant, seems this series of sopranos really hit cultural mind 😉
'Whore of Havana' The Justin Trudeau Story (Premiere)
Premiere of 'Whore of Havana' The Justin Trudeau Story
A Film by Dean Ryan
Exploring the checkered past of Canada's notorious Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his deep rooted connection to Fidel Castro.
You mentioned the new physics crowd of Oppenheimer, etc were more probability-centered.
OK, I’m in one of those moods to touch a hundred subjects in one pass, and have a moment to do it, so buckle-up, heh.
Yes, quantum physics went into a lock-box dead-end, because the idea of knowing subatomic “hidden variables” was declared forbidden. The attempted refutation of Einstein, that God indeed plays dice. So yes. Hence the wave function talks about probability, not cause and effect, essentially.
The fact that this statistical approach “works” is a red herring, used to browbeat questioners demanding an underlying mechanism, as if they were cult victims in dire need of de-programming.
When an argument like this feels dishonest or evasive of rational causality, or feels like clever mind-virus sophistry, trust your instinct and never settle for missing causality.
Remember our minds are of the universe too, and reflect a knowable reality, not eternal mystery and superstition as some would prefer, for sake of continued exploitation by a entrenched oligarchy without setbacks by game-changing discoveries.
The final wisdom on the subject of how widespread organized conspiracy is in actual practice in high places, is clarified by the sudden realization, that many so-called exaggerated conspiracies are no more exaggerated than everyday plots by certain imprisoned criminals to dominate the others in prison by any means necessary. To morally compromised individuals, it’s simply a question of who gets “punked”, and who maintains Alpha status.
Back to the topic of the statistical roots of the anti-Einstein crowd, the method of determining the chain reaction odds was called Monte Carlo, I played with it in the computer, and there are modern fractal algorithms that are even more efficient, while running in parallel, and it’s interesting and fun. It speeds up complex searches for a buried optimum, and similar hard multi-variable calculations.
Monte Carlo works like randomly throwing darts at a fixed model via sampling, and seeing where they come out, the method being necessary because calculating the whole problem using the traditional approach, results in a combinational explosion, the problem becomes computationally intractable from a practical standpoint; it would take too long to finish.
The Monte Carlo method got the Manhattan mathematicians their answers for calculating the neutron collision rate under certain assumptions, snd thus the required critical mass, but like the wave equation, furnishes no seed of further insight into the underlying mechanisms behind the probabilities.
Causality was sacrificed on the altar of practical application, and “what works”, statistically-speaking.
Now, on the bright-side of new developments, the pilot wave theory of Louis de Broglie was recently given a second lease on life, as a possible mechanism involving memory in an oscillating system. A French scientist set up a vibrating bath of silicone oil and dropped droplets of silicone oil onto the vibrating pool, and many quantum behaviors became evident and dramatically demonstrated under camera.
Is this what quantum mechanics looks like?
Also, an older video on silicone-bath pilot waves dramatically narrated by Morgan Freeman…
Yves Couder . Explains Wave/Particle Duality via Silicon Droplets [Through the Wormhole]
Critics say it’s not the same thing, an overreaching comparison, etc. but nevertheless, this idea provides an edifice into the general type of mechanism we should be looking for. At the very least, it reminds us of the potential for discovering new dynamical phenomena that might bear fruit in better explaining subatomic systems.
The droplet makes a splash, and the splash from previous impacts guides the droplet. A mutual-two-way cause and effect feedback loop. Most interesting stuff!
Notice how feedback seems to be the root of complex behavior. I don’t buy all complexity theory as it goes statistical too hard in much the same way as quantum mechanics, but highlighting feedback with memory in the loop seems like where the next breakthroughs or clarifications will come from.
Notice feedback mechanisms are deeply related to qualitative change found all over nature and biology, where change builds up a new contribution and then snaps to something different altogether, often in a dramatically non-linear way. The fun is there, in the non-linear department. Notice even in our human inventions of distinction, feedback plays a pivotal role; the jet turbine engine, oscillators, control circuits of all kinds and, the most interesting and capable part of computer programming, such as graphics depicting fluid dynamics, etc. These all use memory mixed with gradients, to morph from one form into another seamlessly.
As a fun side note, I heard one AI guy I follow say something pretty profound on this topic, essentially that a linear relation has no meaning, being absent of change by definition, the ends just go off into their supposed opposite directions forever, so without imposed “mile-markers”, one can’t tell where one is located as everything looks the same anywhere within the line itself, but an exponential, by contrast, has intrinsic meaning in the sense that it has a trend, a change and a rate of change, thus containing not only the curve per-se, but the boundaries of itself. If you go one way you converge on zero or low values, and if you go the opposite way, you converge on infinite values, like bumpers on the boundaries. It has no need for imposed mile-markers, as it might be used in nature by this implicit self-contained essence of its own nature. In this sense the exponential also has more generative power, as all profound causes in nature seem to be non-linear.
Modern math suffers from always trying to make linear, what in nature is inherently non-linear. So they cheat to achieve linearization, and garbage comes down the chute.
Or they model by resorting to a statistical conclusion, which always shares the quality of occluding the underlying mechanism.
Which is the problem with AI, they assume after-the-fact knob turning reapplied to the beginning for another go at it, makes something “intelligent”. It only goes so far, there is something much more subtle at play.
A good start towards a general remedy js being able to spot “illegal arguments” before they steal the stage, or exorcise them by effectively detecting the deception buried in the underlying assumptions.
As the RT motto says, “Question More.”
They could not have been more succinct as to the solution for the overall problem.
The professional myth-makers explore the multi-dimensional space of bs people will buy into, and milk it for all it is worth. At the end of the day, it feels like cheap salesman showmanship.
Yet another reason to get Fusion working, it claims ground away from these operations and recenters the public imagination on human creative potential and a future with a clearly articulated pathway to progress. Oh, that last part will sting the most.
I keep being surprised by occult on-ramps, influencers that present originally like deeply-reasoned or profound introductions, only to see it descend into un-reason upon closer inspection. It’s freakin’ everywhere, especially with the wealthy. The more money they have, the kookier or more shallow they are once you scratch the carefully-curated facade. It’s like a jungle out there, and all the predators use advanced psychological and truth camouflage to attract prey, often wanna-be successful folk, but naive enough to get lured in as a useful idiot.
It’s dense in higher circles, because it’s a common practice to use these beliefs like converting people to a religion, for building their fiefdoms using the gullible as a pawn army. These manipulators see other human beings as slot machines, pull the handle (sell the claim) and see what prize drops out. Then after some success with this tactic, they start to believe their own bs. This includes both academia and the corporate business world, both stuffed full of well-fed quacks. And now that this “getting ahead” pattern has fully saturated the intelligence and military circles, it is no wonder we are headed to nuclear war with Russia. The rare still-honest power brokers are now forced to capitulate to the tide of the trend. God bless those who push back.
The darkness of the place called Canada is deep.