I don't know. I'll think about it long and hard......

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Wish I could post pictures or screenshots here.

I’m sure you’ve hear of Derek Johnson. He has three channels on Telegram. In one of his posts he tracks a military plane (many of them actually) that’s flying out of Israel. It a huge plane. And the call sign was FAM3527. First thing I though was this is our military extracting Americans. Family

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Have you got anything in writing on Darby the Plymouth Bretheren and their dealings in the occult? It would be greatly appreciated

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Your work and the detail you provide is exactly what I have been looking for. You’ve inspired me to further my research and find my calling. I’m waiting to start a new job next week and when I do, I will be buying all of your books. Thank you for your thorough work and knowledge. Every single person should be following you and I sincerely hope your work achieves the reach it deserves.

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