Matt, I have found no evidence, whatsoever, to suggest that the Protocols of Zionism is a hoax or a conspiracy. By what measure or standard, just because?

If you’re going to say the Protocols are a conspiracy, then I say, “so what, it’s the date they were first discovered and discussed that’s more relevant than the author.”

Put together a group of “legitimate” historians of no less than 50 scholars (25 of whom believe the protocols are from Rothschild’s own archives) and all who understand the Protocols significance, particularly the date they were first discovered during the 1800’s and the information they contain. Go over it line by line, protocol by protocol, and discuss the specifics compared to how history has played out over time.

Look, let’s just go ahead and assume Rothschild did not have this private meeting and these secret minutes are bogus, but rather a Jew-hater wrote them. It’s truly irrelevant in the great scheme of historical events since their discovery. Correct? Convince me these Protocols were written by an antisemite, and I’ll still insist they are relevant and should be used to condemn Zionists straight to hell, not religion of course. Bloody Hell, man, I’ll support any individual’s right to nail themselves to a burning cross for their love of Satan, just so long as nobody else is nailed to the other side. Love ya, Matt.

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There is alot to unpack here and I think I'll have to write an essay to do it justice. The key to hold in mind is the dynamics surrounding it as well as they key players promoting it with a focus on the top down intention to destroy the age of win-win cooperation emerging with the end of empire in the later half of the 19th century. In the following essay, Marjorie Mazel Hecht did a good job as a starting point at painting that picture, but there is much more. Again, don't have time for an extended answer atm, but will have an essay on it soon, since it's pretty important https://larouchepub.com/eiw/public/2002/eirv29n31-20020816/eirv29n31-20020816_035-sergei_zubatovs_police_socialism.pdf

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👍🏽👍👍🏿 If I had the resources to produce a ten part, 30 hour mini-documentary to fully expand on every single point of the protocols—in conjunction with how history has played out up to WWII, then the Cold War and use of vaccines to date—I’d pay you whatever necessary to help me co-produce with two others, because you’re absolutely correct; it’s extraordinarily important to get this correct, especially for my own work.

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Read Scarlet and the Beast, John Daniel Pgs 287-320 (1995). Here it is explained in detail why it was a forgery and gives you the history. BTW it was actually THE PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF SION . NB Not Zion.

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Thanks, Jack. But my interests evolve around the “date” and “contents” of the protocols; when they were first shared and talked about, worldwide, early 1800’s, and then the history that has played out over the past two hundred years, not so much who the author was. It’s not a proper use of the term “forgery” when the argument is strictly centered around the date and relevancy of those who put these rules into practice over the years.

Frankly, I don’t care if aliens wrote them. We can go back and forth until we’re blue in the face about who wrote this satanic document, which is a distraction like every argument about these writings or what Zionism is. What’s important is that Zionist Rothschild and Rockefeller families have methodically installed ALL of these policies in every country on earth by bought government officials for over two centuries, which directly coincides with the Protocols to the letter. And for over two centuries now those who have talked about these protocols have been vilified, beaten, imprisoned and some murdered, not because these writings and satanic principles don’t exist, but because they are very real and stand on their own, shedding light on the truths of Rothschild, Rockefeller and Zionism.

Again, I have no dog in this fight about the true author (the term “forgery” is not germane to the argument). Also, I practice no religion, though I do support an individual’s right to practice any faith, even Satanisms, so long as it’s private and no slaves are involved.

I’ve got a 3 hour audio reading of the Protocols from manuscripts first published late 1800’s, then again early 1900’s available to all without subscription. But if you do subscribe for free, I’ll upgrade you to paid for free for life so you can continue this discussion and post important links on my substack for other readers. Thanks again.


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Thanks, If you don't like the facts because they don't agree with your perception, is not my problem.

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Sion were first said to have been the minutes of the first Zionist Congress at Basel, Switzerland, August 29-31, 1897.

According to Robert John, author of Behind the Balfour Declaration, the 197 Jewish delegates were a mixture of the orthodoxy, nationalists, liberals, atheists, culturalists, anarchists, socialists, and capitalists.

In three days, these Jews are said to have discussed, debated, then agreed upon a detailed conspiracy for world dominion.

The alleged outcome of that Congress was a document containing the minutes to twenty-four lengthy meetings detailing how the Jewish intrigue was to unfold.

It defies imagination, how Jews of such mixed convictions, who find it difficult to agree on any issue within their own persuasion, completed twenty-four Protocols in just three days.

So live with it.

And no I am not interested in your ambush tactic to follow your substack. Thanks for the offer and I suggest you read the book Scarlet and the Beast.

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Jesus, Jack. First, my post was meant for Matt, but YOU approached me for an exchange, so I offered a reply stating my honest objectives. I understand you want me to believe what you do, but I’m not a Borg, I’m an individual historian who’ll no doubt have my own list of historical “facts” many will disagree with, and that’s okay. So long as none of you get in my way or try to silence me, we’re cool.

Second, I made it perfectly clear that the point of topic I’m interested is NOT who the author(s) of the protocols are (and that goes for “Rothschild’s” Balfour Declaration, too) but how history has played out after first discovering them along with similar writings—over 30 variations going back late 1790’s. It’s actually a three thousand year history of radical Jewish philosophy of “creating wars” for power and profit, one of several books in a series which is almost half complete (an encyclopedia). I’ll be offering my paid subscribers free hard and digital copies with an audio version in my own voice.

Out of respect for Matt and to allow you an opportunity to further an intelligent discussion in my own domain, not here, I offered you a “FREE” lifetime Paid subscription. Not sure how that’s construed as an ambush. Have you seen what I charge? But I do offer visitors and those who choose to remain free subscribers other non-reoccurring sub options for as little as $1.

I try to be accommodating to my own subscribers, but I mostly avoid conversations with other writer’s subscribers, and I try to stay clear of emotional-charged opinions, mostly because my mind doesn’t work that way, but I do offer my subscribers the right to freely post their opinions, even crazy ideas, as well as send me private email, without attacking them.

I tend to relate much better with other autistics and have always found most “normal” non-professionals confusing, if not troubling, especially when they behave like they’re on a militant-mission trolling for conflict over “facts” they insist are true—like the nasty “fact-checkers” found all over the internet controlling most platforms screaming at people, shadow-banning & shutting down dialogue they disagree with.

Like Carl Sagan had said, “I want to Know (understand) not Believe” science and historical facts, particularly pertaining to the history of war, war economics and the Zionists (Rothschild, Rockefeller, Israeli radicals…) money & power junky’s illegitimate war profits.

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Thanks for that useful informative response, it does indeed seem unlikely that ANY group could organise such a plan in only three days, let alone such varied individuals.

Can you shed any light on why the book you mentioned is called Scarlet and the Beast? Related to Revelations, is it?

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