In this week’s episode of Breaking History, Gordon and I break down the ill spent life of Henry Kissinger, agent of empire, devotee to a cult of stasis and high priest of the New World Order, from his role as young sociopathic protege of Rhodes Scholar William Yandall Elliot, to CIA agent, to CFR leader, Bilderberger, Rockefeller tool and controller of the Davos Group and Trilateral Commission.
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Kissinger In The Afterlife. Longer and more refined piece I wrote about it on Substack:
From an email that I wrote to a group of friends:
Matt Ehret jokes in the beginning of this podcast: "I'm sure Kissinger is smelling spiritual sulfur" right now for his sins and the way he conducted his life.
But, I don't believe so. Now this gets into the real meat of this email: What's the Afterlife? I don't believe in Eternal Hell. I don't believe that even Hitler and Kissinger deserve an "eternal torment," as bad of motherfuckers as they are. Many of us want revenge on our enemies, and we want people to burn in Hell (Well, I don't.) Even 30 million or 50 million or 100 million dead bodies have their run-out of punishment, their time when you get done paying for your murder of them. Should you have to spend 50 million years in Hell for each body that you killed? the established Western religious traditions, you don't spend 50 million years in Hell for killing 50 million people. No. You spend an ETERNITY. That's not Google Years, that's not 10 to the 1000 years. That's Infinity years. How can you comprehend Infinity. And...of course, you also spend an eternity in Hell for, simply, masturbating. Just like Hitler, even if you were the nicest person on earth. Even if you are Mother Theresa, but masturbate once in your life, you spend an Eternity in torment...Because you were not covered by the Blood of Jesus, you see. All sin is treated equally in the Bible, and sin is sin and will get you to Hell nonetheless the same...Because it's not about what you do or don't do (not by works)'s about being a member of the VIP Club.
So you could kill 100 million people like Hitler might have wanted to do but just because you accepted Christ right at the end, you get to go to Heaven. While a nice guy who never singed a hair on anybody's head but masturbated or cussed or drank or fucked a man gets to go to Hell, if he doesn't "accept Christ." Which is not as easy as it sounds, because "Disciple = Christian = Saved" and you have to go through the studies, count the cost, repent, give up everything, and be baptized, and bear fruit (that is, have the Holy Spirit help you succeed in bringing other disciples to Church. Cause if you don't, "the tree that does not bear fruit will be cut off of the vine." So it does not depend on your works, but by others' decisions to buy your sale and close the deal and accept your terms of joining your church. If you do not close the deal, make the sale, you don't get into Heaven. Your heart grows hard and you eventually end up leaving the Church. And as my former pastor once said loudly in the auditorium: "If you fall away, you go to Hell! That's all there's too it." in that ra ra sporty kind of pep rally way.
Nah...I don't believe in that. So, no, I don't want Henry Kissinger to go to Hell. I wouldn't wish that on even my worst enemy.
But then what about Reincarnation? I lean towards belief in that, and there's some strong anecdotal evidence pointing in that direction (past life memories by kids and knowledge of certain facts and languages that young kids would not have access to). But...Will Henry Kissinger have to pay Karma in a past life for what he did? Will Hitler have to pay Karma for what he did? Spending thousands of lifetimes of suffering, thousands of deaths in childbirth, birth abnormalities, birth defects, living a life of Incel, suffering enslavement and torture and oppression?
That then begs the question: "Are oppressed people, like Jews in concentration camps in Germany, Blacks on plantations in America, Iraqis starving after their water infrastructure was destroyed, Africans dying of preventable diseases such as cholera and water borne parasites, and malaria as a result of poverty and lack of infrastructure...Are they all former Hitlers and Stalins and Genghis Khans and Pol Pots? Or former wife beaters, rapists, abusers? Are they all paying Karma for past sins? Do they, in fact, deserve their fate? You see, such a view of reincarnation engenders an attitude that can easily lend itself to accepting oppression of others and being silent about it.
How about Reincarnation Without Karma? How about, no matter what you did or did not do...You just come into another body and it is a total reset, total starting over, regardless, without consequences, without Karma?
I think this latest is the fairest and best system. I know it sounds counterintuitive because we as Humans want to see the wrongdoers suffer for their crimes. But think about it a little harder and deeper for a minute...
What does this last scenario engender? It engenders an attitude of: The Universe is not going to bring Justice; Justice is on US to make. It's on us to make it a better world.
The fact of the matter is EVERYBODY is paying for the Karma of Adolf Hitler, not just Hitler. For Hitler set into motion a train of circumstances and causality that led to the present world. Would there be an Israeli-Palestinian conflict without Hitler? The Law of Cause and Effect and Karma rather sets up the stage, sets up the platform, onto which the actors step. The stage and the platform is the Past. We are suffering the Karma, collectively, of Woodrow Wilson's Treaty of Versailles and League of Nations, for there wouldn't have been a World War II nor a Vietnam War nor the present Middle Eastern conflicts without that.
Karma doesn't just affect an individual; it affects the whole world. So, this last question engenders the kind of attitude of: "What kind of world do you want to inherit in future lifetimes?" If the world tomorrow is an oligarchy where 99% of the people are slaves and serfs, and only 1% are masters, then there is a 99 out of 100 chance that in your next lifetime you will be a slave/serf. Doesn't matter how good of a person you are.
So we better get it right, think about what kind of world that we want to reincarnate into, and work for that.
The top picture was striking. My father claimed that Dr. Strangelove was Henry Kissinger.
I first saw the movie in 1965, watched it again with our son 12 years ago when he was studying 20th Century history (Cold War phase), and I couldn't have confirmed that the leading photo wasn't Peter Sellers.