Well, there's always another perspective, I don't agree with either Putin or Bashad, both being notorious genocidal tyrants.
Anyway, for those who might be interested:
A book on the subject:
"The Devils' Alliance: Hitler's Pact with Stalin, 1939-1941 Hardcover – Illustrated, October 14, 2014
by Roger Moorhouse
Excerpts from the Amazon description:
"... Forged by the German foreign minister, Joachim von Ribbentrop, and his Soviet counterpart, Vyacheslav Molotov, the nonaggression treaty briefly united the two powers in a brutally efficient collaboration. Together, the Germans and Soviets quickly conquered and divided central and eastern Europe -- Poland, the Baltic States, Finland, and Bessarabia -- and the human cost was staggering: during the two years of the pact hundreds of thousands of people in central and eastern Europe caught between Hitler and Stalin were expropriated, deported, or killed. Fortunately for the Allies, the partnership ultimately soured, resulting in the surprise June 1941 German invasion of the Soviet Union. Ironically, however, the powers' exchange of materiel, blueprints, and technological expertise during the period of the Pact made possible a far more bloody and protracted war than would have otherwise been conceivable. ..."
An excerpt from the first lines of this excellent thread by Sergej Sumlenny:
"THREAD Let's start a long thread about how Russian book market prepared Russians for a full-scale war against Ukraine, NATO, the West, and promoted stalinism and nazism, and how this was ignored by the West. Keep seat belts fasten, you will see a lot of nasty things here.
A very elucidative post on XTwitter with a link which helps to clarify the person's statements:
Michael Anderson
·Dec 15
'Something not often pointed out is that Stalin literally proposed formally allying with Hitler and joining the Axis powers, and offered massive food aid to Nazi Germany, in return for some Eastern Europe land claims.'
"The USSR collaborated with the Nazis to divide Europe. Stalin was Hitler's eager partner in the launch of WWII. The Molotov-Ribbentrop pact was denied until near the collapse of the Soviet Union 50 years later. Putin rehabilitated it and then made mentioning it illegal."
Of course there's much more but there would no feasibility to post them all here in a single comment nor would it be necessary as I guess this is more than enough to exemplify this is not a subject one should approach with a partial attitude. I listened to both sides and took my own conclusions and so should anyone else who is seriously trying to find the facts behind the usual manipulations in info wars.
Well, there's always another perspective, I don't agree with either Putin or Bashad, both being notorious genocidal tyrants.
Anyway, for those who might be interested:
A book on the subject:
"The Devils' Alliance: Hitler's Pact with Stalin, 1939-1941 Hardcover – Illustrated, October 14, 2014
by Roger Moorhouse
Excerpts from the Amazon description:
"... Forged by the German foreign minister, Joachim von Ribbentrop, and his Soviet counterpart, Vyacheslav Molotov, the nonaggression treaty briefly united the two powers in a brutally efficient collaboration. Together, the Germans and Soviets quickly conquered and divided central and eastern Europe -- Poland, the Baltic States, Finland, and Bessarabia -- and the human cost was staggering: during the two years of the pact hundreds of thousands of people in central and eastern Europe caught between Hitler and Stalin were expropriated, deported, or killed. Fortunately for the Allies, the partnership ultimately soured, resulting in the surprise June 1941 German invasion of the Soviet Union. Ironically, however, the powers' exchange of materiel, blueprints, and technological expertise during the period of the Pact made possible a far more bloody and protracted war than would have otherwise been conceivable. ..."
A few threads and comments on XTwitter on the Nazi alliances in WWII
The Soviets and the Nazis prior to the Barbarossa Operation:
"Russia always denies it, but they started WW2 together with Germany.
On September 17, 1939, the Soviet Red Army invaded Poland, splitting the country in half with Germany as previously agreed between the two.
This video shows the joint German-Soviet victory parade on Sep. 22nd"
An excerpt from the first lines of this excellent thread by Sergej Sumlenny:
"THREAD Let's start a long thread about how Russian book market prepared Russians for a full-scale war against Ukraine, NATO, the West, and promoted stalinism and nazism, and how this was ignored by the West. Keep seat belts fasten, you will see a lot of nasty things here.
A very elucidative post on XTwitter with a link which helps to clarify the person's statements:
Michael Anderson
·Dec 15
'Something not often pointed out is that Stalin literally proposed formally allying with Hitler and joining the Axis powers, and offered massive food aid to Nazi Germany, in return for some Eastern Europe land claims.'
Another similar comment:
Garry Kasparov
Dec 14
"The USSR collaborated with the Nazis to divide Europe. Stalin was Hitler's eager partner in the launch of WWII. The Molotov-Ribbentrop pact was denied until near the collapse of the Soviet Union 50 years later. Putin rehabilitated it and then made mentioning it illegal."
The Mufti of Jerusalem and Hitler
And, last but not least, the long history of neo Nazis in Russia after WWII:
Russia's long history of neo-Nazis
Another article:
Who Are The Neo-Nazis Fighting For Russia In Ukraine?
A video from 2004:
The Rise Of Neo-Nazism In Russia (2004)
Another video:
Inside Russia’s Neo Nazi Network | Full Documentary
An academic paper:
CERS Working Paper 2015
Neo-Nazism and Racist Violence in Russia
Harriet Neely
Of course there's much more but there would no feasibility to post them all here in a single comment nor would it be necessary as I guess this is more than enough to exemplify this is not a subject one should approach with a partial attitude. I listened to both sides and took my own conclusions and so should anyone else who is seriously trying to find the facts behind the usual manipulations in info wars.