Zionism is rebranded British intelligence. They popped up Zionism and The Muslim Brotherhood at the same time. They control the opposition and all sides. This parasite class is tiresome. Up to no good all the time, it is their full-time job. The British empire went underground, to maintain control. Just like the Roman Empire rebranded to the Holy Roman Catholic Church.
By the way the Book of Job explains that Ice storm of the Century over New York if not the entire Eastern Seaboard? Want to know why?
Further I was watching the nightly news when I saw the women reporter read a report off her desk about a terrifying thunder hailstorm hitting the City of Boston causing such widespread havoc that some sports game came to a complete stop with the spectators running for cover from the incessant downpour. I'll never forget the look on that women's face as she had to glance back down at her desk mystified by what she had just read. What I said too myself is that all about? Why God did you do that because as it is written:
The Lord will cause people to hear his majestic voice and will make them see his arm coming down with raging anger and consuming fire, with cloudburst, thunderstorm and hail. (Isaiah 30:30)
Three days later what did we all wake up to?
Nice eh? But yeah, its carbon? It's industrial pollution?
Time to return to Everything's Written!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You know how they say Art imitates Life? Well there is a scene in the movie The Shooter where the planners of the execution were meeting on a golf course in Phoenix, Arizona which is the playground of the rich and powerful yes? After watching that movie I had to think about the UFO lights over Phoenix, and thought too myself hmmm, isn't that interesting?
1997 isn't an insignificant year where 9/11 is concerned, yes, and so if one adds the two together the questions needs asking were those lights in response to what the Creator knew about they're plans to destroy the two towers and accordingly was trying to communicate? Divine Communication comes in many forms but I'd imagine the USAF would rather capture one of those beings of light and have an interrogation instead because religion the christian religion is for stupid people?
Ah, Georgy boy, the Bernard where are you now hmmm?
George Bernard Shaw, a member of that special club over there in Great Britain said something quite telling being a member of that club:
"The only thing wrong with Christianity, is that it hasn't been tried yet." lol?
Whats blows my mind though are the birthdays and deaths and history of two people:
John Wesley - Born, June 23, 1703 Died, March 2, 1791
Charles Darwin Born, February 12, 1809 Died, April 19, 1882
Do you see it? 18 years!!! That's all that separated Wesley death to Darwin's birth meaning that not even a full generation had passed and England replaced Christianity with the ape? And if one knows anything about climate change and the life of John Wesley and the Moravian's moreover one would know that the weather was affected by they're lives with verifiable proofs in evidence!!!
There is another lie, the greatest perhaps to ever come from our Universities. Faith is blind because God can't be observed to exist. That and of course Carl Sagan's BS 'extraordinary proofs require extraordinary evidence.' No wonder we have God redefined as an alien and the UFO conundrum? lol
Wow, how, Evangelical Christianity has been subverted. Reminds me of a lady from South Africa, a mere housewife who was told by God to go to America and tell her to repent. Her message entitled Ichabod or Revival speaks truth especially the one sentence that she testifies arrived from God Himself about there being; "A tidal Wave of Deception flooding into the Church and my people do not know the difference between truth and error anymore." And because of it judgment will arrive to cleanse her. Texas is a strange place with the likes of Hagee etc? these people have totally and completely mis-interpreted the Bible!!! Take for example Ezekiel 38 and 39 which has nothing whatsoever to do with Russia and Germany nothing! The really egregious mistake of interpretation is the chapter before it about the Valley of Dry Bones which is the foundational piece of Zionism. If any bothered to pay attention to just one sentence in that chapter and one will find that the dry bones coming back to life ie:
Then you, my people, will know that I am the Lord, when I open your graves and bring you up from them. I will put my Spirit in you and you will live, and I will settle you in your own land. 37:13
Has already actually happened two thousand years ago!!! This is not an analogy of a restored nation but rather a literal event which had its first introduction with Christ Jesus resurrection from the dead which resulted in not just Christ returning from the dead but of all of those who were kept in chains until that day arrived. that is why we read that many of the prophets of old were seen in the City of Jerusalem. Further proof of this is "I will put my Spirit in you" did that not occur with Pentecost? It most certainly did!!!! So this prophecy has actually two parts the second and final piece arriving with the second advent when all will be restored. So note please the errors of interpretation!!! And if you wish my full interpretation of it I wrote the only book on the subject the self published Lies all Lies by Gerry Fox. Or the updated version Errors and Lies which hasn't been published yet.
The subversion of Christianity is simply enormous, shocking actually. Satan and his minions have gone into overdrive now i fear. And if this wasn't bad enough imagine this writers disbelief of watching Christianity go down the road of carbon being the result of climate change. now that is truly bizarre as the Bible makes it 100% clear that climate change is the work of God. And to think I wrote the only book on the entire subject!!! Even branches of science have discovered that what the bible says on the subject is recorded right there in they're archaeological studies and discoveries. Fascinating beyond belief really. Welcome to God World is the title of another forthcoming book on the subject if I can just get it published properly? The first was Climate Change the Work of God but again self -published. Magnificent illustrations and truth on the entire subject.
We have been lied to and for those who want truth I'd suggest you get cracking on it!!!
FYI, Ezekiel 37 remember His words? "If only you knew what belongs to your peace etc etc etc? And understand something about AD70 that date isn't as important as what came later in 363 AD May 31 to be exact.. At 3:00 AM in the morning an earthquake struck the city leveling it completely, a day set aside by the Jewish people as party central since that was the very day the work was to begin to rebuild they're temple. All was prepared the costly wood and such but probably no red hefer lol and yikes, the judgment of God again falls on the Eternal City? Imagine what took some 200 hundred years to prepare for has now taken 2000 years and if one knows the Book of Revelation like I do note that another earthquake is arriving except this time it goes global! Hmmm, what were Christs words to St. Paul? It is hard for you to kick against the goads." Alas, those goads "{pricks} are now in the pulpit of our churches? I prefer the words "wolves" however, from Acts 20:29
Know what is another egregious error? The unbelievable nonsense of the pre-tribulation rapture of the Church.. Tens of millions of people are not gong to suddenly disappear. Cars without drivers are not going to fly off freeways! Planes without pilots are not going to fall out of the sky. This is such total and absurd nonsense and if the Church and especially the Christian Zionists really knew the truth they would be running for the caves to hide from what is actually going to unfold. And not one of them would be all giddy to run to Israel and have fun waiting for the end of the world to happen and actually helping it along for goodness sakes. The rapture if any bothered to really pay attention occurs at the end of the trib period so guess what we are all going to be around when the final curtain goes up and that final curtain guess what it pertains to? A worldwide economic system wherein all buying and selling is done with a mark in either ones hand or forehead. When we find in the Book of Revelation a statement that runs like this:
"Here is the mind that has wisdom."
Don't you think you should be paying attention? A sentence that refers to what? A coming king who will cause all rich and poor free and slave to receive a mark in either ones hand or forehead without which one will not be able to do any economic activity without it. Rev. 13:
And he is given power to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast will even [appear to] speak, and cause those who do not bow down and worship the image of the beast to be put to death. 16 Also he compels all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead [signifying allegiance to the beast], 17 and that no one will be able to buy or sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name.
This will be the final line drawn in the sand for the entire human race and we will be here to see it all go down. O how will the Christian Zionists explain to they're congregants when asked excuse me but why are we still here to suffer this indignity? Yeah? Best to pay attention to Christs words about the ten virgins? You know the wise ones especially?
I was just a teenager when I first came across this and believed it to be true but at the time perplexed that so little was written about the whole thing. I was left searching for more answers as to how this could be and found two people one of whom was a Dr. Willard Cantelon. He was Oxford educated, held a distinguished chair at that institution and was at all of the important meetings throughout the world looking for answers. He wrote a number of great books one of which is my go to on the subject. He clearly reveals how the banking world moved from paper money to a number system due of course to the miracle of technology and computerization. His conclusion is roughly well in his own words:
World War 2 produced a system of rationing where the number on the coupon book took priority over money as legal tender or a medium of exchange.
The author reminds his readers that the masses which accepted the ration system under the crisis of war will accept the new number system under a monetary crisis that will be purposely created by those wishing to establish world control.
When I look at the development of the CBDC and the QR Code I say too myself yikes and ask woe is the QR Code that mark that St. John saw two thousand years ago? An even bigger yikes for me was reading this shocking piece about the great reset posted on the Henry Makow website and one needs to read it!!!!. Seriously!!!!
Be one of the wise virgins folks and don't listen for one iota anything from the Christian Zionists!!!!! Not one bloody thing!!! And warn all to stay away further!!!
The rapture occurs at near the end of the seven years, unfortunately, and probably in conjunction with the final global earthquake!! So no cars or planes flying off anywhere lol?
Another strange error is this idea that Christ Jesus isn't for the Jews, only for the Gentiles? When the Christian Zionists find themselves still on Planet Earth when the false Messiah shows up just imagine the horror show? Just think of the Noahide Laws and the charge of idolatry against us in the Christian Church? The last place a Christian will want to be is anywhere in the vicinity of the Promised Land!
Wow, why wasn't William Blackstone stopped from doing what he was doing? Or told to do what St. Paul tried to do evangelize and save the people from the errors of they're ways? Unbelievable!
Thanks for sharing these engaging interviews and others. You seem very busy. Please note however that “breaking history” episodes ( which you tag this substack to) seem to end with Sean Morgan. ( who seems to have disappeared as well). I prefer to listen on the go and use the audio only ( uses less power and is more portable re wifi access) So with some digging I found this podcast in “Badlands Media” ( marked as episode 37, as you note.
Zionism is rebranded British intelligence. They popped up Zionism and The Muslim Brotherhood at the same time. They control the opposition and all sides. This parasite class is tiresome. Up to no good all the time, it is their full-time job. The British empire went underground, to maintain control. Just like the Roman Empire rebranded to the Holy Roman Catholic Church.
By the way enjoy that Belly Button song did you? Couldn't stop smiling or laughing hmmm?
By the way the Book of Job explains that Ice storm of the Century over New York if not the entire Eastern Seaboard? Want to know why?
Further I was watching the nightly news when I saw the women reporter read a report off her desk about a terrifying thunder hailstorm hitting the City of Boston causing such widespread havoc that some sports game came to a complete stop with the spectators running for cover from the incessant downpour. I'll never forget the look on that women's face as she had to glance back down at her desk mystified by what she had just read. What I said too myself is that all about? Why God did you do that because as it is written:
The Lord will cause people to hear his majestic voice and will make them see his arm coming down with raging anger and consuming fire, with cloudburst, thunderstorm and hail. (Isaiah 30:30)
Three days later what did we all wake up to?
Nice eh? But yeah, its carbon? It's industrial pollution?
Time to return to Everything's Written!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You know how they say Art imitates Life? Well there is a scene in the movie The Shooter where the planners of the execution were meeting on a golf course in Phoenix, Arizona which is the playground of the rich and powerful yes? After watching that movie I had to think about the UFO lights over Phoenix, and thought too myself hmmm, isn't that interesting?
1997 isn't an insignificant year where 9/11 is concerned, yes, and so if one adds the two together the questions needs asking were those lights in response to what the Creator knew about they're plans to destroy the two towers and accordingly was trying to communicate? Divine Communication comes in many forms but I'd imagine the USAF would rather capture one of those beings of light and have an interrogation instead because religion the christian religion is for stupid people?
Ah, Georgy boy, the Bernard where are you now hmmm?
George Bernard Shaw, a member of that special club over there in Great Britain said something quite telling being a member of that club:
"The only thing wrong with Christianity, is that it hasn't been tried yet." lol?
Whats blows my mind though are the birthdays and deaths and history of two people:
John Wesley - Born, June 23, 1703 Died, March 2, 1791
Charles Darwin Born, February 12, 1809 Died, April 19, 1882
Do you see it? 18 years!!! That's all that separated Wesley death to Darwin's birth meaning that not even a full generation had passed and England replaced Christianity with the ape? And if one knows anything about climate change and the life of John Wesley and the Moravian's moreover one would know that the weather was affected by they're lives with verifiable proofs in evidence!!!
There is another lie, the greatest perhaps to ever come from our Universities. Faith is blind because God can't be observed to exist. That and of course Carl Sagan's BS 'extraordinary proofs require extraordinary evidence.' No wonder we have God redefined as an alien and the UFO conundrum? lol
Wow, how, Evangelical Christianity has been subverted. Reminds me of a lady from South Africa, a mere housewife who was told by God to go to America and tell her to repent. Her message entitled Ichabod or Revival speaks truth especially the one sentence that she testifies arrived from God Himself about there being; "A tidal Wave of Deception flooding into the Church and my people do not know the difference between truth and error anymore." And because of it judgment will arrive to cleanse her. Texas is a strange place with the likes of Hagee etc? these people have totally and completely mis-interpreted the Bible!!! Take for example Ezekiel 38 and 39 which has nothing whatsoever to do with Russia and Germany nothing! The really egregious mistake of interpretation is the chapter before it about the Valley of Dry Bones which is the foundational piece of Zionism. If any bothered to pay attention to just one sentence in that chapter and one will find that the dry bones coming back to life ie:
Then you, my people, will know that I am the Lord, when I open your graves and bring you up from them. I will put my Spirit in you and you will live, and I will settle you in your own land. 37:13
Has already actually happened two thousand years ago!!! This is not an analogy of a restored nation but rather a literal event which had its first introduction with Christ Jesus resurrection from the dead which resulted in not just Christ returning from the dead but of all of those who were kept in chains until that day arrived. that is why we read that many of the prophets of old were seen in the City of Jerusalem. Further proof of this is "I will put my Spirit in you" did that not occur with Pentecost? It most certainly did!!!! So this prophecy has actually two parts the second and final piece arriving with the second advent when all will be restored. So note please the errors of interpretation!!! And if you wish my full interpretation of it I wrote the only book on the subject the self published Lies all Lies by Gerry Fox. Or the updated version Errors and Lies which hasn't been published yet.
The subversion of Christianity is simply enormous, shocking actually. Satan and his minions have gone into overdrive now i fear. And if this wasn't bad enough imagine this writers disbelief of watching Christianity go down the road of carbon being the result of climate change. now that is truly bizarre as the Bible makes it 100% clear that climate change is the work of God. And to think I wrote the only book on the entire subject!!! Even branches of science have discovered that what the bible says on the subject is recorded right there in they're archaeological studies and discoveries. Fascinating beyond belief really. Welcome to God World is the title of another forthcoming book on the subject if I can just get it published properly? The first was Climate Change the Work of God but again self -published. Magnificent illustrations and truth on the entire subject.
We have been lied to and for those who want truth I'd suggest you get cracking on it!!!
FYI, Ezekiel 37 remember His words? "If only you knew what belongs to your peace etc etc etc? And understand something about AD70 that date isn't as important as what came later in 363 AD May 31 to be exact.. At 3:00 AM in the morning an earthquake struck the city leveling it completely, a day set aside by the Jewish people as party central since that was the very day the work was to begin to rebuild they're temple. All was prepared the costly wood and such but probably no red hefer lol and yikes, the judgment of God again falls on the Eternal City? Imagine what took some 200 hundred years to prepare for has now taken 2000 years and if one knows the Book of Revelation like I do note that another earthquake is arriving except this time it goes global! Hmmm, what were Christs words to St. Paul? It is hard for you to kick against the goads." Alas, those goads "{pricks} are now in the pulpit of our churches? I prefer the words "wolves" however, from Acts 20:29
Cheers Matthew
Know what is another egregious error? The unbelievable nonsense of the pre-tribulation rapture of the Church.. Tens of millions of people are not gong to suddenly disappear. Cars without drivers are not going to fly off freeways! Planes without pilots are not going to fall out of the sky. This is such total and absurd nonsense and if the Church and especially the Christian Zionists really knew the truth they would be running for the caves to hide from what is actually going to unfold. And not one of them would be all giddy to run to Israel and have fun waiting for the end of the world to happen and actually helping it along for goodness sakes. The rapture if any bothered to really pay attention occurs at the end of the trib period so guess what we are all going to be around when the final curtain goes up and that final curtain guess what it pertains to? A worldwide economic system wherein all buying and selling is done with a mark in either ones hand or forehead. When we find in the Book of Revelation a statement that runs like this:
"Here is the mind that has wisdom."
Don't you think you should be paying attention? A sentence that refers to what? A coming king who will cause all rich and poor free and slave to receive a mark in either ones hand or forehead without which one will not be able to do any economic activity without it. Rev. 13:
And he is given power to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast will even [appear to] speak, and cause those who do not bow down and worship the image of the beast to be put to death. 16 Also he compels all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead [signifying allegiance to the beast], 17 and that no one will be able to buy or sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name.
This will be the final line drawn in the sand for the entire human race and we will be here to see it all go down. O how will the Christian Zionists explain to they're congregants when asked excuse me but why are we still here to suffer this indignity? Yeah? Best to pay attention to Christs words about the ten virgins? You know the wise ones especially?
I was just a teenager when I first came across this and believed it to be true but at the time perplexed that so little was written about the whole thing. I was left searching for more answers as to how this could be and found two people one of whom was a Dr. Willard Cantelon. He was Oxford educated, held a distinguished chair at that institution and was at all of the important meetings throughout the world looking for answers. He wrote a number of great books one of which is my go to on the subject. He clearly reveals how the banking world moved from paper money to a number system due of course to the miracle of technology and computerization. His conclusion is roughly well in his own words:
World War 2 produced a system of rationing where the number on the coupon book took priority over money as legal tender or a medium of exchange.
The author reminds his readers that the masses which accepted the ration system under the crisis of war will accept the new number system under a monetary crisis that will be purposely created by those wishing to establish world control.
When I look at the development of the CBDC and the QR Code I say too myself yikes and ask woe is the QR Code that mark that St. John saw two thousand years ago? An even bigger yikes for me was reading this shocking piece about the great reset posted on the Henry Makow website and one needs to read it!!!!. Seriously!!!!
Dr. Cantelon 1973 and now this? WOW!
Be one of the wise virgins folks and don't listen for one iota anything from the Christian Zionists!!!!! Not one bloody thing!!! And warn all to stay away further!!!
The rapture occurs at near the end of the seven years, unfortunately, and probably in conjunction with the final global earthquake!! So no cars or planes flying off anywhere lol?
Another strange error is this idea that Christ Jesus isn't for the Jews, only for the Gentiles? When the Christian Zionists find themselves still on Planet Earth when the false Messiah shows up just imagine the horror show? Just think of the Noahide Laws and the charge of idolatry against us in the Christian Church? The last place a Christian will want to be is anywhere in the vicinity of the Promised Land!
Wow, why wasn't William Blackstone stopped from doing what he was doing? Or told to do what St. Paul tried to do evangelize and save the people from the errors of they're ways? Unbelievable!
great story
Thanks for sharing these engaging interviews and others. You seem very busy. Please note however that “breaking history” episodes ( which you tag this substack to) seem to end with Sean Morgan. ( who seems to have disappeared as well). I prefer to listen on the go and use the audio only ( uses less power and is more portable re wifi access) So with some digging I found this podcast in “Badlands Media” ( marked as episode 37, as you note.