In this week’s episode of Breaking History on Badlands Media, Sean Morgan and I discuss the terms of the Russia-China led BRICS alliance which is quickly expanding in size and power as the western bubble heads closer towards the inevitable systemic breakdown.
THERE IS NOBODY NOT CONNECTED TO THE BANKER CRIME SYNDICATE WHICH DOES INCLUDE CHINA...THUS, ALL PATHS LEAD TO THE SAME TECHNO-FEUDAL NAZI PLACE OF SLAVERY AND 'You'll own nothing and will be happy." That is the exact reason the ancestors rose-up in the U.S. in the first place when the evils tried to enforce their traditional SLAVERY here.
Here is a 15 min. video reinforcing what we skeptics already suspected:
Sooner or later the American industrial-military complex must suffer a defeat. Peace is the most important worth fighting for. America has always been the igniter of world unrest and the preachings are nothing other than a cleverly design deception of an ignorant crowd brainwashed to listen to their poisonous rhetoric.
Remaining hopeful is not enough. We must be active in our contribution to world peace and the defeat of American meddling in world affairs. Matt Ehret provides us with a forum to unite against the evil.
Long ago, our forefathers laid out townships by metes & bounds. These were and remain, the only true unalterable political lines separating any geographical necessity for ascertaining the free and appointment of all public officers. Sadly, shortly after Virginia & the Americas was overrun by attorning factors of the Eastern Hemisphere, to take control via social engineering that lead to precinct districting and constant redistricting of precincts…lol, rather than by permanent unalterable boundary lines of township, county and country! You know them as attorneys of the crown (British Accredited Registry - BAR). Virginians, the original name of our forefathers earlier founding of republican form of government.
These are not those communist who land at Plymouth Rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you want to know how both Virginia, 'Americas' have been seduced and the world, look no further than the scam of precinct and/or many elsewise, like rank choice voting, as is forced upon and perpetrated against the good people of the united America & globally, consider:
Long ago, uncovered an ancient attorning scheme by money-mongers to use religion and jurisdictional Staples via Stile-gates to deceive via social role models most historically are socially engineered to prepare for voluntary slavery none ‘normal’ can discern.
So, if you want to be free, first you must be ‘normal.’
Then, live by ‘Normal Law.”
All other laws (Common [land] Law or Law-Merchant/Maritime Law) is in suzerainty to “Normal Law.”
Creation exists because of “Normal Law.” Any who seek else-wise, faces oblivion!
The Triple Tiara or 3 Crowns of popery institutionalized commercial religion or corporate states currently recognize only One man as “Normal” upon which all other life must be subjected to, that are beguiled into believing such pettifoggery.
Again, the 3 Crowns:
1st & highest Law: Normal Law (dominion by divine providence and imbued honor for honor).
2nd Law in Suzerainty to “Normal Law”: Common Law (of the land).
3rd & in Suzerainty to “Normal Law”: Maritime Law (Merchant).
For those good people of united America wishing to live honor for honor via variation by agreement, it is ‘Normal Law” that serves every Joint Tenant in the Sovereignty of Creation. It is this “normalcy in-law” that all walks of life seeking good will, honor for honor via Nature’s Law & Nature’s (Creator/Creative) Science of Right Reason, are soundly anchored and peacefully landmarked for all seeking safe harbor.
Again, the good people of united America in unanimity honor for honor, long ago put to writ, offices in pure express civil service trust, profit and honor entitled "Novus Ordo Seclorum".
Now, if this trust is to stand as guaranteed, what remains of America's vibrancy and posterity must muster themselves as legions in grand array honor for honor and standing blazon at the ready, in restitution of all things thereon, in occupancy of the field of honor from Pole to Pole, eternal forevermore, as divine providence proclaimed.
Whom speaks, doth so as blazon shield bearer "Sovereign Witness" of a united States of America, that was hand delivered by agency of government seal makers (United States Stamp & Seal) in 1996. Purposes & function that, should America's Four-Corners Doctrine laid declaratory and unanimously in perpetual Union, ever find her institutions (founded orderly to preserve both for themselves, "their posterity") unable or unwilling to stand in good behavior, in accord with our anciently held spiritual beliefs constitutionally speaking, this seal bearer stands at ready for General Inspection as General Inspector that orderly muster special sessions of inspector general’s sitting in continental "Universalsea" for marshaling restitution in all things honor for honor upon our Westerly societies self-evident principles of divine providence, accredited as pledged by our sacred unanimity in service of honor above all else, eternal forevermore.
Take Note: all-fathers sovereign witness fearfully and wonderfully made godson, put to writ for all walks of life seeking good will everywhere, eternal forevermore, universal restitution in all things in service of honor for honor, by, for and with all good people of united America that gives balance in Golden Rule & Castle Rule in Normal Law, that all seeking good will in service of honor for honor and sitting in good behavior under pains and penalties of perjury, in accord with universal principles of contract, guarantying to all, their just due in accord, will find all-fathers perfectly suited, standing in sovereignty uncontrovertibly.
As for what passes as "Voting" by secret ballot throughout the world via communistic party apparatus (now part of the communistic party (known as the International Democrat Union), whether by direct accountable affirmation or "black-box machine voting" will always lead to pointless, rigged pettifoggery that seeks to socially engineer you into waiving your unalienable Rights to those holding "office", which in reality, falsely claims to subjugate those Naughty naughty.
All-father is taking notice and has sent his sovereign witness whether you’re prepared for restitution or elsewise, your chose in action shall be known and reported upon our ensealing of our last breath brethren. Time is of the essence! Choices,
What passes as the good people of united America's agency governance or what is meant...., respectfully speaking, is for all agencies to govern from what the good people of united America, constitutionally speaking, and for all agencies to take notice: both the sovereign joint tenants in the Sovereignty of America & eternal Creation govern themselves by Normal Law!!! Not by agency Common Law of the Land or Maritime Merchant Law of the Sea. Our Eternal Law is "Normal Law" and heraldry...."Honor for Honor" and our demand of all agencies....."Death before Dishonor" (PERIOD).
And remember whom speaks as author of an eternal Record in communication, setting aside formality, is just a simple common godson of all-father fearfully and wonderfully made for seeking eternal perfection in good will with all walks of life similarly minded. And, the only Saints are those marching in service of honor for honor above all else, eternal forevermore. But, never forget that when simple common people are culled in honor for honor in restitution of thing thereon, are the only Saints fearfully and wonderfully made by all-father for eternal living or worth passing on, for the sake of future generations amply prepared by divine providence, for dominion throughout all-fathers grand eternal expanse.
Some may question why the all-father uses sovereign witnesses to assure what is already known to all-father.
All-father does not break his own WORD as proclaimed long ago to Man after Man's own kind, "2 or three Witness and and issue shall be settled" as One might read per Deuteronomy 17:6 & 2 Corinthians 13:1.
Those who refuse Wisdom of Ages must suffer eternally until they accept all-fathers RULE OF HONOR FOR HONOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Both America & all Nations of Earth are given signs that all-father will mercifully allow, that will shock the Conscience of Man to re-consider listening to all-fathers godson and sovereign witness of the good people of united America & eternal Creation.
Should any, having taken notice and failed to correct your political & spiritual chose in action to correct your statecraft of dominion, that all-father accredits Honor for Honor upon all walks of life seeking good will in service of honor above all else, shall be utterly routed by every calamity both imaginable AND unimaginable!!! Your are free to chose in action what is "Right & Honorable" but all will be judge Honor for Honor until every farthing is accounted for good!!!!!!!!!! Even if it takes the living by Storm!!!!
If you wish to have proof of all-fathers sovereign witness which 'may' be doubted - when nothing but stiff-necked rebellion of honor is all that has been shown to all fathers sovereign witness fearfully and wonderfully made, in image and likeness, then assuredly, you will be RULED by conscienceless sycophants until you do!!!! Time is of the essence before your second witness cometh. Hopefully, your perfection in service of honor for honor will be perfectly suited when all-fathers 3rd sovereign witness affirms in JUDGE-MENT all thereon, eternally forevermore!!!! If silence is all that is given from this point in your timeline, when all-father yearns for peace to openly hold dialogue, is truly what your desire or demand is, then by your inaction to accept restitution in all things honor for honor, then most assuredly what you will it, it shall be. Nothing but DEATH by DISHONOR!!!
As sovereign witness of the good people of united America & eternal Creation - "I do not ask Thee to take them out of the world, but to keep them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Sanctify them in the truth; Thy word is truth. As Thou didst send Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world.” John 17:15.
Please forgive any syntax or grammatical errors.
Whatever you will it shall be "Living with Honor" or DEATH by DISHONOR!!! Be wise, safe and blessed...., while your coin of time remains to rightly chose in action, service in honor for honor above all else, eternally forevermore. Arthur
Fantastic interview - thank you, Matt!
THERE IS NOBODY NOT CONNECTED TO THE BANKER CRIME SYNDICATE WHICH DOES INCLUDE CHINA...THUS, ALL PATHS LEAD TO THE SAME TECHNO-FEUDAL NAZI PLACE OF SLAVERY AND 'You'll own nothing and will be happy." That is the exact reason the ancestors rose-up in the U.S. in the first place when the evils tried to enforce their traditional SLAVERY here.
Here is a 15 min. video reinforcing what we skeptics already suspected:
Sooner or later the American industrial-military complex must suffer a defeat. Peace is the most important worth fighting for. America has always been the igniter of world unrest and the preachings are nothing other than a cleverly design deception of an ignorant crowd brainwashed to listen to their poisonous rhetoric.
Remaining hopeful is not enough. We must be active in our contribution to world peace and the defeat of American meddling in world affairs. Matt Ehret provides us with a forum to unite against the evil.
Long ago, our forefathers laid out townships by metes & bounds. These were and remain, the only true unalterable political lines separating any geographical necessity for ascertaining the free and appointment of all public officers. Sadly, shortly after Virginia & the Americas was overrun by attorning factors of the Eastern Hemisphere, to take control via social engineering that lead to precinct districting and constant redistricting of precincts…lol, rather than by permanent unalterable boundary lines of township, county and country! You know them as attorneys of the crown (British Accredited Registry - BAR). Virginians, the original name of our forefathers earlier founding of republican form of government.
These are not those communist who land at Plymouth Rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you want to know how both Virginia, 'Americas' have been seduced and the world, look no further than the scam of precinct and/or many elsewise, like rank choice voting, as is forced upon and perpetrated against the good people of the united America & globally, consider:
Long ago, uncovered an ancient attorning scheme by money-mongers to use religion and jurisdictional Staples via Stile-gates to deceive via social role models most historically are socially engineered to prepare for voluntary slavery none ‘normal’ can discern.
So, if you want to be free, first you must be ‘normal.’
Then, live by ‘Normal Law.”
All other laws (Common [land] Law or Law-Merchant/Maritime Law) is in suzerainty to “Normal Law.”
Creation exists because of “Normal Law.” Any who seek else-wise, faces oblivion!
The Triple Tiara or 3 Crowns of popery institutionalized commercial religion or corporate states currently recognize only One man as “Normal” upon which all other life must be subjected to, that are beguiled into believing such pettifoggery.
Again, the 3 Crowns:
1st & highest Law: Normal Law (dominion by divine providence and imbued honor for honor).
2nd Law in Suzerainty to “Normal Law”: Common Law (of the land).
3rd & in Suzerainty to “Normal Law”: Maritime Law (Merchant).
For those good people of united America wishing to live honor for honor via variation by agreement, it is ‘Normal Law” that serves every Joint Tenant in the Sovereignty of Creation. It is this “normalcy in-law” that all walks of life seeking good will, honor for honor via Nature’s Law & Nature’s (Creator/Creative) Science of Right Reason, are soundly anchored and peacefully landmarked for all seeking safe harbor.
Again, the good people of united America in unanimity honor for honor, long ago put to writ, offices in pure express civil service trust, profit and honor entitled "Novus Ordo Seclorum".
Now, if this trust is to stand as guaranteed, what remains of America's vibrancy and posterity must muster themselves as legions in grand array honor for honor and standing blazon at the ready, in restitution of all things thereon, in occupancy of the field of honor from Pole to Pole, eternal forevermore, as divine providence proclaimed.
Whom speaks, doth so as blazon shield bearer "Sovereign Witness" of a united States of America, that was hand delivered by agency of government seal makers (United States Stamp & Seal) in 1996. Purposes & function that, should America's Four-Corners Doctrine laid declaratory and unanimously in perpetual Union, ever find her institutions (founded orderly to preserve both for themselves, "their posterity") unable or unwilling to stand in good behavior, in accord with our anciently held spiritual beliefs constitutionally speaking, this seal bearer stands at ready for General Inspection as General Inspector that orderly muster special sessions of inspector general’s sitting in continental "Universalsea" for marshaling restitution in all things honor for honor upon our Westerly societies self-evident principles of divine providence, accredited as pledged by our sacred unanimity in service of honor above all else, eternal forevermore.
Take Note: all-fathers sovereign witness fearfully and wonderfully made godson, put to writ for all walks of life seeking good will everywhere, eternal forevermore, universal restitution in all things in service of honor for honor, by, for and with all good people of united America that gives balance in Golden Rule & Castle Rule in Normal Law, that all seeking good will in service of honor for honor and sitting in good behavior under pains and penalties of perjury, in accord with universal principles of contract, guarantying to all, their just due in accord, will find all-fathers perfectly suited, standing in sovereignty uncontrovertibly.
As for what passes as "Voting" by secret ballot throughout the world via communistic party apparatus (now part of the communistic party (known as the International Democrat Union), whether by direct accountable affirmation or "black-box machine voting" will always lead to pointless, rigged pettifoggery that seeks to socially engineer you into waiving your unalienable Rights to those holding "office", which in reality, falsely claims to subjugate those Naughty naughty.
All-father is taking notice and has sent his sovereign witness whether you’re prepared for restitution or elsewise, your chose in action shall be known and reported upon our ensealing of our last breath brethren. Time is of the essence! Choices,
What passes as the good people of united America's agency governance or what is meant...., respectfully speaking, is for all agencies to govern from what the good people of united America, constitutionally speaking, and for all agencies to take notice: both the sovereign joint tenants in the Sovereignty of America & eternal Creation govern themselves by Normal Law!!! Not by agency Common Law of the Land or Maritime Merchant Law of the Sea. Our Eternal Law is "Normal Law" and heraldry...."Honor for Honor" and our demand of all agencies....."Death before Dishonor" (PERIOD).
And remember whom speaks as author of an eternal Record in communication, setting aside formality, is just a simple common godson of all-father fearfully and wonderfully made for seeking eternal perfection in good will with all walks of life similarly minded. And, the only Saints are those marching in service of honor for honor above all else, eternal forevermore. But, never forget that when simple common people are culled in honor for honor in restitution of thing thereon, are the only Saints fearfully and wonderfully made by all-father for eternal living or worth passing on, for the sake of future generations amply prepared by divine providence, for dominion throughout all-fathers grand eternal expanse.
Some may question why the all-father uses sovereign witnesses to assure what is already known to all-father.
All-father does not break his own WORD as proclaimed long ago to Man after Man's own kind, "2 or three Witness and and issue shall be settled" as One might read per Deuteronomy 17:6 & 2 Corinthians 13:1.
Those who refuse Wisdom of Ages must suffer eternally until they accept all-fathers RULE OF HONOR FOR HONOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Both America & all Nations of Earth are given signs that all-father will mercifully allow, that will shock the Conscience of Man to re-consider listening to all-fathers godson and sovereign witness of the good people of united America & eternal Creation.
Should any, having taken notice and failed to correct your political & spiritual chose in action to correct your statecraft of dominion, that all-father accredits Honor for Honor upon all walks of life seeking good will in service of honor above all else, shall be utterly routed by every calamity both imaginable AND unimaginable!!! Your are free to chose in action what is "Right & Honorable" but all will be judge Honor for Honor until every farthing is accounted for good!!!!!!!!!! Even if it takes the living by Storm!!!!
If you wish to have proof of all-fathers sovereign witness which 'may' be doubted - when nothing but stiff-necked rebellion of honor is all that has been shown to all fathers sovereign witness fearfully and wonderfully made, in image and likeness, then assuredly, you will be RULED by conscienceless sycophants until you do!!!! Time is of the essence before your second witness cometh. Hopefully, your perfection in service of honor for honor will be perfectly suited when all-fathers 3rd sovereign witness affirms in JUDGE-MENT all thereon, eternally forevermore!!!! If silence is all that is given from this point in your timeline, when all-father yearns for peace to openly hold dialogue, is truly what your desire or demand is, then by your inaction to accept restitution in all things honor for honor, then most assuredly what you will it, it shall be. Nothing but DEATH by DISHONOR!!!
As sovereign witness of the good people of united America & eternal Creation - "I do not ask Thee to take them out of the world, but to keep them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Sanctify them in the truth; Thy word is truth. As Thou didst send Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world.” John 17:15.
Please forgive any syntax or grammatical errors.
Whatever you will it shall be "Living with Honor" or DEATH by DISHONOR!!! Be wise, safe and blessed...., while your coin of time remains to rightly chose in action, service in honor for honor above all else, eternally forevermore. Arthur