Huntington's 'cynical perspective' is based on the myopic attribution of subjective meaning to all that's merely different. as if anything different to one's own (sub)culture is, per definition, less valuable and considered stupid, ugly, menacing. this attitude justifies not only bullying and violence, but also feudalism, slavery, colonialism, apartheid, and ultimately the extermination of indigenous peoples and cultures. where's Star Trek's Prime Directive (the principle of non-interference) when we need it....

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The libertarian economist Murray Rothbard resolved this issue long ago. He noted that superior inner systems of Constitution (written or not), individual rights, freedom of speech, rule of law, elections etc. AID successful Imperialism as ONLY such benefits can justify in the long term the necessary sacrifices of EMPIRE! Of course, the "ideals" are always at least partially delusional. With the advent of World Government the Elite thinks these "benefits" will no longer be necessary. Rothbard, of course, opposed Imperialism, especially of Britain, the worst offender, and strove to point out the extent to which the British "rule of law" was ultimately fake, but real enough to garner support.

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Hey Matt,

It is impossible to be on Team Trump and simultaneously support a Maoist dictator like Xi and his totalitarian technocracy in China. What I am struggling to understand is why supposed Patriots like Matthew Ehret, Cynthia Chung, the laroucheorganization.com, and even Alex Krainer can be supporters of the BRICS after reading the XV BRICS Summit Declaration?

It seems to me that BRICS is not just a “Belt and Road Initiative” for global infrastructure development, but in actuality BRICS is laying the foundation for “Global Governance” led by China. The XV BRICS Summit Declaration reads like a bureaucratic administrative guidebook for implementing a One World Global Governance Technocracy. It looks like the UN and all of its sub-agencies (WHO, WTO, IMF, etc.) are all caught in the middle of a Tug-of-War between the BRICS and the WEF. The question is….who will win control over the UN and get to implement their version of Global Governance? In light of this apparent Tug-of-War between BRICS and WEF is the added confusion of why would the WEF hold its Summer Davos in China???

XV BRICS+ 2023 Summit Declarations:




PS: Isn’t it quizzical/puzzling that the XV BRICS Summit Declaration was written in such perfect English without any hint of an accent coming from the languages of the host countries: Brazil, Russia, India, China, or South Africa. It makes me wonder just who the intended audience of the Declaration was written for, obviously not the people of the host countries, but more likely the people of the Western countries.....their Enemy.

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Hey William.

I say this with fully respect, but your confusion about how someone can support Trump and also the BRICS is due to a lack of awareness of the factors at play, and a certain superficially in your method of analysis.

Trump's synergy with the fight to established a viable financial-security-cultural program along side Russia and China is documented thoroughly in my book series as well as the video I published on 'Why China Kicked out George Soros in 1989' which you can watch here: https://rumble.com/v2a5pde-how-china-banned-soros-in-1989-a-canadian-patriot-press-film.html

You place too much importants on words rather than real processes shaping reality, and due to that over-valuation of words, you have found yourself accepting toxic narratives shaping how your mind receives, and judges facts, while closing your mind off of facts that disrupt those judgements you have allowed yourself to commit to far too quickly.

Again, I'm not trying to insult you here, but I really do encourage you to with-hold your leaps to judgement in order to evaluate a wider array of facts objectively such as reading through the entire BRICS declaration and not merely looking at selected points enumerated after point 52 which fall into your pre-judgement of the New World Order. Seriously, take 15 min and read the whole list of points in the declaration, and then compare those written words with actual measurable actions taken by China and other allies in regards to protocols which undermine oligarchist systems. It's not that difficult to do this.

But seriously, you need to use a different method of analysis and be more rigorous before leaping to underbaked judgement. Start with the link to my video above and ideally work through the Breaking Free of Anti-China Psyops vol 1 which you mentioned that you purchased.

As far as your understanding of the UN, or Bretton Woods institutions, you have to realize that the charter of the UN, like the Constitution of the USA itself has alot of good in it that can be worked with. The foundation of the Bretton Woods institutions is also decent, and were it not for the takeover of the USA over the dead body of FDR and purging of his allies, then the IMF, World Bank, Gatt (*that later became dubbed the WTO) would not have been used as instruments for neo-colonialism. I go through this in chapters 1-5 of Clash of the Two Americas vol 3 (which I can email you as a free PDF if you would like).

For the concern about the Summer Davos program: It is an annual event begun in 2009 which China was significantly weaker and China's philosophy is tied to ancient Confucian philosophy which is tied to influencing the evil towards the good whereever possible in order to avoid war at all costs. When all options to influence the bad towards the good are exhausted, then fight, but with nuclear weapons that is to be avoided at all costs. Davos itself is run by evil jackasses, but over the course of 50 years it has been a platform used to network and sign business deals with players from business and politics converse in the thousands and guess what: NOT EVERYONE who attends is part of the death cult. So like it or not, it is a place where business deals are negotiated and its also a place where sociopaths try to manipulate things towards their own ends.

Finally, on your last point of confusion about the english translation of the declaration: It was translated into many languages- one of which happens to be English. English happens to be a lingua franca at this moment in history due to the hegemony of Anglo-American colonialism for the past few centuries, so it shouldn't surprise you that people across BRICS nations include folks who speak and write english rather well

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Which version of global governance will be the best...none! Both will enslave you, with the difference that the west still has to learn a trick or two in governing thwir slaves and keep them in line.. but they are learning real fast with the new facial recignition passports.

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LaRouche was an admitted COMMUNIST! He tolerated State Capitalism if run by the right people and philosophy. I admired his opposition to Malthusianism, Environmentalism and Climate Change propaganda! Otherwise: He was horribly wrong!

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Relax Lloyd. LaRouche was a human, and not a god. Like any human, he made mistakes while trying to improve his own understanding of things and fighting the oligarchy. Like all of us, he went through wrong hypotheses over the course of time, but when he discovered that there was such a thing as the 'American system of political economy' in the late 1970s, he recognized the superficiality of his critique of capitalism and dropped his wrong concepts on Marx in favor of something more in harmony with reality.

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I hope you have a similar awakening and realize that Xi’s Belt and Road Initiative is just a bait to lure third world countries into joining a BRICS+ coalition with the intent of taking control of the UN. The American System of Political Economy built on a foundation of Personal Liberty and Personal Rights that are protected and guaranteed by the US Constitution should be what every freedom-loving person fights for.

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Yes, a system which was inspired by Confucianism, which China's Xi Xiping has been encouraging Chinese to rediscover. Matt Ehret has thoroughly illustrated the connection between Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, and their study of Confucius. The "Consent of the Governed" and the "Mandate of Heaven" are similar.

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Yeah. That was better that sticking with Stalinism.

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Good luck with that!! When Christ met Evil HE didn’t dismiss him; HE said I’ll go first & you come after me & people can have a choice. Pontius Pilate said likewise to the Jews “ who do you want this man Jesus or Barrabas?” They chose Barrabas & we know how that ended for the Jews. We’re at the same crossroads!!

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Thank you for your article! I totally agree - as a translator, I have one native homeland (where I was born) and two addopted homelands (countries whose language and culture I was studying by staying there for a longer period of time). And even when travelling: No matter how different the cultures are, I've always had the same experience with people - we are curious of eachother, and when I had some severe problem, there was always someone who helped me, sometimes I was helped by strangers ... If conflict was a natural state of humankind, we weren't be able to live even in the same culture/society/family, etc. Human beings need other human beings, the worst nightmare is to have no one to speak to.

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I remember the discussion by african intelectuels/ writers/musicians, special FRANCIS BEBEY from Cameroun, who was looking for the possibillity of a metissage for the best sides of cultures in the north and in the south (crossroads of cultures). For me, educated in Germany/Europe with the terrible history of facist wars, I count a lot of international law, special the UN-Charter as global civilization. One of my banners says: NATO is the enemy of culture, democracy and liberty. I see in the project, as Xi Yinping explains and realize the hope for future. Interesting, that the international law takes here a real value.

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America beside being the 29th on the list of IQ ratings shows in the treatment of an ex president. Assuming all the claims were committed by Trump to see a president being arrested and mug shots spread out all over the world is an outrage. The kind of crimes we are dealing with are minuscule in comparison to presidents who are responsible for the deaths of Americans without good cause in wars that were uncalled for to say the least.

I’m deeply embarrassed for identifying with this country. Where are all those that were going to leave the country when Trump was elected president and conspired to treat him the way he is treated today. The events should be reversed. American government should face the courts and the verdict should be only one, execution.

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Wake up peoples; who’s really driving this fiasco; what did Christ die for? So we can be freed of this hideous power. This world under Satan’s rule is doomed no matter who is in charge if they haven’t been born of God’s Spirit. Call it what you like; the core is rotten & destruction is imminent!!

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Or you can fight evil and do the good.

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Good comment, Matt. The problem is many who call themselves "Christians" in America believe that fighting the evil is in and of itself a sin, the sin of "getting involved in the world" and "putting your hand to the plow and looking back to this world." Modern, American Protestant Evangelism is predicated upon 3 points that have become the operating system. Those 3 things that I see, as a former fundamentalist Christian myself, are this:

1. The Inevitability of Judgment Day, that no matter what you do, this world is doomed, and can only be fixed once Christ returns. Which mirrors the "Inevitability of Heat Death" that you see in the Atheist Nihilists following Bertrand Russell and Newton. I call this "Christian Nihilism."

2. The "This World Is Not My Home" paradigm which teaches you to "not get involved in the affairs of this world" but only put your hand to the plow and stick your nose in Scripture and only preach Christ crucified, and the belief that all worldly authority, bad as well as good, was put there by God and anyone who rebels against it is rebelling against God. (Romans)

The baseline assumption is this: that there are only a few who are going to be saved, that all you can do is pull people out of the fire by converting people into a bunch of people that just put "Jesus Saves" bumper stickers on their cars. Fighting evil at the government level is pointless because the only salvation that matters is individual salvation in the afterlife. This salesmanship evangelical mentality mirrors the capitalistic individualistic Free Market, Milton Friedman, Austrian school mentality of just increasing sales and the bottom line, with no regard to a bigger picture of development. Get yours (salvation of christ) and get out. This is also why so many right wing, Anti Great Reseters, end up withdrawing into small, survivalist communities "waiting out Judgment Day".

3. Scripture Nerdism: Getting technical with Daniel and Revelation and reading Scripture for details on when the end is going to come and getting technical about Purity, about who's saved and who's not saved, who is really with Jesus and who is not, and losing the big overall picture of what Jesus may have meant or intended. As Jesus himself said, "the Letter of the Law and not the Heart of the Law." Losing the heart and getting all caught up in the minutiae of what's scripturally correct.

I feel like this cultural issue in American Christianity has to be unpacked further and taken apart and analyzed for what it is. I hear an awful lot of people in these circles promoting Christianity, but I feel that a lot of this, what I am talking about, is left out of the discussion.

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For arguments sake one could posit "Culture" & "History" is irrelevant. Even if practices vary to some extent and (in)justice systems discriminate, by and large, people have the same “shared morality" & "respectfulness" in common. I think we all need need to be Bi-Cultural now. Have your culture but we need to aspire to a “Global culture" now which is in accordance with our shared "Human rights”. The problem is "cultural groups" are used as political groups ie "us & them empires”. They use fear, dogma & division for power, profit & to gain a tight control of these groups..they are all corrupt…I say it's always been about authoritarianism & trickery dressed up as protection , justice & rights. Digital just makes the whole show far more immanently dangerous threat "human rights". In my view the main game for centuries has really been money lending to swindle they individuals & nations. Those that already have massive amounts of capital (& probably mostly gained from centuries of wars, trickery & tax swindling) &, also those that control of the levers of State creation of “capital & currency” are they ones who are pulling all the strings & behind their drive to “Word domination”. They also control global trade which keeps nations indebted & poor, and, steal their natural resources/wealth. They get away with it by lending to people & nations and then manipulating and attaining control of them. Worst case to get what they want they do "regime changes" install puppets ..or wage wars tom gain ”compliance”. By controlling Govts they control their "foreign policy" & Militaries and, crucially by controlling Media narratives (via owning the Media barons et al financially) they control public opinion. A main part of humanities problem is if anyone points the finger at any ”wrongdoing” this "global financial cabal" has the power, and particularly the will, (& often by using Govs & the Laws) to "cancel" them, take away meal tickets, imprison &/or just murder them. What do they care of the lives of others, or 2 Million lives? How many killed in Iraq based on pure lies alone? So, I say, have your culture but universal "Human Rights" take precedent always…we all need to push for that...anything less is trickery for vested interests.

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When Globalists like Xi speak of Liberty and Rights they mean Communal Liberty and Rights, which means State Surveillance, Censorship, Compliance, Subordination, and Subservience.

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And so funny that in ramaphosa's own country NOTHING HAS BEEN LEFT OF GOV DEPTS, we don't even have a working railway, post office, hydro electricity, national electricity on constant power shedding, all due to corrupt elite and cleptocrats in our government, always waiting for hand outs from the mea culpa western countries who already are experiencing donor fatigue for the last 20 years already... the mea culpa bucket only get more holes and more holes...

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Matthew presents a picture I consider a true picture. My experience with America tells me that finally a new reality is developing to counteract an evil system of government representing an elite focused on money and manipulation of the people for their own gain. That system has prevailed for a very long time and Brics is a light that should be welcomed by all peace loving people. The American military complex must be defeated for the good of the majority of this planet’s inhabitants. Matthew must be applauded for introducing the new reality in development to boost the hope that peace will prevail and America will be defeated.

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The Guardian of All Things, by Michael S. Malone, maybe you have read it? The history of human memory through the ages. Thought of you. best from OR

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Sorry, I wasn’t finished. What I was getting to is that at the beginning of all the Ukraine issues, an open letter to Putin from a very large number of people/groups about issues and changes they wanted addressed in the Duma. It could have been a wish list sent to any “democratic” gov. For example one was a request to amend family laws in some way. I’ve lost that post - could have been on RT. Putin’s ratings are usually in high 80’s. We don’t hear about such things in the west. Another one relevant is Christopher Rufo’s article ( I believe Substack) on Orban’s revival of Hungary since the communist era. Western society is a mess, and I think we are all afraid. But I really think Matt’s ideas should be pursued, and the more we talk about it the better.

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You might be interested in watching “Tucker on X” Ep. 18 - Col. Douglas Macgregor.


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What a flood of ideas and reactions this morning. I certainly have not yet thought this through, but I “feel” that Matt is going in the right direction. But before we can even start these issues there is an issue of Fake News to deal with. Example: is Putin really who we think he is? I t really doubt it.

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Rampant anti-Chinese and Russian sentiment is justified by the their rejection of individual right and support for totalitarian authoritarianism. The "western elite" still tried to justify war and imperialism based on that WHICH DOES NOT FOLLOW. At the same time the "western elite" is stamping out the last vestiges of individual rights in the WEST!

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The “Western Elite” are the fascist flavor of Globalism, while Xi’s China and Putin’s Russia are the socialist flavor of Globalism. Fascism and Socialism are Heads & Tails of the same Globalist coin. The Fascists promote Bankster/Corporatist Central Planning, while the Socialists promote Administrative State Central Planning. In the end, both systems produce a Neo-Feudal Technocracy where the Globalist Fascist Oligarchy own all of the resources and “We their Serfs” are reduced to begging them for permissions and favors.

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Admittedly both are tending toward person by person centralized control. Opposing the Chinese system does not mean we have to go to war.

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Hopefully not a military war, but most likely a trade war.

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