I am so grateful for your richly informative posts. I wonder, with respect to “operation unicorn”, whether there is a reference to the lion and the unicorn, the royal coat of arms and/or the essay by Orwell?

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we need to dump this royal BS completely, enough of this draconian reptilian nonsense. they were best friend with Jimmy Sevile (VILE or EVIL) ...that says it all!!

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As an Australian, my jaw dropped when I learned that according to the Victorian state constitution, all MPs are required to swear fealty to the new king. Apparently Victoria (that is, Victoria, Australia) is the only state here which has this requirement. Like Canada, Australia is supposed to be run by elected representatives (though we know of course that the system is rigged so we plebs don't really get much say), and the English monarch is supposed to be no more than a figurehead, with a Governor General appointed by the Australian Parliament as the Queen's representative (I guess now it will be the King's representative).

It's interesting to see just how much fuss is being made about all this - understandable in Britain with its feudal history, but a bit out of place in Australia, you would think.

Our parliament is now closed for 14 days, and God only knows what sort of pomp and ceremony will be inflicted upon us.

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Long past time for a revolution in this country. To hell with these feudalist parasites.

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Awesome. Our pathetic snouts will be rubbed in this worldwide demonstration of feudalism and maybe it will be enough to convince some to wake up to the tyranny.

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Not likely because America has its own tyranny today whose roots can be traced to that very same feudalism; today's elites, while denying the right to sovereignty of individual nations, want that sovereignty for themselves and will use any means of power and control to maintain it; what happened to the American Revolution and the Declaration of Independence!? what did America fight for and once believe in? in any case Charles and the globalists' strategies are doomed to failure but not because they cannot garner support from a mainstream of the population; but because, as Marshall McLuhan foretold and warned, it is our "global village" of electronic media which itself will make these globalist ideologues obsolete; they are already "dinosaurs" but unaware of it because they are blinded by their own self importance and the list includes governments, Fauci-type individuals, the internet and its controllers and eventually the "dumbed-down' masses of "sheep"

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...continuing my train of thought...Why hasn't this already happened in our age where information is instantaneous and available world-wide and the populace can do its own research and thinking? Simply because , as we are all painfully aware, we are still dominated by those very power structures we once thought we eliminated and the vast majority of the "narratives" are being manipulated and controlled to create the "pseudo-realities" we now accept as "normal" life; McLuhan would say that society remains immersed and suffering from the EFFECTS of this manipulation while simultaneously not understanding the CAUSES or having an awareness of what is really happening.

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Information isn't really instantaneous, it's the ACCESS to it that is... But that's a slight thing, relatively speaking.

What's the main problem, in my opinion: FREEDOM OF THE PRESS. We don't have it anymore, it's been missing for a while, but currently is almost unknown unless you're under a certain age, and even then, the misdirection, obfuscation, and distraction tactics are deployed almost daily, while plans to bring us literally to our knees via hunger and other life-sustaining deprivations loom on the horizon...

WHAT WILL IT TAKE, we keep asking ourselves, and others, while sitting in our armchairs, typing... What it will take is actively going out and creating community once more IN REAL LIFE. That's my thinking. I'm starting to think, as well, that I will have to do it myself, because no one seems to be willing to go outside anymore, as the Amazon vans proliferate as if they were breeding...

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The same "global village" gives rise to consolidation exemplified by Amazon and Walmart along with the displacement and poverty that results. Marx described it 150 years ago, capitalism gives rise to labor saving devices and practices more powerful but only usable in common, and the consolidation increases. The internet/web didn't solve this but is part of that acceleration. People, not tech, must solve it.

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I quite agree but need to point out that McLuhan believed that technology could be used for good or evil and that the electronic media uncontrolled would become a source of evil; in fact, isn't that what we are witnessing today in a measure never before imagined, much less acknowledged? McLuhan also made the point that there is no inevitability as long as there is a willingness to contemplate what is happening; for good or bad our technologies will continue to exist and expand and the real problem lies in the fact that human consciousness has not kept pace or, as you say, "People, not tech"....

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As these months of Covid roll on, I am more and more nauseated by these "people" in charge of causing, past and present and future, such incredible harm and suffering via such a vile and malicious Evil so as to beggar the imagination, while they carry on doing everything they publicly decry, that I'm beginning to lose my hope that we can take them down and out without getting any blood on our hands, as I had hoped we could avoid defiling our own humanity in the saving of it...

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Many thanks for your more than enlightening posts. Your work is much appreciated. Just wondering what you think about Frances Leader’s substack piece in which she posted the entirety of a research article by Michael Edward of the Ecclesiastic Commonwealth Community (ECC), July 15, 2003, entitled ‘The Crown Temple by Rule of Mystery Babylon‘. It certainly puts things in a different perspective from my point of view. I’ll try to link it here: https://francesleader.substack.com/p/what-does-the-rule-of-law-mean?utm_source=substack&utm_campaign=post_embed&utm_medium=web

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Very insightfully stated!

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Thank you for the insights.

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Great article again, Matt. I have wondered what this does with Canada’s privy council. A British friend mentioned it will effect theirs greatly as he said they have influence over the King. But I’m not sure either of us really know what the privy council is, let alone the history behind it. I wonder if you could point me to any articles or videos you’ve done on the subject. Thanks and all the best.

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The privy council office is a factor for sure, although not every member is a factor. The privy council office is a primary control vector for all systems in the Canadian government. I addressed it in my Origins of the Deep State parts 1-2 and also Canadian Patriot issue 3 published in 2013.


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Wow, thanks for taking the time to reply. I look forward to reading these. I can’t wait to see the Texas Boys video too.


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Time may be becoming ripe for a major change to occur in the relationship between the British monarchy and her subjects (i.e., the population) in King Charles's reign. Despite living in a commonwealth nation, my sentiments for Charles is not the same as what it was for Queen Elizabeth II.

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may charles the first be an inspiration to us all

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Well said!

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Ity does not matter!!! Btitain is no longer significant. Just one of the islands on the west end of theEurasian continent over which Russia stretches over 6,000 miles.

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Well, okay... except for that pesky bunch of oligarchs behind the oligarchs, sometimes called "The Venetians," and sometimes known as the "Black Nobility." They probably don't all live in the UK, but they are known also as "The City of London," and I don't mean the geographical entity.

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With the break down of global trade imminent, due to financial swindles, national competition for resources, even a decline in available resources, that island is going to have more problems than even the great king can conjure up. Think of all the ships that unload there declining quickly sort of thing.

On the food side of this equation all the arable land on the island, even converted to biointensive, can't feed 10% of the people living there.

There are a range of choices which included putting Russia in charge as encouragement to send resources, kick all the aliens off, or start killing the people. Its number three death by injection which was chosen.

Those of us on larger continents have more choices, but these are also declining since money doesn't grow on trees, even if some of you think it does, humans have largely cut burned or poisoned all those climax forests, so nothing there for you types! Hahahaha!

It is what it is no sense in whining about it - prepare yourselves!

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Resources aren't a problem. A world run by Malthusian club-of-rome Bankster parasite psychos is a big problem.

Japan supplies 70% of their food on 13% of their land mass, with 157m people on a small resource poor island and very high living standard. That's 330 people/sq.km. vs UK @ 277.

Holland is #2 agricultural exporter in the World @ $94B vs #1 USA @$150B. While Holland is #69 in population & #131 by area and not even a warm or sunny environment. And farms even at 7m below sea level. With a population density almost double that of the UK @ 520 people/sq.km.

The only critical resource is energy. Ordinary rock has an energy density of 40x that of coal just from the uranium and thorium in the rock. With plentiful energy you can recycle everything. We are a long, long way from running out of resources. Uranium/thorium would power our civilization for a 100Myrs. Water has an energy density of 300X gasoline just from the deuterium in that water.

Resource shortages, energy shortages, food shortages are all artificial and caused by allowing corrupt politicians to be bought by the Rent Seekers who know shortages = high prices & high profits.

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Uranium is not as easy as you believe and thorium reactors are non existent.

I agree if people grew the food they eat it would require less than 5% of the land the fascists are now utilizing in this mis-termed green revolution, your right again, its for the profits. The number one problem on this planet is soil degradation. The soil may be able to produce a crop with the use of chemicals for a time, but once the carbon is depleted none of that works. Until then, if one doesn't grow the food they eat then its off to the grocery store to buy that nutrition less crap.

There is not an unlimited amount of fuels, it is what it is, the two forces at play is what can the market afford and the supply EROEI is declining (costs are increasing for the simple money people).

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In fact uranium is a lot easier than the propaganda machine has convinced you. China is building a commercial thorium reactor right now and India is well along on a plan to run entirely on its vast thorium supply. You can burn thorium right now in CANDU reactors it just has no economic benefit since they burn natural uranium which is dirt cheap, energy-wise. EROI of nuclear is far above any other energy source. CANDU's at 120:1. The highest on the planet. Molten salt reactors with a closed fuel cycle will be upwards of 300:1.

Funny all this worry about soil degradation while they spend hundreds of $billions on idiotic agrofuels, massive subsidies for something that takes more fossil inputs then it replaces as an output, while depleting soil, agricultural nitrogen runoffs and all that badness for a giant scam. 40% of US corn crop goes to nutty ethanol production. And Biden increased ethanol from 10% to 20% of US gasoline recently.

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Keywords: Overshooting carrying capacity. We are biological beings.

There are no thorium reactors this is real propaganda that has convinced you. The best uranium deposits are already mined out. Poor deposits requires more effort/cost. You also haven't typed one word about the nuclear waste. Even the propaganda from the nuclear investors address the waste they won't invest unless governments insure taxpayers will take responsibility for the waste - no free market economy with nuclear, with nothing really.

You are hopelessly addicted to hopium, child like thinking.

Doesn't matter if we stop using farm fields as fuels deposits, the damage is already done. You mind can not lower its dopamine levels long enough for you to actually study the numbers.

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We aren't even remotely close to "overshooting carrying capacity". That's bull. Overshooting what? Energy? Land? Food production? Minerals -which mineral(s)? Water? Be specific show numbers. Doomers hate numbers. They hate precision. They LOVE arm-waving.

No thorium reactors?


France was at 88% of their domestic electricity supply with nuclear. They used 5oz of uranium per person per year to generate that. That's $15 worth at today's prices. That's with partial fuel reprocessing. Uranium supply is not an issue. Ordinary rock has 40X the energy density of coal just from the uranium & thorium in it. Nuclear waste aka Spent Nuclear Fuel is 97% fuel for better reactors that can burn it, already operating in Russia.

You are a hopeless Doomer. Unable to define any argument numerically, arm waving and false statements are your only ally.

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Overshooting carrying capacity is a biological term and you can easily find the implications for yourself. Happened many times before to civilizations which collapsed from overuse of biological resources mostly.

There is a newsletter called Our finite world, she is more the expert on other matters you cite, its not for pretty boys who think growth is unlimited for sure.

China hasn't started one yet and its all propaganda until they are working without problems, you have no idea how many have to have been built like starting 30 years ago.

France nuclear is very old and only is working because of subsidy, this is also easy to research, you can't fool me.

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Very insightfully stated!

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Well said!

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Sep 10, 2022
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you must have had a bad bunch, we are not all fans of this inherited thievery and dominion

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upper (middle-)class Poms maybe, certainly not all.

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I can certainly relate to your frustration and irritation!! It's the same kind of thing here in Murka...

But we mustn't forget that so many people, young AND old, have been brainwashed, trained, and now terrorized. We can't entirely blame the victims for not having whatever it is that keeps them from being absorbed by the Borg. Resistance is NOT futile... If they can be trained, they can be UN-trained. Yes? I'm NOT saying it would be easy!! But maybe worthwhile. I just think that overthrowing this psychotic oligarch attack on Humanity is worth doing, and we don't NEED to have every single person on board to do it. A fairly small percentage to start out, and that would grow, I'm sure.

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