So wonderful. Matt’s such a beautiful genius. I’m so desperate to learn something new, and Matt never disappoints—always impressing me beyond expectations every single time he speaks on history & politics. Tim Kirby is an amazing great mind, too. So sincerely, Thank you, guys.

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Baphomet’s face obscured by a leaf? Why is his statue behind King Charles at all? Is that his majesty’s god?

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Clearly it is.

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.....so, just finished up Part 1 and, for the MOST part, appreciated your clarification of TRUE Western history, Matthew (I could go even further - as believe YOU to have previously, and legitimately suggest the United States has NEVER been truly 'free' from, independent of British-Roman-Canaanite Empire control; Treaties of both Paris & Versailles QUITE demonstrative of that reality) but, MUST take MAJOR exception with your characterization of 'twentysomething poets'; such HEALTHY catharsis, expression (VITAL to augmentation of my OWN spiritual path starting three decades ago) is a FOUNDATIONAL aspect of evolved, HUMANE societies (including THIS one; rightfully-esteemed Enlightenists Thoreau - a LEADING Libertarian and effective successor to Daniel Shays here in MA; Hawthorne, Emerson & Longfellow) which can SPAWN entrepreneurial, GENUINELY-altruistic impulses - Ben Franklin HIMSELF, just ONE of MANY such Americans.....yeah, I do GET it - a LOT of such 'green', comparatively-youthful sentiment ISN'T so hot but, STILL an ESSENTIAL First Amendment exercise.....

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Oh - something I've begun to point out, and to which you allude (if unintentionally?) NEVER have 'supply-sided' economic approaches been more exposed as UNdesirable in a 'free' society, than at THIS time in history when younger generations are FAR less disposed towards ownership of material possessions (REGARDLESS one's opinion or the reasons for such circumstances; I'm older and MUCH prefer the TACTILITY, 'preciousness' of physical objects myself when financially, logistically practical) but, RATHER than fixating on 'production' - as VILE creatures like Kissinger AND 'Mitt' Romney disingenuously do as globalist mouthpieces, BETTER that our concerns lie with each person's ability to provide diverse forms of CONTRIBUTION (something JFK did FAMOUSLY exhort......)

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......coincidentally ENOUGH, I too am reading 'Wall Street & The Bolshevik Revolution' MYSELF at present - though alternating with Dong Wang's 'The United States And China'......as an ancestral member myself (and IRONICALLY enough, distant cousin of Riel!) maybe YOU know, Matthew - was John A. MacDonald also part of Clan Ranald?

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If he was then he was a traitorous dog to his own blood kin. No Cloinne Dhomnallagh in me, but I do have a great love of all Celtic histories running as far back as can be then right up to the present day. A fiery mix of Scots-Irish, Acadien French, a drop of Prussian peasant blood(from the days of Napoleon's 1812 invasion of Russia; see War and Peace)and the Maliseet Nation of the St. John River's upper valley in the Maritime province of New Brunswick. I am with Matt in his assessment of John A's character, an he get's no sir from me anymore than that pedophile pimp sittin' on his outhouse throne in London. Same goes double for the Ken doll in Ottawa. As to where poor old Canada's drunken abusive father, he was born in Gleschu, Lanarkshire. My meagre resources know no more of which of the many septs of that great an ancient breed he may be descended from, but he was all for the bloody sassenagh so... ah, I'll stop now. You get the drift of my views of the man. Oh, an my maternal grandmother was from the O'Sullivan's. It was her I learned there had once been a language called Irish, but none spoke it anymore with the exception of a few stolen words like galore. I've a lifelong passion of the subject and what matt has discovered of the bloody Brits machinations and psy-ops on generations of us Canucks doesn't surprise me. Read Morgan Llywelyn's The Last Prince of Ireland. A true history of a very dark chgapter in the history of my grammy's roots. A miracle I'm sitting here telling you. Was in tears several times reading of the treatment the folk I come from went through that winter of 1603-04. Very nearly exterminated we was.

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Hi, Brent - not sure I've sussed out exactly what you're saying about JAM; am aware that inclusion / exclusion of the 'a' in 'Mac' / 'Mc' isn't an ABSOLUTE as to heritages but, USUALLY a reliable measure still - LIKE Louis David, I too am of some Hibernian as WELL as Caledonian descent - surname was ORIGINALLY 'Rielly', of Limerick before our mutual ancestor Jack FLED Eire with Patrick Sarsfeld four-plus centuries ago for France and then Quebec, where the extra 'l' & 'y' were DROPPED and, after Riel became undesirably NOTORIOUS an 'A' added in front to obfuscate relations.....

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My apologies, I do tend to get off track when I start gabbing. Always telling myself to stick to the short an the sweet of the facts buuut.. Anyways, IMO, I do not believe the man to have been worthy of anything but the bottom of the bottle he lived in most of his life. Harsh I know, yet when one looks out across the land today with a view to the injustice done to the original, and still true title holders, of this great and immensely rich in resources land, I can only say that the man began the deliberate destruction of the First Nations, making his name one that should be along side of some 20th century villains like Josef Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Pol Phot, and the the greatest of all the last centuries genocidal monsters Mao Tse Tung. If you ever get the chance to see the 5 large paintings hanging in the MacDonald Island Sports complex in Ft. McMurray detailing the start of the residential school system devised by JAM then by all means do. It is accurate and a history most Canadians never learn. Excuse me, I mistakenly called them paintings. They are large murals depicting the forcible abduction of children from their families by black robed priests and red serge uniformed RCMP. Done by a native artist who's name I sadly do not remember. My paternal grandmother and her 11 siblings were the last generation in that family to be considered for full native status. They didn't and I don't think they ever knew there was a connection, not that anyone being raised white in the first decades of the 20th century would have wanted, indeed it would have been kept hidden. She was long dead when my father learned of it from a cousin. They, of course, viewed it from todays expiediency as a way of paying fewer taxes. Your ancestor has a colorful history as well. I don't know how the fuck Trudeau can justify the callous remark that we don't have a history worth remembering. What a fucking insult even to his own kin.

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.....my SINCEREST condolences, for your ancestral losses, Brent - have gotten a VERY clear picture of just how HORRIBLE things really were (very STRONG Native American karmic resonance in me, BOTH continents - particularly where hair length is concerned; MUST have been previously one of the..... academically-CONSCRIPTED kids who had THEIRS lopped off 'indiscriminately' - for MANY years - even if not practicing their customs, and I was extremely conflicted by my Iberian heritage where pervasive Conquest practices are concerned, Diego Landa's MOST of all; HOW much knowledge was forever lost by his burning Mayan records?????) through Keith Annett's exhaustive efforts - and, NO worries; EXTREMELY appreciative of your even responding!

I (like others) view JAM as being the Canadian equivalent of Andrew Jackson - who I've instinctively LOATHED (if both Daniel Boone and Davey Crockett did as WELL, that says a LOT about validity of such perceptions) a LONG while now......

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