It may be a bit of a bitter pill to swallow for some, but as I outlined in my Missed Chance of 1867, and the True Story of the Alaska Purchase, the original founding of Canada on July 1st, 1867 was designed by British Geopoliticians for the explicit purpose of keeping Canada locked into the British Empire
The depth of the corruptions and manipulations to play their games of domination and exploitation , and the grotesque 'infiltration' of their ' agents' ( members) placed throughout our government , and all the ' colonies' and the violence and aggression they're using towards dissent makes me wake up every morning with anxiety. I do everything I can, every day, to spread the Truth.
I do know , ultimately, they fall; and humanity begins the turning of that great wheel of Time that signals the upward journey where we make a better world.
Is there any hope that these treasonous tyrants masquerading as our political and public 'representatives' are arrested?
You failed to mention Benjamin Franklin was a French attorney employed by the Bank of England to financially enslave America with a debt-based monetary system and a leaky constitution. However I did learn other historical details. Thank you
I'm so glad to see you feature our mutual hero, Ben Franklin. And I know we've gone around on this several times. But as a historian, you need to counter my arguments with facts and logic, not just disagree on the conclusion. The difference is whether, in following Franklin's example, we should be designing 'land-backed money' for local exchange and debts, issued and controlled by commonwealths around 200K people, which he called colonial scrip.
Or should we be promoting a global form of money backed by precious metals, called specie, so that local gov'ts are forbidden to use any other form of credit or currency for local exchange and debts? This is Hamilton's system that repaid the debts to France and his mentor, the banker Robert Morris, by foreclosing on the farms of Revolutionary War veterans for unpaid taxes while not allowing them to issue back wages for their war service in a local currency. This is the system that destroyed the sovereign people of Appalachia, my birth home, by giving hundreds of thousands of acres free to Robert Morris, of land that they'd established as homesteads and cultivated.
You say Franklin argued for a colonial scrip but that's misleading. He was the leading designer and advocate of the scrip that made Philadelphia a model of success, so much that when he argued to export the model to Europe, dismayed by the poverty in Ireland, the merchants passed The Currency Act forbidding it. That, and not taxes, was the cause of the American Revolution according to him. And after the War was won, your hero Hamilton worked with the merchants and bankers to reinstate the exact terms of the British Currency Act by forbidding Franklin's system in the Constitution. Whether they were in thrall to American bankers like Morris or British bankers was the only difference with Hamilton's death. The cause for which they'd fought had already been lost.
With respect, Matt, you're rewriting history to promote what you see as the current solution. We can disagree on what the answer is now, but don't destroy Franklin's greatest invention to do it.
I assume, William, that this article is linked to reinforce my point to Matt. It uses many of the quotes and narrative in the chapter of my book called "The Short Eventful Life of Sovereign Money." The book is How to Dismantle an Empire:
I kinda favor my Monetary solution detailed in the reply below.
After a cursory look at your book on Amazon, do you think all 8+ billion people can be grouped into units of 200,000 people, with each unit using its own currency/scrip? I have trouble seeing that becoming a reality.
I think you might be misinformed about Hamilton and recommend you read the following:
Nancy Bradeen Spannaus
Hamilton Versus Wall Street: The Core Principles of the American System of Economics
Does size not matter, in your opinion? The point of disagreement is whether Franklin and Hamilton agreed on the size of a sovereign entity that's able to issue its own currency. Please give me a quote showing that either Franklin thought bigger was better, or contradicting that Hamilton was AGAINST the state level, at that time 200K people. This article shows the opposite:
And it's certainly your prerogative to reject my last decade of researching this based on a cursory reading. But you do understand that for me to abandon everything I've read and thought in favor of some links you're throwing out there would be self-negating.
In my humble opinion, I do think you are wasting your life trying to convince people to give up their established independent sovereign nation-states and re-group into “community-nations” of only 200,000 people.
The reality is that if it weren’t for a slim majority of Constitutional Justices on the Supreme Court the USA and its Constitution will soon be abolished by the Globalist Fascist Oligarchy and replaced with a One World Neo-Feudalistic Technocracy. Keep your eyes and ears opened for what comes out of the UN in September.
A Global Tax to fund a One World Global Government:
Our Common Agenda Policy Brief 6
Reforms to the International Financial Architecture
“Our Common Agenda is aimed at turbocharging the 2030 Agenda and making the Sustainable Development Goals real in the lives of people everywhere. Because halfway to 2030, we are far off track. We will only make up lost ground by addressing the gaps and challenges that have emerged since 2015 – including gaps in intergovernmental cooperation."
King Charles and the Globalists set meeting for September at which they will plot how to accelerate goals of U.N. Agenda 2030 and the complete digitization of humanity
Haha! I will need to quote you on that. Glad that you're humble enough to tell other people they're wasting their lives based on a few moments that you, from your position of superiority, have spent understanding their lifework. I think this fits best under my series: Imagine what you would have said if you weren't so humble!
A Nation’s Monetary System could be, and should be, this simple…..
A Nation’s money is owned by the citizens of the Nation.
The value of a Nation’s money is determined by the productivity (labor) of the Nation’s citizenry as expressed in the quantity and quality of the goods and services produced by the Nation’s citizenry.
Alexander Hamilton’s wise words should be fully grasped: “The intrinsic wealth of a nation is to be measured, not by the abundance of the precious metals contained in it, but by the quantity of the productions of its labor and industry.”
A Nation’s Treasury Department adds money to a Nation’s economy through a National Bank.
A Nation’s Treasury Department subtracts money from a Nation’s economy through tax collection, i.e. Internal Revenue Service.
A National Bank manages the Nation’s money supply.
Loans increase a Nation’s money supply.
Loan repayment and taxes decrease a Nation’s money supply.
Loan interest rates control how quickly a Nation’s money supply will increase.
Tax rates control how quickly a Nation’s money supply will decrease.
A National Bank is owned by a Nation’s citizens and therefore the interest received from loans will never be siphoned off as profits to any private owner.
Only independent sovereign nations can establish a National Bank to manage the Nation’s money.
The National Bank is subordinate to the Nation’s Treasury Department.
The National Bank does not sell ownership rights to the Bank to citizens using stocks or bonds.
The National Bank is forbidden from buying and owning and trading assets, including stocks, bonds, and mortgages, both domestic and foreign.
The National Bank of an independent sovereign Nation does not need investors to buy National Bank stock and/or bonds in order for the National Bank to then loan that money to borrowers.
Only the National Bank is authorized to create money by making loans to citizens and businesses, to Federal Government Agencies, and to State and Local Government Agencies.
National Bank Branches will be located in each Postal District throughout the nation.
National Bank Branches will manage loans:
Issuing, setting interest rates, evaluating applicant’s loan needs and applicant’s capability to repay their loan’s interest and principal.
Loan Types:
Monthly Revolving Credit Card:
The higher the monthly credit card limit, the higher the interest rate.
Transportation Vehicle Loan:
The more expensive the vehicle, the higher the interest rate.
Home Mortgage Loan:
The more expensive the home, the higher the interest rate.
Personal Loan:
The higher the loan amount, the higher the interest rate.
Business Loan for Business Expenses:
The higher the loan amount, the higher the interest rate.
New Business Start-Up Loan:
The higher the loan amount, the higher the interest rate. A maximum loan amount will be determined based upon risk of success or failure of the New Business. New Businesses can seek loans from non-Bank investment lenders.
Federal Government Agencies:
The National Bank will issue loans to Federal Government Agencies that will be repaid from Federal property and sales taxes, and tariffs.
State and Local Governments Agencies:
The National Bank will issue loans to State and Local Government Agencies that will be repaid from State and Local property and sales taxes.
Loans and taxes can only be paid in Bank money.
There shall be no Federal, State, and Local income taxes (personal and business). There shall only be Federal, State, and Local property and sales taxes.
Only the Federal Government can levy tariffs.
Loan interest rates and tax rates are modified to control the money supply, and thereby inflation.
Government agencies contract goods and services from citizens and businesses and other government agencies.
Federal, State and Local Government agencies submit budget requests to their governing elected representatives. Budget requests will either be approved, denied, or modified by the governing elected representatives. Approved budget requests are recorded in a national database that National Bank managers can search to confirm loan applications from Federal, State and Local Government agencies.
Welfare is a no-interest non-repayable loan (gift) to citizens based upon their poverty.
Welfare recipients have to agree to a contract with the National Bank requiring the welfare recipient to change their detrimental and self-destructive lifestyle behaviors and habits, fulfill training goals, and fulfill minimum employment requirements.
Only independent sovereign nations can control their own money supply by creating money out of “thin air” and then loaning their money to borrowers. Individual citizens can control their personal money supply (wealth) by loaning (investing) their personal accumulated money supply (wealth) to borrowers, domestic and foreign.
What's the right size for sovereignty, William? Is it over a billion people, like India and China? 330M people like the US? Or 350K like Iceland? Is bigger better or smaller?
Since a nation is a fictitious construct built on ancient wars between rulers, who derived their authority from shedding the blood of their 'subjects', should we consider that sacrosanct? Or start by deciding what at what size democracy is possible?
You've defined the rules that you think William's fiefdom should run by. I have a different set of rules for mine, based on Ben Franklin's model. Rather than convince each other and 330M others, we could put our strategies into a computer simulation game (once it was written) and see which one generates the most exchanges of productive labor before getting cashed out for an imperial currency. I write about this in
The colonial scrip system was designed for use amongst the existing colonial population at that time.
My Monetary System is not population-size limited. My Monetary System would create prosperity amongst the population of any size independent sovereign nation-state.
Like the colonial scrip, the British Bradbury Pound is another piece of history that has been erased from students curriculum.
I just want to leave a comment because I think that what you are doing is so vital. It is not that the truth does not exist, it has been obfuscated and must be unearthed and presented publicly as the Real Truth. Thank you. I hope that at some point this information becomes widespread. Honestly, I have been completely unaware of much of what you are presenting in this article and your work as a whole.
Now I know the real reason why the British-controlled nation of Canada has always been a British Commonwealth. The Brits have done everything necessary over the last 400 years to protect and maintain its global hegemony. 😤
Is there any hope Matt?
The depth of the corruptions and manipulations to play their games of domination and exploitation , and the grotesque 'infiltration' of their ' agents' ( members) placed throughout our government , and all the ' colonies' and the violence and aggression they're using towards dissent makes me wake up every morning with anxiety. I do everything I can, every day, to spread the Truth.
I do know , ultimately, they fall; and humanity begins the turning of that great wheel of Time that signals the upward journey where we make a better world.
Is there any hope that these treasonous tyrants masquerading as our political and public 'representatives' are arrested?
What do we do?
We need hope.
You failed to mention Benjamin Franklin was a French attorney employed by the Bank of England to financially enslave America with a debt-based monetary system and a leaky constitution. However I did learn other historical details. Thank you
I'm so glad to see you feature our mutual hero, Ben Franklin. And I know we've gone around on this several times. But as a historian, you need to counter my arguments with facts and logic, not just disagree on the conclusion. The difference is whether, in following Franklin's example, we should be designing 'land-backed money' for local exchange and debts, issued and controlled by commonwealths around 200K people, which he called colonial scrip.
Or should we be promoting a global form of money backed by precious metals, called specie, so that local gov'ts are forbidden to use any other form of credit or currency for local exchange and debts? This is Hamilton's system that repaid the debts to France and his mentor, the banker Robert Morris, by foreclosing on the farms of Revolutionary War veterans for unpaid taxes while not allowing them to issue back wages for their war service in a local currency. This is the system that destroyed the sovereign people of Appalachia, my birth home, by giving hundreds of thousands of acres free to Robert Morris, of land that they'd established as homesteads and cultivated.
You say Franklin argued for a colonial scrip but that's misleading. He was the leading designer and advocate of the scrip that made Philadelphia a model of success, so much that when he argued to export the model to Europe, dismayed by the poverty in Ireland, the merchants passed The Currency Act forbidding it. That, and not taxes, was the cause of the American Revolution according to him. And after the War was won, your hero Hamilton worked with the merchants and bankers to reinstate the exact terms of the British Currency Act by forbidding Franklin's system in the Constitution. Whether they were in thrall to American bankers like Morris or British bankers was the only difference with Hamilton's death. The cause for which they'd fought had already been lost.
With respect, Matt, you're rewriting history to promote what you see as the current solution. We can disagree on what the answer is now, but don't destroy Franklin's greatest invention to do it.
How Benjamin Franklin Caused the Revolutionary War
I assume, William, that this article is linked to reinforce my point to Matt. It uses many of the quotes and narrative in the chapter of my book called "The Short Eventful Life of Sovereign Money." The book is How to Dismantle an Empire:
I kinda favor my Monetary solution detailed in the reply below.
After a cursory look at your book on Amazon, do you think all 8+ billion people can be grouped into units of 200,000 people, with each unit using its own currency/scrip? I have trouble seeing that becoming a reality.
I think you might be misinformed about Hamilton and recommend you read the following:
Nancy Bradeen Spannaus
Hamilton Versus Wall Street: The Core Principles of the American System of Economics
Also by Nancy Spannaus:
Does size not matter, in your opinion? The point of disagreement is whether Franklin and Hamilton agreed on the size of a sovereign entity that's able to issue its own currency. Please give me a quote showing that either Franklin thought bigger was better, or contradicting that Hamilton was AGAINST the state level, at that time 200K people. This article shows the opposite:
And it's certainly your prerogative to reject my last decade of researching this based on a cursory reading. But you do understand that for me to abandon everything I've read and thought in favor of some links you're throwing out there would be self-negating.
In my humble opinion, I do think you are wasting your life trying to convince people to give up their established independent sovereign nation-states and re-group into “community-nations” of only 200,000 people.
The reality is that if it weren’t for a slim majority of Constitutional Justices on the Supreme Court the USA and its Constitution will soon be abolished by the Globalist Fascist Oligarchy and replaced with a One World Neo-Feudalistic Technocracy. Keep your eyes and ears opened for what comes out of the UN in September.
A Global Tax to fund a One World Global Government:
Our Common Agenda Policy Brief 6
Reforms to the International Financial Architecture
MAY 2023
“Our Common Agenda is aimed at turbocharging the 2030 Agenda and making the Sustainable Development Goals real in the lives of people everywhere. Because halfway to 2030, we are far off track. We will only make up lost ground by addressing the gaps and challenges that have emerged since 2015 – including gaps in intergovernmental cooperation."
Remarks by the Secretary-General
February 2023
King Charles and the Globalists set meeting for September at which they will plot how to accelerate goals of U.N. Agenda 2030 and the complete digitization of humanity
Haha! I will need to quote you on that. Glad that you're humble enough to tell other people they're wasting their lives based on a few moments that you, from your position of superiority, have spent understanding their lifework. I think this fits best under my series: Imagine what you would have said if you weren't so humble!
Are you familiar with John Titus?
Mommy, Where Does Money Come From?
For your consideration:
A New Monetary System with A New National Bank
A Nation’s Monetary System could be, and should be, this simple…..
A Nation’s money is owned by the citizens of the Nation.
The value of a Nation’s money is determined by the productivity (labor) of the Nation’s citizenry as expressed in the quantity and quality of the goods and services produced by the Nation’s citizenry.
Alexander Hamilton’s wise words should be fully grasped: “The intrinsic wealth of a nation is to be measured, not by the abundance of the precious metals contained in it, but by the quantity of the productions of its labor and industry.”
A Nation’s Treasury Department adds money to a Nation’s economy through a National Bank.
A Nation’s Treasury Department subtracts money from a Nation’s economy through tax collection, i.e. Internal Revenue Service.
A National Bank manages the Nation’s money supply.
Loans increase a Nation’s money supply.
Loan repayment and taxes decrease a Nation’s money supply.
Loan interest rates control how quickly a Nation’s money supply will increase.
Tax rates control how quickly a Nation’s money supply will decrease.
A National Bank is owned by a Nation’s citizens and therefore the interest received from loans will never be siphoned off as profits to any private owner.
Only independent sovereign nations can establish a National Bank to manage the Nation’s money.
The National Bank is subordinate to the Nation’s Treasury Department.
The National Bank does not sell ownership rights to the Bank to citizens using stocks or bonds.
The National Bank is forbidden from buying and owning and trading assets, including stocks, bonds, and mortgages, both domestic and foreign.
The National Bank of an independent sovereign Nation does not need investors to buy National Bank stock and/or bonds in order for the National Bank to then loan that money to borrowers.
Only the National Bank is authorized to create money by making loans to citizens and businesses, to Federal Government Agencies, and to State and Local Government Agencies.
National Bank Branches will be located in each Postal District throughout the nation.
National Bank Branches will manage loans:
Issuing, setting interest rates, evaluating applicant’s loan needs and applicant’s capability to repay their loan’s interest and principal.
Loan Types:
Monthly Revolving Credit Card:
The higher the monthly credit card limit, the higher the interest rate.
Transportation Vehicle Loan:
The more expensive the vehicle, the higher the interest rate.
Home Mortgage Loan:
The more expensive the home, the higher the interest rate.
Personal Loan:
The higher the loan amount, the higher the interest rate.
Business Loan for Business Expenses:
The higher the loan amount, the higher the interest rate.
New Business Start-Up Loan:
The higher the loan amount, the higher the interest rate. A maximum loan amount will be determined based upon risk of success or failure of the New Business. New Businesses can seek loans from non-Bank investment lenders.
Federal Government Agencies:
The National Bank will issue loans to Federal Government Agencies that will be repaid from Federal property and sales taxes, and tariffs.
State and Local Governments Agencies:
The National Bank will issue loans to State and Local Government Agencies that will be repaid from State and Local property and sales taxes.
Loans and taxes can only be paid in Bank money.
There shall be no Federal, State, and Local income taxes (personal and business). There shall only be Federal, State, and Local property and sales taxes.
Only the Federal Government can levy tariffs.
Loan interest rates and tax rates are modified to control the money supply, and thereby inflation.
Government agencies contract goods and services from citizens and businesses and other government agencies.
Federal, State and Local Government agencies submit budget requests to their governing elected representatives. Budget requests will either be approved, denied, or modified by the governing elected representatives. Approved budget requests are recorded in a national database that National Bank managers can search to confirm loan applications from Federal, State and Local Government agencies.
Welfare is a no-interest non-repayable loan (gift) to citizens based upon their poverty.
Welfare recipients have to agree to a contract with the National Bank requiring the welfare recipient to change their detrimental and self-destructive lifestyle behaviors and habits, fulfill training goals, and fulfill minimum employment requirements.
Only independent sovereign nations can control their own money supply by creating money out of “thin air” and then loaning their money to borrowers. Individual citizens can control their personal money supply (wealth) by loaning (investing) their personal accumulated money supply (wealth) to borrowers, domestic and foreign.
What's the right size for sovereignty, William? Is it over a billion people, like India and China? 330M people like the US? Or 350K like Iceland? Is bigger better or smaller?
Since a nation is a fictitious construct built on ancient wars between rulers, who derived their authority from shedding the blood of their 'subjects', should we consider that sacrosanct? Or start by deciding what at what size democracy is possible?
You've defined the rules that you think William's fiefdom should run by. I have a different set of rules for mine, based on Ben Franklin's model. Rather than convince each other and 330M others, we could put our strategies into a computer simulation game (once it was written) and see which one generates the most exchanges of productive labor before getting cashed out for an imperial currency. I write about this in
The colonial scrip system was designed for use amongst the existing colonial population at that time.
My Monetary System is not population-size limited. My Monetary System would create prosperity amongst the population of any size independent sovereign nation-state.
Like the colonial scrip, the British Bradbury Pound is another piece of history that has been erased from students curriculum.
I just want to leave a comment because I think that what you are doing is so vital. It is not that the truth does not exist, it has been obfuscated and must be unearthed and presented publicly as the Real Truth. Thank you. I hope that at some point this information becomes widespread. Honestly, I have been completely unaware of much of what you are presenting in this article and your work as a whole.
Now I know the real reason why the British-controlled nation of Canada has always been a British Commonwealth. The Brits have done everything necessary over the last 400 years to protect and maintain its global hegemony. 😤