Oct 16Liked by Matthew Ehret

Those who would consider an unborn baby as a parasite in the mother's body would naturally see the human race as a cancer to Mother Earth.

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Oct 16Liked by Matthew Ehret

The history of Canada I knew nothing about but am now learning. Thx so much for posting these articles and books. I’m ordering them .

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Oct 16Liked by Matthew Ehret

Excellent! Adds fodder to my theory and firsthand knowledge that Global Royals run the world and dictate via the RIIA. The British Royals are the ‘brand’ for the Global Royals.

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Oct 16Liked by Matthew Ehret

Another superb article, packed with important information!

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Excellent piece Matt, truly thought provoking.

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Utterly brilliant. (The essay, I mean!)

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What "vaccination" did to Dick Van Dyke


"Think of the foreclosures!"

The Fidelity Fiduciary Bank song, from Mary Poppins, as sung by Dick Van Dyke, as the bank chairman:

If you invest your tuppence

Wisely in the bank

Safe and sound

Soon that tuppence safely invested in the bank

Will compound

And you'll achieve that sense of conquest

As your affluence expands

In the hands

Of the directors

Who invest as propriety demands

You see, Michael, you'll be part of...

Railways through Africa

Dams across the Nile

Fleets of ocean greyhounds

Majestic self-amortizing canals

Plantations of ripening tea

All from

Tuppence prudently, thriftily, frugally

Invested in the...

To be specific

In the Dawes, Tomes, Mousley, Grubbs

Fidelity Fiduciary Bank

When you deposit tuppence in a bank account

Soon you'll see

That it blooms into credit of a generous amount


And you'll achieve that sense of stature

As your influence expands

To the high financial strata

That established credit now commands

You can purchase first and second trust deeds

Think of the foreclosures!

Bonds, chattels, dividends, shares


Debtor sales


All manner of private enterprise


The mercantile






You see, Michael? All for the lack of...


Patiently, cautiously, trustingly invested in the...

To be specific

In the Dawes, Tomes, Mousley, Grubbs

Fidelity Fiduciary Bank


note: Van Dyke had to pay Walt Disney $4,000 to be able to play the bank chairman

The ruling class (Dick Van Dyke was one of their critics, most likely) has long known that usury and the lack of debt jubilees will lead to the centralization of everything, so they planned on engineering “cooperation”, and that’s exactly what they’re doing with their invented crises. To read this, it all sounds so reasonable, but that is their weak point. Its batshit crazy, its killing millions, and on top of all that, it is bound to fail. People have somehow to be made to realize this.

"In Jessem Guy’s detailed breakdown of Changing Images of Man, the audacity of a select few to reshape the entire trajectory of humanity is laid bare. This isn’t just an intellectual exercise—this small group of elites, supported by powerful institutions, feel entitled to dismantle the very foundations of human nature. With chilling precision, they have outlined a vision for our future, one that strips away individualism, freedom, and the organic evolution of society.


Societal disruptions, including the COVID-19 pandemic, are described as accelerating changes that align with the post-industrial future outlined in Changing Images of Man. Wars and crises are viewed as opportunities to speed up societal transformations that would otherwise take generations"

research book summary

Changing Images of Man - Part 2

GPT Summary - Jessem Guy's Podcast


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Canada: How the communists took control.

True copy of part of the F.B.I. file documenting Pearson’s Soviet espionage activities with Bentley: Lester B. Pearson, Soviet Espionage (File Description: HQ, Pearson L.; Subject: Silvermaster; File No. 65-56402; Vol. No. 151; Serials 3897-3945) Excerpt (1951)


Trudeau Spearheading Fabian Takeover

This article, researched by former RCMP undercover agent Pat Walsh, gives essential background information on the “charistmatic” Mr. Trudeau being created by the mass media and propelled into the Primeministry. Below is a summary of his background, documentation and elaboration.


Is Mark Carney slated to complete what started decades ago through consent of Canadian voters b/c without majority consent of the people ruling entities cannot rule?

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Absolutely brilliant as usual, well done Matt! I especially liked the cheeky part of the devil's advocate speaking and being brainwashed. What is the best way one can contribute to the real New Deal?

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