'Jung’s intention to overthrow Christianity, establish a new gnostic religious order based on drugs, embrace of the shadow, and liberation from morality (with him as a high priest) was shared by fellow Ascona participant Aldous Huxley- MK Ultra guiding light, author of Doors of Perception, and Brave New World.'
Matthew! This is just self-referential contrived drivel... you have absolutely no real hard evidence to link Jung the eugenicists and CIA lunatics who came after him... By all means debate with Stephan Hoeller. He'll set you straight perhaps... Seven Sermons to the Dead is an extraordinary work.. Jung's work on archetypes incredibly insightful and important.
I understand I have touched a nerve with you and others who have found themselves spellbound by Jung's mastery of diving to the depths of darkness of the human psyche which somehow makes him this incredibly insightful near-demigod beyond reproach. Well, I have to say that I must reproach him using his own insane and highly immoral words within the context of his life's actions and devotions to new world priesthood (he provably did shape the entire game plan for MK Ultra and the counter culture operation run by his friend Allan Dulles and an array of Jungian Huxleyites at Esalen, the SRI and entire revolution in military affairs that accompanied that. I barely used Richard Noll in this entire text and relied only on Jung's own words, the historically verifiable role he played as a person within geopolitical grand strategy and also remarks from his own devoted follower.
Matthew? Are you serious? A candidate for fascism? wtf????
I've no idea what the Skull & Bones reference refers to. My understanding is it was Jungian family connections that blocked the book (and I admit they have been very overactive in many ways throughout the period after GCJ's death protecting his legacy until finally allowing The Red Book to be published. I hold no great admiration for their behaviour. Many, like Aniela Jaffe, were shoddily treated).
Anyway, the book was published not much later under the title 'The Aryan Christ'. And by Princeton.
Jung's 'own insane and highly immoral words'. ???? Not sure to what words you refer, but if I'm a candidate for fascism, you're a much bigger one for self-righteous prurience.
Charges and criticisms are easily to throw about.. Many groups can simply be called cults - irrespective of the word being remotely deserved or accurate. For instance, The Cult of LaRouche, and the canonisation and later deification of St Lyndon..
(ha ha, I just checked,.... Wikipedia actually goes this far....all ridiculous crap....)
“I think we must give it [referring to his new religion] time to infiltrate into people from many centers, to revivify among intellectuals a feeling for symbol and myth, ever so gently to transform Christ back into the soothsaying god of the vine, which he was, and in this way absorb those ecstatic instinctual forces of Christianity for the one purpose of making the cult and the sacred myth what they once were- a drunken feast of joy where man regained the ethos and holiness of an animal.” [McGuire, Freud-Jung Letters p. 294- letter 178J]
Jung additionally was a key figure who played a key role in shaping the CIA's MK Ultra program which was in fact evil. His many years conducting deep therapy on CIA controlling psychologist Henry Murray, and his role in working closely with Dulles who applied his work in MK Ultra and beyond are all indicators of a cause of evil to which he was devoted
Jung also wrote to Freud in 1910: “The ethical problem of sexual freedom really is enormous and worth the sweat of all noble souls. But 2000 years of Christianity can only be replaced by something equivalent…[an] irresistible mass movement…I imagine a far finer and more comprehensive task for [psychoanalysis] than alliance with an ethical fraternity. I think we must give it time to infiltrate into people from many centers, to revivify among intellectuals a feeling for symbol and myth, ever so gently to transform Christ back into the soothsaying god of the vine, which he was, and in this way absorb those ecstatic instinctual forces of Christianity for the one purpose of making the cult and the sacred myth what they once were – a drunken feast of joy where man regained the ethos and holiness of an animal.
That was the beauty and purpose of classical religion, and from which God knows what temporary biological needs has turned into a Misery Institute. Yet what infinite rapture and wantonness lie formant in our religion, waiting to be led back to their true destination! A genuine and proper ethical development cannot abandon Christianity but must grow up within it, must bring to fruition its hymn of love, the agony and ecstasy over the dying and resurgent god, the mystic power of the wine, the awesome anthropophagy of the Last Supper – only this ethical development can serve the vital forces of religion.”
- Carl Jung “Freud/Jung Letters” (Jung letter to Freud written early 1910)
this wasn't a mere musing, but a declaration of intention which animated his life and which was used entirely by the Tavistockian/MK Ultra social engineers throughout the 20th century to create a new bestialized new age polytheistic religion with a new priesthood that revives the core tenets of the gnostic cosmology
below on the thread concerning Jung's 'The Undiscovered Self' you will find my view about Jung's relationship with Christian dogma and the stranglehold of the 'founding fathers'.
PS the quote of Jung using 'primitive Christians' is in my view a distortion of his German, he meant 'early' Christians, ie the founding fathers who constellated around the Councils of Nicea...
By the way, in this same letter he describes the Christian church as a 'Church of Misery'.... considering the dourness of Teutonian and N European Protestantism, who the fuck can blame him?
this is from later in the same letter.. yes, it animated his whole life.. his powerful personal experiences documented in his Red Book attest to this.........BUT
' which was used entirely by the Tavistockian/MK Ultra social engineers throughout the 20th century to create a new bestialized new age polytheistic religion with a new priesthood that revives the core tenets of the gnostic cosmology '
Yes, used by the Tavistock & MK Ultra crowd.
Show me the evidence that Jung had anything to do with this OTHER than the fact that his own AP work on the unconscious and archetypes informed their process - but prove his involvement.. Of course evil ghouls grabbed hold of these powerful findings...That does NOT prove Jung was closely involved which you allege. Show evidence of meetings, correpsondence or anything else to support your claim.
What new priesthood? Where? Who?
Your representation of the 'core tenets of Gnostic cosmology' is extremely distorted and in many case erroneous. Having been through all of Stephan Hoeller's very protracted lecture series on Gnostic cosmology, Gnostic teachings and the key Nag Hammadi texts which lay this out, I can say this with absolute assurance.
Moreover you quote the most obscure and virtually unknown and unused texts to support your argument...Having read Elaine Pagel's extensive studies of the texts, never once have I come across any reference to them.
Hoeller as you know is a very experienced scholar of Jung as well as an ordained Gnostic Bishop.
You have used this quote in your article.. I've read the whole letter.. This excerpt needs to be read in the context of the whole letter..
The way you use it supports your argument. The whole letter much less so and I would argue what he is talking about it not as cut and dry as you you present it.
The excerpt you quote below is from the same letter.
Nobody, least of all me, is arguing that MK Ultra was NOT evil.
Show me the evidence for this last statement of yours:
'His many years conducting deep therapy on CIA controlling psychologist Henry Murray, and his role in working closely with Dulles who applied his work in MK Ultra and beyond are all indicators of a cause of evil to which he was devoted '
He worked with Dulles as Agent 888 - gave assessments of Hitler's state of mind and an assessment of Nazi propaganda. I read 2 letters showing this. Show me any evidence that supports your claims about 'years conducting deep therapy with Murray.'
He openly criticises Huxley's use of psychedelics in another letter. I have found no evidence of a protracted contact with Murray - who yes, did study his work
Either you have evidence to support your claims - or you are grossly exaggerating Jungs control and influence.
Yes the findings of his work were used in MK Ultra and other places - but this does NOT imply Jung's personal involvement. This I contest. Prove otherwise
You really want to be spoonfed eh? Look man, you need to tighten your bullshit filter alot here. Hoeller's career and works on gnosticism were funded by Laurence Rockefeller. His books are open about that, and honestly man, Laurence Rockefeller (and the entire Rockefeller Brothers fund and Rockefeller Foundation) were major driving forces behind turning the USA into an evil empire and financing MK Ultra ops. Even Terrence McKenna's work was bankrolled by Laurence Rockefeller and so too was the alien disclosure psyop that I document in thorough detail in many of my writings. The fact that Jung worked directly with Henry A Murray on deep therapy and even advised Murray on creating a three-way relationship with his mistress (following the Jung model) and the fact that Murray continued on to play a driving role in MK Ultra's psylocibin project and considering Jung's work with Dulles as an OSS agent in the war and his work with Dulles and the Rockefeller machine in promoting the Flying Saucer psyop as part of the revival of the ancient mystery religion project, and considering his own remarks to Freud about infiltrating and undermining orthodox Christianity to bring about a dionisian Christianity and considering his role in leading Eranos conferences run by Fabians and Theosophists which directly interfaced with the broader social engineering program applied to the baby boomers, and considering his own admiration of Otto Gross (yes that sociopathic killer whose theories were so deep and charming that they transformed Jung's entire life, and considering Jung's obsession with channelling demonic spirit entities like Abraxas as a being shaped by the infusion of good and evil, lies and truth, and considering the entire anti-moral lessons contained within the Nag Hammadi texts featuring an irrationalist, nearly schizo God and sexualized worshiping of said God, whose promotion was driven by both Jung and those same Rockefeller Foundation forces that oversaw the transformation of the western world into an imperial satanic order of superstitious mysticism and normalized hedonism as a path to "liberation" are but some of the reasons why you should sincerely learn to think more seriously about your beloved Jung... and Rockefeller funded Hoeller.
"The policy of the State is exalted to a creed, the leader or party boss becomes a demigod beyond good and evil, and his votaries are honored as heroes, martyrs, apostles, missionaries. There is only ONE truth and beside it no other. It is sacrosanct and above criticism. Anyone who thinks differently is a heretic, who, as we know from history, is threatened with all manner of unpleasant things. Only the party boss, who holds the political power in his hands, can interpret the State doctrine authentically, and he does so just as suits him" -- Carl Jung, The Undiscovered Self
Jung's quote is a lovely over-generalized simplification which would have made Robespierre or any leading color revolutionary proud, but in the context of the world in which he lived and wrote those words, and considering his role in collaborating with Allan Dulles and many other leading figures of the CIA (and MI6) running MK Ultra, I would have to say that his remarks are devoted to stopping any nationalist moral leader who attempts to use the power of the state to rein in the evil that Jung has devoted himself too.
So actually you haven't read The Undiscovered Self in full..
'.....the evil that Jung has devoted himself too'
You have clearly convinced yourself of this. And everything in your article goes to support this view.
Except there are so many unjustified leaps, unsupported claims and total distortions in your interpretation of sources that the whole thing just exposes your lack of objective scholarship.
While to say that your tiny and rather obtuse selections of the Nag Hammadi scrolls are hugely misrepresentative of the bulk of the Gnostic material would be putting it mildly.
And your distortion of Gnostic cosmology is gross. Especially concerning Pistis Sophia, who is universally a benign figure.
I could list all your wild leaps, questionable links and assertions in full. But you wouldn't read it..
But I will say one more thing. The fact that Huxley and Dulles used the very powerful insights into the collective unconscious provided by Jung, especially concerning the Archetypes, in no way supports the accusation that he was the mastermind behind MK Ultra. Indeed he openly states in the sources you yourself refer to, that the use of psychedelics was a dangerous thing - and he even quotes Huxley's work (Heaven and Hell, The Gates of Perception) specifically as evidence of this.
The fact that the CIA clearly WANTED to do dangerous things and fuck with peoples' brains using drugs is NOT something you can blame Jung for. But you do, of course. At least you seem to suggest he was directly involved. Prove it.
As you also accuse him of wanting to subvert Christianity. Actually he wanted release the teachings of Christ from the straitjacket imposed by those who had gathered around, suppressed and distorted the teaching from the Councils of Nicea onwards...(who burned down the Library of Alexandria???) But despite their best efforts, the Nag Hammadi scrolls were hidden and saved.....
You also accuse Jung of wanting to subvert Christianity. Actually he wanted to release ALL the teachings of Christ from the straitjacket imposed by those who had gathered around, suppressed and distorted the teaching from the Councils of Nicea onwards...(who burned down the Library of Alexandria???) But despite their best efforts, the Nag Hammadi scrolls were hidden and saved.....
What you seem to be intent on doing is to continue the work that the founding dogmatic controlling fathers of the Christian religion begun. And who managed to build a church that has been responsible for the largest and worst atrocities in human history since the Crusades onwards....and it continues getting worse and worse...
This essay of his is in my belief the most powerful and most relevant to the situation we face today. As powerful as Hannah Arendt's work and it strongly supports Mat Desmet's work on mass formation.
I find it interesting in the Lion headed imagery, how they, "myth-ric" luciferian cultists reveal the truth inadvertantly, in effect that by following the satanic(twisted snake) philosophy you are turning yourself, a moral creature into an immoral one (animalistic(strictly egocentric)). Though they twist the truth, as in truth an animal, and all material reality besides humans (conscious images of Divinity with free will, not simply subject to animalistic urges), all other material reality actually follows its design properly, Except humans. Only Jesus Christ Messiah, followed God's will for conscious beings perfectly. Satan, like the CIA(insert famous William j Casey quote) doesn't care what you believe, as long as you do not believe the Truth. Which is why Satan delights in folks(Jung and all) following endless fantasy, demons, and mumbo jumbo wasting their divine image, instead of simply following Jesus Christ The Messiah, The Way, and transcending confusion, and endless babble.
Jung was only too aware of the many sacrificed sun gods that have appeared regularly throughout humankind's spiritual history.. archetypes repeating......
It is possible, that archetypes and symbols exist for a reason, and a symbol actually represents something actual. It is possible, that all truth, is a resonance of the Divine Truth (Logos). It is possible that all humans and cultures are connected outside of time and material space. It is possible, that all True philosophy is fulfilled in the Divine expression of Jesus Christ, perfection displayed for all to see, and for one to know who seeks to know. When one trusts Christ, and follows Christ, more is given, more is revealed, recall the parable of the talents. The universe itself cries out the story of Jesus Christ Messiah, Perfection (Beauty, Goodness and Truth, Love, Maths, and so on). I know we Truth Seekers, are simply trying to point the ones who desire to become enlightened towards the Divine Light, Christ. Conversely, respectfully, Luciferians, attempt the impossible, to deny God and self responsibility and misdirect into any false light. And use a lesser creation as if it is "god", whether that be self or nature, or tradition, or writer/philosopher, or ritual, or demon, or lucifer, whatever idol. Wisdom is known to her children. Let us continue to seek the Truth, and not be afraid of where the Truth unfiltered leads. God Bless, Brother Simon
In Part 1 of this series: "Why would Kissinger, a man who devoted such a major part of his life to the cause of Zionism, believe with certainty that Israel would no longer exist in 10 years? What was supposed to happen under a Hillary Clinton regime that would have resulted in Kissinger’s prediction unfolding in 2022?"
Kissinger mentions in Part 1: 31
Kissinger mentions in Part 2: 1
Kissinger mentions in Part 3: 1
Kissinger mentions in Part 4: 0
Kissinger mentions in Part 5: 0
Paging Henry Kissinger. Paging Henry Kissinger: Please come to the Matt Ehret Historian Telephone. Henry Kissinger, Henry Kissinger. Please come to the Matt Ehret Historian Telephone.
'Jung delivered seven gnostic sermons to the spirits of dead knights Templar'
No, Matt, he didn't. This is complete bollocks and is a total misreading of Jung, his beliefs and Jung/Basilides' intention and meaning when delivering the Sermons. The dead are NOT the Templars...
Show me one credible piece of evidence to support this assertion (for it IS nothing more than an assertion - and a very distorted one at that..)
This complete invention of his audience (according to you) serves only one purpose. Supporting all your other baseless claims about Jung and his motives and connections.
You are, quite frankly, full of shit...
You call yourself a historian. But you're not. You're a clown peddling sensational claims which rely on no evidence whatsoever - other than implied guilt by association. You feel free to make these claims because all those you accuse are long dead. Like so many 'researchers' attached to LaRouche, you make wild claims based on zero evidence.
I was going to address the cultist aspect of the ongoing Western moral wreckage, and how it's connected to the resurgence of supposedly ancient female deities grip on the human mind, from the elites trickling down to the plebs. Your articles provide useful context in that regard. Although I trust the guy as much as I would a rattlesnake, I was also planning to use snippets from Jonathan Cahn who draws interesting parallels between the gender nonsense and the cult of Ishtar.
I was ultimately going to address the Christian cult and how it paved the way to its current competing mind-control oriented religions - climate, UFO's, World communism, psychology, gender, scientism, etc - through the gutting and/or complete reversal of its original doctrines (mostly, Saul's gospel) and the systematic tweaking of historical facts (mainly the creation of the Christ character and the fraudulent history of Christian regimes), all scams that a thorough reading of Fomenko's writings should make abundantly clear, my ultimate goal being to hurt as severely as possible the good standing of not only Jung and other assorted asswipes of his kind but also to hit at the core and expose all the cults as the age-old business model they really are - a ploy to keep the weak-minded masses in check.
Hi Matt....I haven't had the chance to listen to this but thought I you might want to know and perhaps respond..... it wasn't the first time she had mentioned you so wanted to give you the heads up .... I just found it odd that she wouldn't reach out to you to discuss her concerns...ro maybe she has....IDK....
oh... you're right. She appear to be a tad hostile towards me eh?
C'est la vie. I'm curious to know what exactly it is that offended her so much as she didn't say much in that post beyond sharing her own confusion and desires for an "expert" she can believe in
Yeah, I started following her a while back on her Truth Summit and I enjoyed some of the guests she had on.....but I really was affected when I saw those two articles about you...and like you said, she didn't really say much but enough for me to want to give you the heads up....that's all.... yes, a bit hostile..... thanks for everything you and Cynthia have done and continue to do..... hope Elsa reaches out to you so you can find out what this is all about.....not sure why she is specifically calling you out in two recent substacks.... thanks, again from a Canadian fan.... ❤🍁
this is now on Minds platform
https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1594407460209168399?referrer=flyingaxblade your picture link didn't load, so I took one from the essay...like a cover sleeve.
'Jung’s intention to overthrow Christianity, establish a new gnostic religious order based on drugs, embrace of the shadow, and liberation from morality (with him as a high priest) was shared by fellow Ascona participant Aldous Huxley- MK Ultra guiding light, author of Doors of Perception, and Brave New World.'
Matthew! This is just self-referential contrived drivel... you have absolutely no real hard evidence to link Jung the eugenicists and CIA lunatics who came after him... By all means debate with Stephan Hoeller. He'll set you straight perhaps... Seven Sermons to the Dead is an extraordinary work.. Jung's work on archetypes incredibly insightful and important.
Vocatus atque non vocatus, Deus aderit!
I understand I have touched a nerve with you and others who have found themselves spellbound by Jung's mastery of diving to the depths of darkness of the human psyche which somehow makes him this incredibly insightful near-demigod beyond reproach. Well, I have to say that I must reproach him using his own insane and highly immoral words within the context of his life's actions and devotions to new world priesthood (he provably did shape the entire game plan for MK Ultra and the counter culture operation run by his friend Allan Dulles and an array of Jungian Huxleyites at Esalen, the SRI and entire revolution in military affairs that accompanied that. I barely used Richard Noll in this entire text and relied only on Jung's own words, the historically verifiable role he played as a person within geopolitical grand strategy and also remarks from his own devoted follower.
The work of Richard Noll and his assertion that Jung formed a cult is highly contested - to say the very least!
While a second follow up book by Noll on Jung and the Mysteries was cancelled at the proof stage by Princeton University Press.
Okkkaayyy.. Home of Skull and Bones blocks publication of a book and so that book must be bad. Great line of logic. You are a candidate for fascism
Matthew? Are you serious? A candidate for fascism? wtf????
I've no idea what the Skull & Bones reference refers to. My understanding is it was Jungian family connections that blocked the book (and I admit they have been very overactive in many ways throughout the period after GCJ's death protecting his legacy until finally allowing The Red Book to be published. I hold no great admiration for their behaviour. Many, like Aniela Jaffe, were shoddily treated).
Anyway, the book was published not much later under the title 'The Aryan Christ'. And by Princeton.
Jung's 'own insane and highly immoral words'. ???? Not sure to what words you refer, but if I'm a candidate for fascism, you're a much bigger one for self-righteous prurience.
Charges and criticisms are easily to throw about.. Many groups can simply be called cults - irrespective of the word being remotely deserved or accurate. For instance, The Cult of LaRouche, and the canonisation and later deification of St Lyndon..
(ha ha, I just checked,.... Wikipedia actually goes this far....all ridiculous crap....)
“I think we must give it [referring to his new religion] time to infiltrate into people from many centers, to revivify among intellectuals a feeling for symbol and myth, ever so gently to transform Christ back into the soothsaying god of the vine, which he was, and in this way absorb those ecstatic instinctual forces of Christianity for the one purpose of making the cult and the sacred myth what they once were- a drunken feast of joy where man regained the ethos and holiness of an animal.” [McGuire, Freud-Jung Letters p. 294- letter 178J]
Jung additionally was a key figure who played a key role in shaping the CIA's MK Ultra program which was in fact evil. His many years conducting deep therapy on CIA controlling psychologist Henry Murray, and his role in working closely with Dulles who applied his work in MK Ultra and beyond are all indicators of a cause of evil to which he was devoted
Jung also wrote to Freud in 1910: “The ethical problem of sexual freedom really is enormous and worth the sweat of all noble souls. But 2000 years of Christianity can only be replaced by something equivalent…[an] irresistible mass movement…I imagine a far finer and more comprehensive task for [psychoanalysis] than alliance with an ethical fraternity. I think we must give it time to infiltrate into people from many centers, to revivify among intellectuals a feeling for symbol and myth, ever so gently to transform Christ back into the soothsaying god of the vine, which he was, and in this way absorb those ecstatic instinctual forces of Christianity for the one purpose of making the cult and the sacred myth what they once were – a drunken feast of joy where man regained the ethos and holiness of an animal.
That was the beauty and purpose of classical religion, and from which God knows what temporary biological needs has turned into a Misery Institute. Yet what infinite rapture and wantonness lie formant in our religion, waiting to be led back to their true destination! A genuine and proper ethical development cannot abandon Christianity but must grow up within it, must bring to fruition its hymn of love, the agony and ecstasy over the dying and resurgent god, the mystic power of the wine, the awesome anthropophagy of the Last Supper – only this ethical development can serve the vital forces of religion.”
- Carl Jung “Freud/Jung Letters” (Jung letter to Freud written early 1910)
this wasn't a mere musing, but a declaration of intention which animated his life and which was used entirely by the Tavistockian/MK Ultra social engineers throughout the 20th century to create a new bestialized new age polytheistic religion with a new priesthood that revives the core tenets of the gnostic cosmology
below on the thread concerning Jung's 'The Undiscovered Self' you will find my view about Jung's relationship with Christian dogma and the stranglehold of the 'founding fathers'.
PS the quote of Jung using 'primitive Christians' is in my view a distortion of his German, he meant 'early' Christians, ie the founding fathers who constellated around the Councils of Nicea...
By the way, in this same letter he describes the Christian church as a 'Church of Misery'.... considering the dourness of Teutonian and N European Protestantism, who the fuck can blame him?
this is from later in the same letter.. yes, it animated his whole life.. his powerful personal experiences documented in his Red Book attest to this.........BUT
' which was used entirely by the Tavistockian/MK Ultra social engineers throughout the 20th century to create a new bestialized new age polytheistic religion with a new priesthood that revives the core tenets of the gnostic cosmology '
Yes, used by the Tavistock & MK Ultra crowd.
Show me the evidence that Jung had anything to do with this OTHER than the fact that his own AP work on the unconscious and archetypes informed their process - but prove his involvement.. Of course evil ghouls grabbed hold of these powerful findings...That does NOT prove Jung was closely involved which you allege. Show evidence of meetings, correpsondence or anything else to support your claim.
What new priesthood? Where? Who?
Your representation of the 'core tenets of Gnostic cosmology' is extremely distorted and in many case erroneous. Having been through all of Stephan Hoeller's very protracted lecture series on Gnostic cosmology, Gnostic teachings and the key Nag Hammadi texts which lay this out, I can say this with absolute assurance.
Moreover you quote the most obscure and virtually unknown and unused texts to support your argument...Having read Elaine Pagel's extensive studies of the texts, never once have I come across any reference to them.
Hoeller as you know is a very experienced scholar of Jung as well as an ordained Gnostic Bishop.
You have used this quote in your article.. I've read the whole letter.. This excerpt needs to be read in the context of the whole letter..
The way you use it supports your argument. The whole letter much less so and I would argue what he is talking about it not as cut and dry as you you present it.
The excerpt you quote below is from the same letter.
Nobody, least of all me, is arguing that MK Ultra was NOT evil.
Show me the evidence for this last statement of yours:
'His many years conducting deep therapy on CIA controlling psychologist Henry Murray, and his role in working closely with Dulles who applied his work in MK Ultra and beyond are all indicators of a cause of evil to which he was devoted '
He worked with Dulles as Agent 888 - gave assessments of Hitler's state of mind and an assessment of Nazi propaganda. I read 2 letters showing this. Show me any evidence that supports your claims about 'years conducting deep therapy with Murray.'
He openly criticises Huxley's use of psychedelics in another letter. I have found no evidence of a protracted contact with Murray - who yes, did study his work
Either you have evidence to support your claims - or you are grossly exaggerating Jungs control and influence.
Yes the findings of his work were used in MK Ultra and other places - but this does NOT imply Jung's personal involvement. This I contest. Prove otherwise
You really want to be spoonfed eh? Look man, you need to tighten your bullshit filter alot here. Hoeller's career and works on gnosticism were funded by Laurence Rockefeller. His books are open about that, and honestly man, Laurence Rockefeller (and the entire Rockefeller Brothers fund and Rockefeller Foundation) were major driving forces behind turning the USA into an evil empire and financing MK Ultra ops. Even Terrence McKenna's work was bankrolled by Laurence Rockefeller and so too was the alien disclosure psyop that I document in thorough detail in many of my writings. The fact that Jung worked directly with Henry A Murray on deep therapy and even advised Murray on creating a three-way relationship with his mistress (following the Jung model) and the fact that Murray continued on to play a driving role in MK Ultra's psylocibin project and considering Jung's work with Dulles as an OSS agent in the war and his work with Dulles and the Rockefeller machine in promoting the Flying Saucer psyop as part of the revival of the ancient mystery religion project, and considering his own remarks to Freud about infiltrating and undermining orthodox Christianity to bring about a dionisian Christianity and considering his role in leading Eranos conferences run by Fabians and Theosophists which directly interfaced with the broader social engineering program applied to the baby boomers, and considering his own admiration of Otto Gross (yes that sociopathic killer whose theories were so deep and charming that they transformed Jung's entire life, and considering Jung's obsession with channelling demonic spirit entities like Abraxas as a being shaped by the infusion of good and evil, lies and truth, and considering the entire anti-moral lessons contained within the Nag Hammadi texts featuring an irrationalist, nearly schizo God and sexualized worshiping of said God, whose promotion was driven by both Jung and those same Rockefeller Foundation forces that oversaw the transformation of the western world into an imperial satanic order of superstitious mysticism and normalized hedonism as a path to "liberation" are but some of the reasons why you should sincerely learn to think more seriously about your beloved Jung... and Rockefeller funded Hoeller.
I always thought you knew what you were talking about Mathew but this is like reading a madman’s rant.
"The policy of the State is exalted to a creed, the leader or party boss becomes a demigod beyond good and evil, and his votaries are honored as heroes, martyrs, apostles, missionaries. There is only ONE truth and beside it no other. It is sacrosanct and above criticism. Anyone who thinks differently is a heretic, who, as we know from history, is threatened with all manner of unpleasant things. Only the party boss, who holds the political power in his hands, can interpret the State doctrine authentically, and he does so just as suits him" -- Carl Jung, The Undiscovered Self
Jung's quote is a lovely over-generalized simplification which would have made Robespierre or any leading color revolutionary proud, but in the context of the world in which he lived and wrote those words, and considering his role in collaborating with Allan Dulles and many other leading figures of the CIA (and MI6) running MK Ultra, I would have to say that his remarks are devoted to stopping any nationalist moral leader who attempts to use the power of the state to rein in the evil that Jung has devoted himself too.
So actually you haven't read The Undiscovered Self in full..
'.....the evil that Jung has devoted himself too'
You have clearly convinced yourself of this. And everything in your article goes to support this view.
Except there are so many unjustified leaps, unsupported claims and total distortions in your interpretation of sources that the whole thing just exposes your lack of objective scholarship.
While to say that your tiny and rather obtuse selections of the Nag Hammadi scrolls are hugely misrepresentative of the bulk of the Gnostic material would be putting it mildly.
And your distortion of Gnostic cosmology is gross. Especially concerning Pistis Sophia, who is universally a benign figure.
I could list all your wild leaps, questionable links and assertions in full. But you wouldn't read it..
But I will say one more thing. The fact that Huxley and Dulles used the very powerful insights into the collective unconscious provided by Jung, especially concerning the Archetypes, in no way supports the accusation that he was the mastermind behind MK Ultra. Indeed he openly states in the sources you yourself refer to, that the use of psychedelics was a dangerous thing - and he even quotes Huxley's work (Heaven and Hell, The Gates of Perception) specifically as evidence of this.
The fact that the CIA clearly WANTED to do dangerous things and fuck with peoples' brains using drugs is NOT something you can blame Jung for. But you do, of course. At least you seem to suggest he was directly involved. Prove it.
As you also accuse him of wanting to subvert Christianity. Actually he wanted release the teachings of Christ from the straitjacket imposed by those who had gathered around, suppressed and distorted the teaching from the Councils of Nicea onwards...(who burned down the Library of Alexandria???) But despite their best efforts, the Nag Hammadi scrolls were hidden and saved.....
Finally Matthew..
You also accuse Jung of wanting to subvert Christianity. Actually he wanted to release ALL the teachings of Christ from the straitjacket imposed by those who had gathered around, suppressed and distorted the teaching from the Councils of Nicea onwards...(who burned down the Library of Alexandria???) But despite their best efforts, the Nag Hammadi scrolls were hidden and saved.....
What you seem to be intent on doing is to continue the work that the founding dogmatic controlling fathers of the Christian religion begun. And who managed to build a church that has been responsible for the largest and worst atrocities in human history since the Crusades onwards....and it continues getting worse and worse...
Sooooo…you’re a modern Gnostic?
This essay of his is in my belief the most powerful and most relevant to the situation we face today. As powerful as Hannah Arendt's work and it strongly supports Mat Desmet's work on mass formation.
I find it interesting in the Lion headed imagery, how they, "myth-ric" luciferian cultists reveal the truth inadvertantly, in effect that by following the satanic(twisted snake) philosophy you are turning yourself, a moral creature into an immoral one (animalistic(strictly egocentric)). Though they twist the truth, as in truth an animal, and all material reality besides humans (conscious images of Divinity with free will, not simply subject to animalistic urges), all other material reality actually follows its design properly, Except humans. Only Jesus Christ Messiah, followed God's will for conscious beings perfectly. Satan, like the CIA(insert famous William j Casey quote) doesn't care what you believe, as long as you do not believe the Truth. Which is why Satan delights in folks(Jung and all) following endless fantasy, demons, and mumbo jumbo wasting their divine image, instead of simply following Jesus Christ The Messiah, The Way, and transcending confusion, and endless babble.
Jung was only too aware of the many sacrificed sun gods that have appeared regularly throughout humankind's spiritual history.. archetypes repeating......
It is possible, that archetypes and symbols exist for a reason, and a symbol actually represents something actual. It is possible, that all truth, is a resonance of the Divine Truth (Logos). It is possible that all humans and cultures are connected outside of time and material space. It is possible, that all True philosophy is fulfilled in the Divine expression of Jesus Christ, perfection displayed for all to see, and for one to know who seeks to know. When one trusts Christ, and follows Christ, more is given, more is revealed, recall the parable of the talents. The universe itself cries out the story of Jesus Christ Messiah, Perfection (Beauty, Goodness and Truth, Love, Maths, and so on). I know we Truth Seekers, are simply trying to point the ones who desire to become enlightened towards the Divine Light, Christ. Conversely, respectfully, Luciferians, attempt the impossible, to deny God and self responsibility and misdirect into any false light. And use a lesser creation as if it is "god", whether that be self or nature, or tradition, or writer/philosopher, or ritual, or demon, or lucifer, whatever idol. Wisdom is known to her children. Let us continue to seek the Truth, and not be afraid of where the Truth unfiltered leads. God Bless, Brother Simon
All possible.. All possible resonances of Logos.
The opposite of Truth is Truth. Ask any Believer of any Truth other than yours.
And those that seek do so along various paths. All lead to the same place.
The journeys merely seem to differ.
Whether Luciferians deny God I cannot say. I know nothing of them.
Nor do I wish to.
Nor do i wish to be told the Truth.
Of the two witnesses, I trust the first.
Love you brother, God bless
In Part 1 of this series: "Why would Kissinger, a man who devoted such a major part of his life to the cause of Zionism, believe with certainty that Israel would no longer exist in 10 years? What was supposed to happen under a Hillary Clinton regime that would have resulted in Kissinger’s prediction unfolding in 2022?"
Kissinger mentions in Part 1: 31
Kissinger mentions in Part 2: 1
Kissinger mentions in Part 3: 1
Kissinger mentions in Part 4: 0
Kissinger mentions in Part 5: 0
Paging Henry Kissinger. Paging Henry Kissinger: Please come to the Matt Ehret Historian Telephone. Henry Kissinger, Henry Kissinger. Please come to the Matt Ehret Historian Telephone.
'Jung delivered seven gnostic sermons to the spirits of dead knights Templar'
No, Matt, he didn't. This is complete bollocks and is a total misreading of Jung, his beliefs and Jung/Basilides' intention and meaning when delivering the Sermons. The dead are NOT the Templars...
Show me one credible piece of evidence to support this assertion (for it IS nothing more than an assertion - and a very distorted one at that..)
This complete invention of his audience (according to you) serves only one purpose. Supporting all your other baseless claims about Jung and his motives and connections.
You are, quite frankly, full of shit...
You call yourself a historian. But you're not. You're a clown peddling sensational claims which rely on no evidence whatsoever - other than implied guilt by association. You feel free to make these claims because all those you accuse are long dead. Like so many 'researchers' attached to LaRouche, you make wild claims based on zero evidence.
Very informative reading, thanks.
I was going to address the cultist aspect of the ongoing Western moral wreckage, and how it's connected to the resurgence of supposedly ancient female deities grip on the human mind, from the elites trickling down to the plebs. Your articles provide useful context in that regard. Although I trust the guy as much as I would a rattlesnake, I was also planning to use snippets from Jonathan Cahn who draws interesting parallels between the gender nonsense and the cult of Ishtar.
I was ultimately going to address the Christian cult and how it paved the way to its current competing mind-control oriented religions - climate, UFO's, World communism, psychology, gender, scientism, etc - through the gutting and/or complete reversal of its original doctrines (mostly, Saul's gospel) and the systematic tweaking of historical facts (mainly the creation of the Christ character and the fraudulent history of Christian regimes), all scams that a thorough reading of Fomenko's writings should make abundantly clear, my ultimate goal being to hurt as severely as possible the good standing of not only Jung and other assorted asswipes of his kind but also to hit at the core and expose all the cults as the age-old business model they really are - a ploy to keep the weak-minded masses in check.
Skidmark calls Jung an asswipe [consistent imagery if nothing else] after suggesting a thorough reading of Fomenko to help straighten things out....
Your scatological writing deserves nothing else but to be flushed away for good - your own good..
MATT! Have you seen this.... WHAT IS THE TRUTH? WHAT ARE THE FACTS? And then, HAS SOMEONE BEEN PSY-OP'D, or ARE THEY SNARED BY THEIR OWN AGENDA, or DO THEY JUST NOT KNOW? THOUGHT TALK. FRI, 3 pm EST. A focUS: MATT EHRET https://elsaiselsa.substack.com/p/truth-facts-psy-ops-matt-ehret-fall-of-cabal
Elsa appears to be cool. No stress
Hi Matt....I haven't had the chance to listen to this but thought I you might want to know and perhaps respond..... it wasn't the first time she had mentioned you so wanted to give you the heads up .... I just found it odd that she wouldn't reach out to you to discuss her concerns...ro maybe she has....IDK....
"WHERE'S THE EXPERT???? Several times recently, the words: WHERE'S THE EXPERT? have gone off inside me. Flat earth claims. Israel Gaza conflict. Matt Ehret claims. " https://elsaiselsa.substack.com/p/wheres-the-expert-flat-earth-gaza-matt-ehret
oh... you're right. She appear to be a tad hostile towards me eh?
C'est la vie. I'm curious to know what exactly it is that offended her so much as she didn't say much in that post beyond sharing her own confusion and desires for an "expert" she can believe in
Yeah, I started following her a while back on her Truth Summit and I enjoyed some of the guests she had on.....but I really was affected when I saw those two articles about you...and like you said, she didn't really say much but enough for me to want to give you the heads up....that's all.... yes, a bit hostile..... thanks for everything you and Cynthia have done and continue to do..... hope Elsa reaches out to you so you can find out what this is all about.....not sure why she is specifically calling you out in two recent substacks.... thanks, again from a Canadian fan.... ❤🍁