Two of such 'Chinese Police stations' were identified in my Netherlands last year and it became a major news item.

However when somebody finally decided to fact check these claims they in the media found that one site consisted an empty house was empty while another adres was the homestead of a now slightly bewildered Chinese family.

In short; this story was proven to be complete bullshit in my Netherlands. But the psyop achieved its aim - the anti-Chinese meme was out and the facts were never rectified by the main stream media

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Is there actual evidence that "the west" has "freedom"?

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That's a good point which is often ignored by those screaming about "The Chinese want to steal our freedoms!!" ... these bed wetters seem to ignore the fact that we gave up our freedoms a long time ago

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Freedom and liberty are practices. When the Native North Americans sat down and sang their dying song rather than live the life of a slave, they were practicing freedom. When a person refuses to live and act for money, that is practicing liberty.

But in Mt. Shasta,Cal, you can purchase enlightenment and salvation in every downtown doorway. It's Th'Need!

Whatever one imagines one "possesses"...one is possessed by.

Even our very life will up and leave when it pleases. I can 't imagine what it is folks think they "own". Control and dominate, well, that's easy to see.

Things like genocide have a way of coming back around.

I've not noticed the Chinese tourists in Thailand lacking a sense of freedom to wreck places, scream at one another in public, and generally carry on as all humans, but more unrestrained. More than once I've had to aggressively and vociferously let the Chinese women know that they damned well are not going to cut in front of me, thank you. Maybe they don't "have" freedom, what do I know? , but they sure seem to "feel free". They are not appreciated. I've also met some brilliant humans from China. Same same as everywhere.

The Europeans are convinced the entire planet was populated to serve them. Nothing new there. New Zealanders are more Brit than those in UK!! Iranian males are so seriously screwed by that rap, it's sad.

The whole whirled is incontrovertibly insane. Throw the deck in the air, Alice, quick!! They're all a pack of cards!!

I've worked in theatre. Costumes, make up/glamorization/casting a spell, and twice enacted actions don't fool me. Everyone needs a backstage course.

The intention is in the script, not in the names, faces and costumes. Tho they can be clues.

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Nice succinct film on the disinformation from Government pretending to have our interests at heart.

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There are many people living in the U.S. feeling terrified of the threat inherent to the International Mafia Death Cult behind ALL NATION STATES OF THE WORLD which has been largely kept at bay in the states. These are the kinds of stories we from people out of China, North Korea, Afghanistan, Iran and too many more to mention. The suggestion for the U.S. to fulfill the views of Lincoln to join Russia and deeper Asia are absurd as Russia and China ARE ACTUALLY UNDER A SINGLE UMBRELLA OF THE BIS/Bankers/Economist/Financiers. Here is a narrative from a young man speaking about his family being terrified in China because he dances for Shen Yun here in the states.


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And is the mass formation psychosis guy part of NATO? Desmit? So many operatives that have profited from participating or convinced to members of the cult for the sake of humanity. Not sure which but the money often tells the story.

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