thank you sir, great read. let's also not forget to put the lid back on the top tier of the judicial system, since their uncanny ways of not having to adhere to the Constitution became so much clearer over the past few years (sub'd).

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Oscar the Grouch has been replaced by Grover, but even though the muppet master operates both hands from the same cerebral cortex, it is obvious that the left hand is easier to control.

Nevertheless it's hard for me to regret a guy who pardoned whitewater mercenaries that massacred innocent civilians and left Julian Assange to chill in a dank British prison.

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Please tell me what Operation Warp Speed is if your beloved actor is who you say he is. Sure the D party is fked, but that doesn't mean that his royal Orangeness isn't in on it either.

US politricks is Plato's Cave.

Stop projecting and pay attention.

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Life and especially politics is more nuanced than you seem to think it is. Trump's approach to Warp Speed is not the defining character of his entire intervention as one flawed yet important human into the flow of history. Also let me ask you what his fight to remove all US funding from the WHO would have done for those Great Reset sociopaths trying to run the world? Would it have helped or hurt their cause?

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I interpret them as a move to align his policy where his monetary interests lay, which was a horse not backed by WHO. Webb lays it out clearly. Were His Orangeness forthright, he would have called the plague for what it was instead of making it a military operation, equivocating before his moron supporters, and putting his money behind which ever fraudulent vaccine option he did.

No doubt politics is nuanced, something Orange Clown lacks. Ceasing funding to WHO is nice but hardly went far enough given the circumstances. Furthermore, while considering "nuance", it is important to note that his administration issued a reprobational notice to the pres of Tanzania, one which singled out its posture toward the plague. As I'm sure you know beyond Belarus, Tanzania is one of the few nations NOT running with the muzzling and shutting down of the economy.

Trump is a gag. His supporters are delusional.

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Hello Matthew , A wonderfully written satire. If you haven't read Political Ponerology that MindMatters recommended, there is a nice review of it at systemsthinker.com.. From "the great WEF leaders", they change ideological words and phrases meanings and context to suit their "correct" thinking. "Letters from Russia" by Peter Ouspensky gives you a direct view of what occurred during the Russian revolution - note particularly they used criminal elements to keep the population controlled. David

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Hi David. I'm just looking into it now. My friend Harrison from Sott's Mind Matters will be delivering a lecture on this topic in a 12 week science symposium I am organizing and which you are welcomed to join. Schedule and overview are here: https://risingtidefoundation.net/as-above-so-below-re-uniting-the-macroverse-with-the-microverse/

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Thanks Matthew and I will plan on attending. If you research DARPA you will find how scientific knowledge and research has been controlled since the National Security Act of 1947. Eisenhower enabled it and then too late gave his Military Industrial Complex speech as he left office. You know real American history better than I do, so you probably already know that. David

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Jan 23, 2021
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There actually are Portuguese writers who translate my stuff alot. I just haven't found the time to compile them onto a Portuguese translation page of my www.canadianpatriot.org site. Will try to do so soon

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