This week, I was pleased to interview my friend Jasun Horsley on the topic of his book ‘Prisoner to Infinity’ which introduces one of the most profound psychological expositions to the UFO-Demonology psy op, the figure of Whitley Streiber as a both a victim and asset of a hive of religious engineers out to craft a new world religion blending morally opposed concepts of the sacred and the profane into a new un-natural unity.
I think "love your enemy" means something like wanting them to turn away from evil and turn to doing good, and if they do that, then you move past their prior bad acts. You don't want their destruction.
This was awesome.
I think "love your enemy" means something like wanting them to turn away from evil and turn to doing good, and if they do that, then you move past their prior bad acts. You don't want their destruction.
I hope you can talk to him again. I bought his book after listening to this.