Just because the virus doesn't kill outright does not render it an in-effective bio-weapon. It was the reason for the "vaccines" which will probably be revealed as the true bio-weapons. https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2021/05/30/covid-19-vaccines-causing-damage.aspx

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Thank you ... it is going to take some time, maybe another year, but I do think we're going to pull out of it all right. Just hope some natural global disaster holds off until then ... I'm an oldie but hope I stick around to see it all settle for my children and grandchildren and for that matter, for humanity as a whole.

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Trump and Melania went on a word tour and met with Jinping , went to the Forbidden City and sometime after Jinping and his wife visited the States ,,, was that not significant, as they seemed to get along very well ...

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Do either of you even remotely consider that Xi and Trump and Putin are not working behind the scenes, because China has it's own cabal column? Russia far less so, is almost out of it. Just another thought ...

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