Aug 21Liked by Matthew Ehret

The Brits have always had a bug up their asses about the Kennedys, ever since Joseph said that Britain was finished in 1940. They never forgot or forgave, despite him being right. Jack's anti-colonial talk sent them over the abyss. This has MI6's fingerprints all over it. And Netflix is a viper's nest of pro-British agitprop.

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Aug 21·edited Aug 21Liked by Matthew Ehret

Richard Belzer has part of his book about Marylyn. Lot’s of detail, forensics, timelines. Not bad. The conclusion points to a likely Mafia hit in order to smear Kennedys.


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This is a really great piece. Thank you for writing it!

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Aug 21Liked by Matthew Ehret

Awesome writing as usual! Thank you and Cynthia for all the information you share.

I came across some interesting videos concerning the death of General George Patton, the Dulles brothers, and the Wallenberg family of Sweden. I would be interested to see if you have written anything on these subjects.

Thank you!


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Aug 21Liked by Matthew Ehret

Makes sense. I agree.

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While I agree with your article I don't understand how someone as knowledgeable as you can talk about Hollywood and the assassinations and not mention Israel and associated Jews. It wasn't only parts of the US government agencies but also LBJ, Hoover, and the Mafia. Jacob Rubenstein aka Jack Ruby is jlust coincidentally Jewish and mob associated? Zapr;uder who is also Jewish just coincidentially just happens to pick the best spot to film the assassination? Angleton who was his own powerbase within the CIA just happens to be the CIA liaison with Mossad? And Jewish control of Hollywood?

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Actress Veronica Hamel bought Marilyn's house. According to Hamel's IMDB page, "In 1972 she and her then husband became the owners of Marilyn Monroe's Brentwood home. They hired a contractor to replace the roof and remodel the house and the contractor discovered a sophisticated eavesdropping and telephone tapping system that covered every room in the house."

"The components were not commercially available in 1962, but were - in the words of a retired Justice Department official - 'standard FBI issue'. The new owners spent $100,000 to remove the bugging devices from the house."

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"As we dug into our Fitzgerald family history we discovered the bitter struggle for power within the Anglo/Norman deep-state that has raged beneath the surface down through the centuries. On November 22, 1963 Americans were shocked by the public execution of John Fitzgerald Kennedy. In the years since every manner of conspiracy theory has been advanced to explain what happened. But killing the only Roman Catholic President of the United States on the site of the first Masonic Temple in Dallas on the Masonic day of revenge for the destruction of the Knights Templar (November 22) bespeaks a ritual. If the assassination could have been an act of retribution for an eight hundred year old vendetta then we all must begin to view history from a more complex perspective."


From an article by these authors https://canadianpatriot.org/2021/12/13/were-all-cia-assets-what-can-be-done-a-personal-story/

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Diem is South Vietnam’s president….not South Korea…at those times, General Park Jung Hee met with Kennedy after his military coup.

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Thanks for shedding fresh light (for me, anyway) on this story, Matthew. I've always suspected false narratives were circulated to destroy reputations.

One narrative I found shocking that is related: Steve Piecznek (CIA) used to come on Alex Jones program. (Prior to covid.) I heard him say in several different interviews that the CIA "had" to take out JFK as he was a security risk, citing his Addisons Disease as the reason. Have you heard this story? I found this "admission" almost unbelievable, given the great efforts that were taken to divert blame from the government at the time of his assassination. Would appreciate any feedback. Thank you.

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The movie "Blonde" was also a shameless propaganda piece painting JFK as a slovenly, misogynistic murderer. Disgusting ruination of an aesthetic masterpiece.

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Thank you for your insights !!!

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What about the claims that MM was born male?

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Interesting and partially persuasive - as the fellow researcher who may have inspired this latest piece, it has certainly confirmed in me a desire to be careful about what I believe, and about speaking too quickly about it.

I have read two books in the past, The Men Who Murdered Marilyn and The Assassination of MM, both of which persuaded me she was murdered and that the Kennedys had some knowledge of it, if not being direct instigators of it (the second book definitively cited RFK's being at her house hours before she died, a claim which this piece doesn't address).

I say partially persuaded, because tho there's a good case made here for an attempt to slander the Kennedys after their deaths, this doesn't make them ipso facto innocent (there is plenty of slander against Trump, but there is also actual evidence for his being mobbed up and complicit with Epstein's sexual deviance). Even less does this make the Kennedys heroes, any more than rival crime families killing each other makes for a tale of heroes and villains.

Case in point, Kirk Douglas, whom Matthew describes as a force of good in the linked article, was most probably the rapist of a teenage Natalie Wood, as I discuss in 16 Maps of Hell (a long-standing rumor that was largely confirmed by Natalie Wood's biographer, though not enough to become official news, even in these #MeToo times).

Ergo, it is very hard for me to see the Kennedy bros - who were both having sex with MM along with (allegedly) Sinatra's gang & countless others, sometimes apparently in some very twisted, Monarch-like conditions - as wholly innocent in her death.

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Natalie Wood was murdered as well, by either Christopher Walken or Robert Wagner of both all three were on Wagner's boat and Natalie Wood couldn't swim...in LA a joke went around what's made of wood and can't swim? Natalie Wood...her sister Lana has claimed this for yrs also about Kirk Douglas who was a womanizer.

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Thank you for setting this straight, Matt.

The only thing that baffles me is, that you don't mention Mossad ...

Dr Syed Mujahid Kamran article about the Mossad connection


Michael Collins Piper article, Rothschild-Israeli Ties to JFK


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Aug 22·edited Aug 22

Thank you for looking into this, Matthew. That Covert Action Magazine article 2 years ago was the first I had heard about fingers pointed at the Kennedy brothers, and I wondered what to make of it, so I appreciate your careful refutation of those lurid accusations.

I was on a week long backpacking trip with my family in the California mountains that summer of 1962. When we got back to our car at the trailhead we found a 2 day old newspaper there, informing us that Marilyn Monroe had committed suicide. It was a real shocker. I was only 12, and none of us could believe she would have taken her own life. Tell us more about who the real perps likely were.

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