"If only the famous “not one inch eastward” assurance about NATO expansion pledged by the U.S. Secretary of State James Baker to Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev on Feb. 9, 1990, was honored"

Is there any treaty or agreement the US has been a party to that it has honored? Not even the torture provisions of Nuremberg or Geneva Conventions are respected and abuses that live on at GITMO have crept into vaccine mandates as human rights abuses grow and rule of law is selectively applied to Washington's challengers.

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Agree and completely logical, but that was not what "Commander in Chief" and others wanted.

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I'm American. I'm sad to see how my people are eager to accept what the news claims. The lies are so obvious and easy to find, yet few see them. I feel like a street light during a riot.

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In the introduction, Matt wrote: "the forgotten spirit of US-Russian friendship". Either intentionally or accidently, Matt has forgotten himself that there has never been such "friendship" to the USA. In fact, as declassified documents have revealed that the US did plan to obligate the Soviet off the earth in 1943 by bombing 260+ cities of it. Moreover, the US did not enter both WWII theatres until their allies, Nazi German and Fascist Japan about to lose war to the martyrdom of 26 millions Russians and 20 million Chinese.

There are ton of evidents to prove how US/UK supported both those 2 fascist countries including photos and videos. US/UK have never had friends or allies and will never have. There are only owners, proxies and slaves.

It's so easy and convinient to put all the blames on the Deep State, but it is the leaders and their soldiers on the ground that raped, killed and displaced hundred million of innocent people worldwide. Sorry, but please tell the truth.

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Vital information, thank you Matthew of the Sanity, I will share, of course.

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Thanks for once again making sense out of chaos while sharing true facts. Praying for sanity to prevail at a most dangerous time for our humanity. Will be sharing this well written article on my Truth Social. People must be made aware of the crimes being committed for all the wrong reasons.

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I can't prove this but hear me out.

Patel Patriot has made a solid case Trump implemented Devolution and created a wartime executive branch that continues to run critical elements of government & military.

When Biden flies his planes usually don't ping AF-1

Trump didn't hand-off the 'nuclear codes football' to Biden.

Cynthia Chung and others have made a solid case the US & Russia [and Ukraine, Iran & China] have a common enemy.

Putting these together...

It's unlikely Biden or NATO are capable of a nuclear option. Putin knows this.

It's also probable Trump, Putin, Xi & Zelenskyy are coordinating to fight the EU/NATO/UK/CIA/Swamp complex.

Circumstantial but...🤔

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Is it a matter of population control policy by the Corporate powers?

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Biden has already stated he is part of the NWO, which is NATO, WEF, IMF and EU, who want a total reset of the economy and their proposals can only be described as enslavement. The West needs to bring an olive branch to the table and start peace talks. Wars cause only death and destruction, the tables need to be overturned to bring forth peace.

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Recall that Dementia Joe told US troops weeks ago that they would be going to the Ukraine.

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