Sep 11Liked by Matthew Ehret

As Canada was a testing ground for Martial Law (the Emergencies Act) during the trucker’s protests, so too will Canada be the testing ground for the new “green” financial world order. The hypocrisy of reducing carbon dioxide under the guise of a “green” agenda is that it’s CO2 which actually makes plants green….

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Thank you for bringing this dreadful news that accelerates the take over to a technocratic dystopia, even closer.

We must reconnect, resist, renew and rejoice in all that sustains life.

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Well, well, well!

I hadn't even realised that Mark Carney was a Canadian. As a Scotsman, I was aware of his existence but I had always assumed that he was British. Very strange.

It's not as if we're so short of unprincipled, diabolical traitors in our own territory that we would have to cast our net further afield to find such treacherous, globalist bastards.

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Sep 11Liked by Matthew Ehret

This is an excellent short summary of the genocidal assault being waged by the globalists against us all. Then these people expect us to support their forever wars they are waging in Ukraine, the Middle East, Africa, etc.

Please see my latest:


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Amazing deflection - the wars are not 'globalist' - they are Imperialist and over fossil fuels.

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Sep 12·edited Sep 12

The Covid-19 military depopulation operation enabled the elimination of hundreds of thousands of Canadians from government pensions, payrolls and benefits via criminal mandates which forced non-compliant workers like me out of our jobs while other Canadians were murdered with gene therapy platform injections, remdesivir, midazolam and "do not resuscitate" orders. This is textbook DISASTER CAPITALISM from the "Shock Doctrine" by author, Naomi Klein.

I am one federal government worker (Canada Post) who lost approximately $1 million dollars. Add up all the government pension and payroll liabilities which have been conveniently eliminated by the Covid-19 fraud. This is the biggest transfer of wealth in Canadian history and criminal charges have been laid by me against the Director of Mail Operations for the City of Vancouver in the Provincial Court of Vancouver for administering the Corporation's fraudulent mandates which were not supported by law. Arrest Mark Carney for his Covid-19 treason and crimes committed against Canadians.



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There was no mass death from covid nor the jabs. There are net 52 million people in 2024 to date, so if there is an operation it ain't going very well. https://jowaller.substack.com/p/excess-mortality-what-does-it-show

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PMs are Now Selected ... Elections are Orchestrated Circuses. They Love this. Abolishing Elections or Rigging them to Plant a "Selected" Globalist..... Judgement day is nigh

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He would have to be elected to a seat in the house first of course.. but that can always be arranged.. Maybe Justin can retire and then a by-election in his safe Montreal riding?

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Yeah perhaps. But I hazzard a guess that by now, Justin already knows what his next post & role is....

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The WEF is always looking for bright young psychos!

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Good explanation of the "why" the Pandemic was forced upon the world and "what" they plan to do next. We must not let them control the narrative that their green energy reset plans are remotely better for the planet than fossil fuels. Breaking that spell seems paramount.

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very good article! its about both the financialization of nature and green energy basically creating a whole new asset class aka nature which is just as bad.

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Of course Trudeau will be replaced by someone worse! From hard to take serious mama’s boy to a mature psychopath.

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A different face on the same agenda.

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God help Canada if that happens and it will be the fault of NDP Singh and the BQ...Carney ran the Bank of Canada and then the Bank of England and recently returned to Canada...Trudeau is a moron but Carney is not

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The Neo-Liberal CFR "Project 80s" policy of Controlled Disintegration of the World Economy is in its final phase.

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You say in the end that we have to evolve our technology to transcend the limits to growth, but isn't that a byproduct of greening the energy grid? We also have to transcend our toxic waste syndrome as well and not be in denial about our own shit. And we have to evolve rather quickly. I however don't trust bankers to lead the way. They have agendas that are not in the interest of the masses. They have made that clear.

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Sep 11Liked by Matthew Ehret

Well, we have no choice but to move to a nuclear energy economy, since fossil resources are too limited. Even nuclear fission resources would power our civilization for >100Myrs. Happy coincidence nuclear has by far the lowest waste and lowest environmental impact of all energy sources. No wonder the Malthusian Banksters, like Carney here, hate it. Which tells you right off they could care less about a green economy, they just want more power, wealth and control. Psychopaths.

Rectifying our waste problem requires more energy not less.

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Nuclear waste is no big deal? That is if there are no accidents, attacks, earthquakes, wars, or nuclear wars. There's a site in Ukraine under Russian control that is being attacked by the Ukrainian forces cause it will make the Russian speakers there get I'll or die... War is the biggest threat to all of us but thinking about the long term, we should not leave such toxic accidents waiting to happen lying about our world. The future is not as set in stone as many think.

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We can reprocess nuclear waste so only 0.17oz of high level waste from 80yrs of annual per capita total energy production of the USA. A trivial amount. No energy source has anywhere near that low level of waste. Drop it down a borehole, easy peesy. If that's not good enough for you, than you are sentencing billions to their deaths. But that's safe according to you.

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Only billions? I'm disappointed... didn't know that about the waste... will be looking for more info thanks... but that does not relieve us of the other dire possibilities...

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Mark Carney is not to be trusted

He is a golden boy who's first job after his PhD in philosophy was with Goldman Sachs - Carney was advising the new Russian government on sales of government industry while his employer Goldman bet against his recommendations

People with such low morals have no business representing Canada in any capacity

A campaign to inform people of Carney's low morals is necessary

A successful campaign will make it difficult to live in Canada - he may well have no desire to reside on Canada unless he's the king

People are sleep walking and need to be educated as to Carney's unsuitability

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There is no Reset folks. It's a con by the Oil Industry and the Heartland Institute who deliberately created fear of a malign entity using 'covid' to usher in green policies https://jowaller.substack.com/p/what-is-the-heartland-institute?utm_source=publication-search that will apparently bankrupt us (ie fossil fuel industry) all.

We have no need to fear the WEF, we need to fear rampant US imperialism and the control it has over it's vassals in Canada, Uk and EU (deindustrialising and destroying Germany rather than seeing her in partnership with Russia). The US will stop at nothing, not Ukrainian lives nor Palestinian children to get at fossil fuels and maintain energy dominance. Don't be fooled.https://jowaller.substack.com/p/the-wef-agenda-of-depopulation-and

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