Love your daily posts. Always put them out to inform....I realise how little I know when I read your posts. Thanks

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Nope; Antony - for ONCE, is NOT merely TRANSFERRING blame......


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May 19, 2023·edited May 19, 2023

Unfortunately, your work has little value to me, being presented only on Censorship Profiteer sites like Rumble which won't be bothered to provide captions.

As you also don't seem to offer transcripts, for me and millions of other hearing impaired folk, your work is a wasted effort.

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1. For some reason some people want to dig out the "pedophile elites" thing again for the WHO child sex ed... It looks to me more like yet another angle from which to turn the populace into a herd of helpless, maximally state-dependent drones without any solid social connections that could give them strength.

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