Its true that scarcity is a myth but industrial chemical agriculture is a travesty.



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Thank you for this excellent work of translating such a domineering mindset in our culture, all the better to realize it is unworkable, even damaging.

I choose to see creativity as a Life Force that cannot be kept down by any corrupt or demeaning idea, no matter how favored by a power elite.


Instead of merely paying and warehousing illegal immigrants, perhaps several millions of these individuals could be offered that compensation in exchange for work in reforestation planting and cultivation. It could be a start in finding a solution to the pressure cooker problem created by the globalists in their plot to destabilize the USA through engineered migration and culture clash.


We must not accept defeat.

That is why I appreciate your presentations -- they model clear thinking as well historical analysis that are uplifting.


dilemma + intellect + imagination + heart = creative solutions

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Another well done video @Cynthia & @Matt!

So succinctly roiled out the hoopla of the green climatology schemes!

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