Henry Clay - “American System”

“Eight years ago, it was my painful duty to present to the other house of Congress an unexaggerated picture of the general distress pervading the whole land. We must all yet remember some of its frightful features. We all know that the people were then oppressed and borne down by an enormous load of debt; that the value of property was at the lowest point of · depression; that ruinous sales and sacrifices were everywhere made of real estate; that stop laws and relief laws and paper money were adopted to save the people from impending destruction; that a deficit in the public revenue existed, which compelled government to seize upon, and divert from its legitimate object, the appropriation to the sinking fund, to redeem the national debt; and that our commerce and navigation were threatened with a complete paralysis. In short, sir, if I were to select any term of seven years since the adoption of the present Constitution, which exhibited a scene of the most widespread dismay and desolation, it would be exactly that term of seven years which immediately preceded the establishment of the tariff of 1824.


I have now to perform the more pleasing task of exhibiting an imperfect sketch of the existing state of the unparalleled prosperity of the country. On a general survey, we behold cultivation extended, the arts flourishing, the face of the country improved, our people fully and profitably employed, and the public countenance exhibiting tranquility, contentment, and happiness: And, if we descend into particulars, we have the agreeable contemplation of a people out of debt; land rising slowly in value, but in a secure and salutary degree; a ready, though not extravagant market for all the surplus productions of our industry; innumerable flocks and herds browsing and gamboling on ten thousand hills and plains, covered with rich and verdant grasses; our cities expanded, and whole villages springing up, as it were, by enchantment; our exports and imports increased and increasing; our tonnage, foreign and coastwise, swelling and fully occupied; the rivers of our interior animated by the perpetual thunder and lightning of countless steamboats; the currency sound and abundant; the public debt of two wars nearly redeemed; and, to crown all, the public treasury overflowing, embarrassing Congress, not to find subjects of taxation, but to select the objects which shall be liberated from the impost. If the term of seven years were to be selected of the greatest prosperity which this people have enjoyed since the establishment of their present Constitution, it would be exactly that period of seven years which immediately followed the passage of the tariff of 1824.

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It’s criminal that G.W. Bush allowed Operation Northwoods to occur under his Presidency, but that’s the job he was implanted in the White House to execute.

Watch Barbara Honegger’s lecture, especially her opening comments and summary at the end about who is responsible for 9/11, and why.

Then watch the documentary on “The Dancing Israelis.”

Pay special attention to the one young Mossad Agent when interviewed on Israeli TV, and his comment, “We we’re there to record the event.”

How did he and his fellow Mossad agents know that there would be an “event” on the morning of 9/11, and that it would involve the WTC? Who wanted them to “record the event?”

Barbara Honegger – The Pentagon and 9/11

Behind the Smoke Curtain - 2nd Edition (2015)


Was Zionist Dov Zakheim the true evil mastermind behind the events of 9/11?

Dov Zakheim 911 Comptroller and Remote Control Planes


9/11 Files: Dancing Israelis - Documentary


Pentagon 911 looks like scud missile unknown where this video was from.


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All kinds of hinky on that day. And see how brazen they are? Like, "oh, the people are so stupid, they'll NEVER figure it out." They forget we have video, and that time tends to be an enemy sometimes...

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Good article. Lincoln's national bank would be far better than today's private central banks.

Antony Sutton writes,

"On July 23, 1862 Lincoln vetoed the Private Bank Note Bill on grounds that it was the responsibility of the Federal Government to provide a circulation medium and that United States notes could equally fulfill the function of small private notes."

Makes sense to me. It is the duty of the State to protect the rights of the people, and promote internal improvements using indirect taxation.

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You are joking right Matt? This essay is below undergraduate quality in both argument and diction. Practically every sentence is based on unevidenced, unargued fallacies.

Maybe you agree with the conclusions, but that doesn't make it a good essay. If these are the best arguments to make the case, prepare for defeat. :-(

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TY, very reasonable workable concepts.

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