Saved into my archives for more evidence to rebut the Empire of Lies and shared with social media friends and also with the some of the local political muck-a-mucks. Thanks.

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wow Cynthia! well thought out, comprehensive, and most persuasive post. :)

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Matt, your articles are always great and Iend them on to many others. Britian used Japan as a proxy in a war against Russia in 1904/05. The Japs then went on to attack Pearl Harbor.Soon after 1945, the empires of France/Neotherland and Britian fall apart first in Asia then in Africa. Keep up your good work man. Walt

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Thank you Cynthia, should we remind ourselves that the leaders of these countries are all part of the WEF, WHO are set to create their own depopulation agenda, with the addition of " You will own nothing and be happy." There debt ridden monetary policies are so outdated, which is being used to allegedly steal that which does not belong to them, China has written off the debt, which is good, however they are profiting from the resources in those countries, should the amount of resources that which is taken from a country be controlled, could monopolisation on a grand scale, what we are witnessing today, be one of the problems we are facing? China would be right to intervene in the education programme, teaching its own history and culture, if what we are witnessing in the West has been happening in Hong Kong. My thoughts are more towards capitalism, where the public sector looks after the day to day running of the country, while the private sector are their to create manufacturing, fishing, farming and the retail sector and banking etc; however since joining the EU, the damage inflicted to the system has had a damaging effect of the economies of the Western World. There is light at the end of the tunnel, but we must free ourselves from those who want to enslave us, into a world without a future.

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you want China to volunteer their services free of charge? as the Chinese always maintain: "win win cooperation", "mutually beneficial". don't take my word for it. look up Evo Morales interview w/DeclassifiedUK on YouTube. he explains the difference between China & Western Powers.

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Incredible work here! I only read Part 2, so far. As a slow reader it took me 90 minutes. Thank you Cynthia, and thank you Matt for sharing. It is so interesting to see how people develop according to their cultural-education. Unless they see beyond the intensive program, they become lost victims, whose identity is preserved through the justification of protecting Me-Mine, continually reflected all around them. The good news, is that people like you both, bad cattitude, Dr. Robert Malone, Mark Crispin Miller, Alex Berenson, Steve Kirsch and many others, here on substack, who offer truth bombs, give us hope and help broaden our understanding of deep issues confounded daily by gov-run media. . . Blessings to You both.

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Thank you Cynthia for this excellent article. I have been very confused about Taiwan and you have shed some very important (to me) light on its history and importance. Thanks again!

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