We have been Narrating many of HG’s non fiction work. Open Conspiracy, New World Order, Fate of Man, World Brain.
We have been cancelled off Audible Exclusive, so have created Adultbrain Audiobook podcast, and some of these might make it back to Audible eventually.
Check them out! Great job Matt. Super interesting but I feel like it’s also Nuanced
Very interesting post with great leads. I've wanted to dive deeper into Maquis de Sade and Mesmer for awhile as far as the various factions within masonic lodges clashing against those Platonic renaissance humanists (as opposed to Enlightenment atheist humanists). Also 30 min into the Brave new world film from 1980 and yeah... it's actually pretty interesting
Very good article. However, Matt I still want to know why and when you started cheering for the multipolar world? I think that it will lead us towards the same destination as the current unipolar order will.
Dear Historyman. Beyond laying out my reasoning process and method of analysis as transparently as i humanly can in my hundreds of interviews, lectures, articles, books and personal responses to comments by email and places like here, there is only so much I can do to help you understand me. I will take the time here and now, to draw out as concise and clear of a line of reasoning as humanly possible for you...
When I begin to form my judgement on this topic or any topic for that matter, I start with universal causal principles instead of particular mechanics when doing my analysis of anything. In geopolitical analysis, these core fundamental principles are tied to human nature, ideas as causal, God, law and purpose. I should also note that I am an Augustinian Platonist Humanist which should give you a sense of how I think for those who knows what that means.
From my understanding, the core fundamental principle shaping humanity is tied very closely to the deep yearning to express our true selves as beings made in the image of a living, reasonable Creator. This was elaborated in Socrates' speech in Plato's Symposium, and it is at the heart of Leibniz's Discourse on Metaphysics as well as Schiller's Aesthetical Letters.
The thing called 'fourth industrial revolution' was already foreseen back in the 1950s with the advent of computing systems, feedback loops and automation which was understood to be a catalyzer for the inevitable disruption to conventional systems of human labor norms that were themselves established with the steam engine and last industrial revolution of the 18th century.
Today's world is being shaped by the disruptive power of the array of technologies at play.
The race is now occuring over what moral principles (that define values in both ethics and economics as a corollary) will define the behaviour of the array of technologies associated with this emergent new industrial revolution (which includes, but is not limited to, automation, 3D Printing, machine learning/AI, quantum computing, etc etc).
When engaged in combat, if your enemy starts using a new and powerful weapon you will be destroyed unless you can also generate a similarly powerful weapon to use in defense/offensive action.
The Bank of International Settlements (BIS) was created in 1930 as the basis for a Central banker dictatorship to manage a depopulated world as outlined in the London Conference on Banking and Currency of 1933 under the League of Nations. See my 'How FDR Crushed a Bankers' Dictatorship' for that story)
The BIS was scheduled to be audited and shut down in 1944 during the Bretton Woods Conference (this is provable), but with the early death of Harry Dexter White, and President Franklin Roosevelt, that never happened and instead the BIS became a primary weapon of the international financier oligarchy... which it continued to be over the next 80 years overseeing the new institutions for world government, Green Depopulation-driven finance etc. Financial Stability Board chiefs (and WEF leaders) Mark Carney and Mario Draghi were major BIS leaders in this operation in recent years.
A big part of this operation was the planned use of a new banking system with new systems of values which would be "created" in response to the planned disintegration of the world financial system that these oligarchs prepared in the early 1970s when China was still a third world country and when Soviet Russia was heading quickly towards collapse. (some of that story was told here)
The question I then ask myself: Did Russia or China play a role in planning/deploying this system of world government or digital currencies? Are they in any way a causal force?
They were too weak and both targetted for total destruction and slave state status at that time that these systems were deployed
Today, these massively powerful institutions have already been created to use the technologies associated with the "fourth industrial revolution" towards the goal of enslavement, depopulation and world government.
The nations who represent the bulk of the economic/military power and influence that is today's multipolar alliance were NOT causal in any of this.
They are now in a position of reacting to processes instigated by the oligarchy, and the race is over who will influence these systems towards which set of: 1) values, 2) designs 3) goals 4) sense of purpose
Whether or not these systems will be shaped by open or closed system thinking is what matters most to me.
The big litmus test for me arises when I ask the quesion: Does China or Russia have goals, projects, behavior that values depopulation, shutting down industrial power, shutting down agriculture, shutting down hydrocarbons/nuclear/hydro, increasing war for dominance, increasing scarcity, destroying the family unit, destroying traditional moral values, embracing woke post-truthism etc? OR do these countries and their associated allies in the Middle East, Africa, Latin America embrace opposite values ?
This is the difference between open vs closed systems which is the subject of all my books.
Both systems use technological power (including the technology of government) to do things. But what set of values animate what they wish to do?
I restate: What PRINCIPLES are shaping those things and what IDEAS of human nature, natural law (in Chinese "Tian Ming", truth etc) are active in the minds of those wielding power to do things?
That defines everything in understanding the past 3000 years of known, investigatible world history and that's what defines the current conditions of the battle in the present moment of history.
To the degree that I use this method of analysis as my reference point, I find that China, Russia and the broader multipolar alliance now developing are acting on principles that I recognize as opposing everything the oligarchy represents ALTHOUGH some aspects of mechanics might overlap.
The scholarship is impressive here, but the conclusions are not. Many of these thinkers and writers were just trying to figure it out as they went along. Surely even the fortunate among us are allowed to think about the world and formulate ideas and plans? I’m no fan of many of these ideas, like world government, but for some it was a sincere attempt to make life on earth better. This kind of retrospective grand theorizing is no more helpful than that of the Marxist persuasion. Looking backwards, everything seems to fit neatly into a box. But that’s not how life is lived or experienced. I mean, to take the passage on black snow. Was this really some sort of evil prescription? Maybe it was merely a prescient description? The author assumes nefarious intent at every turn. People can be wrong without being evil. They can be correct without it being part of some predictive programming plan.
Bertrand Russell is unfortunately extremely evil and extremely aware of the role he played (along with fellow Fabian eugenicist H.G. Wells). In Russell's Scientific Outlook, he literally outlines the future need to murder talent from the lower classes who don't wish to give their loyalty to the ruling elite. His words follow:
“The scientific rulers will provide one kind of education for ordinary men and women and another for those who are to become holders of scientific power. Ordinary men and women will be expected to be docile, industrious, punctual, thoughtless and contented. Of these qualities, probably contentment will be considered the most important. In order to produce it, all the researchers of psycho-analysis, behaviorism and biochemistry will be brought into play… all the boys and girls will learn from an early age to be what is called “cooperative” i.e.: to do exactly what every body else is doing. Initiative will be discouraged in these children, and insubordination, without being punished will be scientifically trained out of them.”
For the elites in Russell’s dystopic world, a different role was envisioned:
“Except for the one matter of loyalty to the world state and to their own order, members of the governing class will be encouraged to be adventurous, and full of initiative. It will be recognized that it is their business to improve scientific techniques and to keep the manual workers contented by means of continual new amusements”.On those rare occasions when a boy or girl who has passed the age at which it is usual to determine social status shows such marked ability as to seem the intellectual equal of the rulers, a difficult situation will arise, requiring serious consideration. If the youth is content to abandon his previous associates and to throw in his lot whole-heartedly with the rulers, he may, after suitable tests, be promoted, but if he shows any regrettable solidarity with his previous associates, the rulers will reluctantly conclude that there is nothing to be done with him except to send him to the lethal chamber before his ill-disciplined intelligence has had time to spread revolt. This will be a painful duty to the rulers, but I think they will not shrink from performing it."
"When one sees highly educated men looking on indifferently at oppression and persecution, one wonders which to despise more, their cynicism or their shortsightedness. Many scientists, for example, are the uncritical admirers of the U.S.S.R. They appear to think that the destruction of liberty is of no importance so long as their own line of work is for the moment unaffected. The U.S.S.R. is a large, rapidly developing country which has an acute need of scientific workers and, consequently, treats them generously. Provided that they steer clear of dangerous subjects such as psychology, scientists are privileged persons."
"Some, at least, of the English scientists who speak so enthusiastically of the opportunities to be enjoyed by scientists in Russia are capable of understanding this. But their reflection appears to be: ‘Writers are persecuted in Russia. So what? I am not a writer.’ They do not see that any attack on intellectual liberty, and on the concept of objective truth, threatens in the long run every department of thought.
For the moment the totalitarian state tolerates the scientist because it needs him. Even in Nazi Germany, scientists, other than Jews, were relatively well treated and the German scientific community, as a whole, offered no resistance to Hitler. At this stage of history, even the most autocratic ruler is forced to take account of physical reality, partly because of the lingering-on of liberal habits of thought, partly because of the need to prepare for war. So long as physical reality cannot altogether be ignored, so long as two and two have to make four when you are, for example, drawing the blueprint of an aeroplane, the scientist has his function, and can even be allowed a measure of liberty. His awakening will come later, when the totalitarian state is firmly established. Meanwhile, if he wants to safeguard the integrity of science, it is his job to develop some kind of solidarity with his literary colleagues and not disregard it as a matter of indifference when writers are silenced or driven to suicide, and newspapers systematically falsified.
But however it may be with the physical sciences, or with music, painting and architecture, it is — as I have tried to show — certain that literature is doomed if liberty of thought perishes. Not only is it doomed in any country which retains a totalitarian structure; but any writer who adopts the totalitarian outlook, who finds excuses for persecution and the falsification of reality, thereby destroys himself as a writer. There is no way out of this. No tirades against ‘individualism’ and the ‘ivory tower’, no pious platitudes to the effect that ‘true individuality is only attained through identification with the community’, can get over the fact that a bought mind is a spoiled mind."
To say that Bertrand Russell, or any individual, “is evil” is a blasphemy to the purely loving God I choose to believe designed, creates & sustains the multiverse.
Everyone currently walking the Earth continue to use our freewill to make evil choices.
This will continue until we gain a perfect understanding of love, which to me is what our brother Jesus accomplished two thousand years ago, and what he and our Divine Parent desires for all of humanity.
Humanity is still in the rebellious teenager phase of our development. Totalitarian feudalism is the best the fear driven minds of the oligarchy can manage.
Our compassion for the extreme childhood traumas they suffer is the fulcrum that will lift us into a civilization that adheres to God’s definition of Love.
I have faith that this time around the Great Year “block,” we will achieve it.
I don't use the term "evil" loosely, and although very few people qualify for such a label, in my assessment Lord Russell makes the cut and then some. I appreciate your desire to project love outward, and that's great. But it doesn't change the fact that Russell was committed to murdering you and everyone you love and willfully devoted his life to that cause using every technique of sophistry (aka: art of lying) available to him.
I can’t argue the point as I don’t have the familiarity with his writing to do so, but you seem convinced he was being prescriptive and not descriptive. I am not convinced, although I could be wrong. And quite possibly he approved of the world he saw coming. But to me this adds up to little more than a pernicious philosophy.
That's the kind of simplistic and wishful thinking of those who still buy into the trust us and "follow the science" deceptions when real facts and actions are ignored ; of course there are no really nefarious actors with evil intent but just those trying to figure things out as they went along and if they kill countless millions and destroy civilization then that's just a natural consequence of honest human experimentation and learning; these "thinkers and writers" knew exactly what they believed and worked to enact and it wasn't for the common good of humanity!
With regard to the writers, one wouldn't suppose output to be an instantaneous expression... 'Figuring it out' doesn't quite do it justice... As each writer will draw from the information highway he is on which may include certainly or evidently.... Thinkers... 🤔... Meh. Far too many think tanks around... ✌️
This oft-repeated claim about the CIA, MIC promoting UAPs as some kind of diversion, just doesn't stand up to scrutiny. When, in fact, the exact opposite has been happening and is still happening.
So far all the MIC/CIA have been doing is blockading any release of UAP data, pictures, videos, eyewitness reports, everything. Not even giving the Congressional committee access to a SCIF room so they can legally debrief the whistleblower. And their MSM is giving only cursory coverage to the story. In the recent Eglin AFB incident, under intense pressure, they finally relented to give out one lousy photo of an UAP to Rep. Gaetz, but immediately classified it as "Top Secret" so the public can't see it. With arm twisting they allowed him to briefly interview one of the pilots involved in the incident. If it is a dirty Russki jet harrassing a "Top Secret" Air Force Predator drone, they release high resolution video almost immediately to the public.
Matthew completely misses the point. There is far, far more evidence to warrant investigation of this, the most important scientific endeavor in ALL of human history, than probably ANY other scientific investigation of anything going on right now.
So where is the URGENT scientific investigation?!? It's pretty straightforward, you have these military groups who are consistently witnessing these objects over a period of days often. Where is the science team who should be johnny-on-the-spot at jet speed? Why are they not on standby? Dirt cheap compared to studying some black hole a 100M light years away.
The ONLY rational action. Objects detected. Military mickey mouse exercise shutdown immediately. All assets directed 100% at gathering UAP data. All data is released for scientific analysis. 100% transparency. A team of civilian specialists are sent immediately at jet speed to investigate. They overrule all military authority. The cheapest, most valuable, biggest return-on-investment scientific investigation in all of human history. Any military cement heads interfere they are immediately fired. They don't belong in ANY government job.
You refer to Greer as a military physician. I have been following him since the early 90s and have never heard him or anybody else talk about him having served in the military. Source?
We have been Narrating many of HG’s non fiction work. Open Conspiracy, New World Order, Fate of Man, World Brain.
We have been cancelled off Audible Exclusive, so have created Adultbrain Audiobook podcast, and some of these might make it back to Audible eventually.
Check them out! Great job Matt. Super interesting but I feel like it’s also Nuanced
Wow. Thanks for making those available amigo!
Hey Matt,
I did an analysis on predictive programming myself. This time on the works of Orwell and Huxley
It’s called “The Brave New World of 1984”
Looking for your thoughts (and anyone else who reads it 😊)
Very interesting post with great leads. I've wanted to dive deeper into Maquis de Sade and Mesmer for awhile as far as the various factions within masonic lodges clashing against those Platonic renaissance humanists (as opposed to Enlightenment atheist humanists). Also 30 min into the Brave new world film from 1980 and yeah... it's actually pretty interesting
I am not trolling you by posting this link.
Very good article. However, Matt I still want to know why and when you started cheering for the multipolar world? I think that it will lead us towards the same destination as the current unipolar order will.
Dear Historyman. Beyond laying out my reasoning process and method of analysis as transparently as i humanly can in my hundreds of interviews, lectures, articles, books and personal responses to comments by email and places like here, there is only so much I can do to help you understand me. I will take the time here and now, to draw out as concise and clear of a line of reasoning as humanly possible for you...
When I begin to form my judgement on this topic or any topic for that matter, I start with universal causal principles instead of particular mechanics when doing my analysis of anything. In geopolitical analysis, these core fundamental principles are tied to human nature, ideas as causal, God, law and purpose. I should also note that I am an Augustinian Platonist Humanist which should give you a sense of how I think for those who knows what that means.
From my understanding, the core fundamental principle shaping humanity is tied very closely to the deep yearning to express our true selves as beings made in the image of a living, reasonable Creator. This was elaborated in Socrates' speech in Plato's Symposium, and it is at the heart of Leibniz's Discourse on Metaphysics as well as Schiller's Aesthetical Letters.
The thing called 'fourth industrial revolution' was already foreseen back in the 1950s with the advent of computing systems, feedback loops and automation which was understood to be a catalyzer for the inevitable disruption to conventional systems of human labor norms that were themselves established with the steam engine and last industrial revolution of the 18th century.
Today's world is being shaped by the disruptive power of the array of technologies at play.
The race is now occuring over what moral principles (that define values in both ethics and economics as a corollary) will define the behaviour of the array of technologies associated with this emergent new industrial revolution (which includes, but is not limited to, automation, 3D Printing, machine learning/AI, quantum computing, etc etc).
When engaged in combat, if your enemy starts using a new and powerful weapon you will be destroyed unless you can also generate a similarly powerful weapon to use in defense/offensive action.
The Bank of International Settlements (BIS) was created in 1930 as the basis for a Central banker dictatorship to manage a depopulated world as outlined in the London Conference on Banking and Currency of 1933 under the League of Nations. See my 'How FDR Crushed a Bankers' Dictatorship' for that story)
The BIS was scheduled to be audited and shut down in 1944 during the Bretton Woods Conference (this is provable), but with the early death of Harry Dexter White, and President Franklin Roosevelt, that never happened and instead the BIS became a primary weapon of the international financier oligarchy... which it continued to be over the next 80 years overseeing the new institutions for world government, Green Depopulation-driven finance etc. Financial Stability Board chiefs (and WEF leaders) Mark Carney and Mario Draghi were major BIS leaders in this operation in recent years.
A big part of this operation was the planned use of a new banking system with new systems of values which would be "created" in response to the planned disintegration of the world financial system that these oligarchs prepared in the early 1970s when China was still a third world country and when Soviet Russia was heading quickly towards collapse. (some of that story was told here)
The question I then ask myself: Did Russia or China play a role in planning/deploying this system of world government or digital currencies? Are they in any way a causal force?
They were too weak and both targetted for total destruction and slave state status at that time that these systems were deployed
Today, these massively powerful institutions have already been created to use the technologies associated with the "fourth industrial revolution" towards the goal of enslavement, depopulation and world government.
The nations who represent the bulk of the economic/military power and influence that is today's multipolar alliance were NOT causal in any of this.
They are now in a position of reacting to processes instigated by the oligarchy, and the race is over who will influence these systems towards which set of: 1) values, 2) designs 3) goals 4) sense of purpose
Whether or not these systems will be shaped by open or closed system thinking is what matters most to me.
The big litmus test for me arises when I ask the quesion: Does China or Russia have goals, projects, behavior that values depopulation, shutting down industrial power, shutting down agriculture, shutting down hydrocarbons/nuclear/hydro, increasing war for dominance, increasing scarcity, destroying the family unit, destroying traditional moral values, embracing woke post-truthism etc? OR do these countries and their associated allies in the Middle East, Africa, Latin America embrace opposite values ?
This is the difference between open vs closed systems which is the subject of all my books.
Both systems use technological power (including the technology of government) to do things. But what set of values animate what they wish to do?
I restate: What PRINCIPLES are shaping those things and what IDEAS of human nature, natural law (in Chinese "Tian Ming", truth etc) are active in the minds of those wielding power to do things?
That defines everything in understanding the past 3000 years of known, investigatible world history and that's what defines the current conditions of the battle in the present moment of history.
To the degree that I use this method of analysis as my reference point, I find that China, Russia and the broader multipolar alliance now developing are acting on principles that I recognize as opposing everything the oligarchy represents ALTHOUGH some aspects of mechanics might overlap.
That's my thinking on this topic.
ChatGPT gave me an apparently accurate response:
An Augustinian Platonist Humanist worldview draws on the thought of Saint Augustine, Plato, and Renaissance humanism.
This worldview emphasizes the importance of inner spirituality, the pursuit of knowledge, and the belief in the inherent dignity of human beings.
It sees human reason and faith as complementary, striving for a harmonious balance between the spiritual and intellectual dimensions of life.
The scholarship is impressive here, but the conclusions are not. Many of these thinkers and writers were just trying to figure it out as they went along. Surely even the fortunate among us are allowed to think about the world and formulate ideas and plans? I’m no fan of many of these ideas, like world government, but for some it was a sincere attempt to make life on earth better. This kind of retrospective grand theorizing is no more helpful than that of the Marxist persuasion. Looking backwards, everything seems to fit neatly into a box. But that’s not how life is lived or experienced. I mean, to take the passage on black snow. Was this really some sort of evil prescription? Maybe it was merely a prescient description? The author assumes nefarious intent at every turn. People can be wrong without being evil. They can be correct without it being part of some predictive programming plan.
Bertrand Russell is unfortunately extremely evil and extremely aware of the role he played (along with fellow Fabian eugenicist H.G. Wells). In Russell's Scientific Outlook, he literally outlines the future need to murder talent from the lower classes who don't wish to give their loyalty to the ruling elite. His words follow:
“The scientific rulers will provide one kind of education for ordinary men and women and another for those who are to become holders of scientific power. Ordinary men and women will be expected to be docile, industrious, punctual, thoughtless and contented. Of these qualities, probably contentment will be considered the most important. In order to produce it, all the researchers of psycho-analysis, behaviorism and biochemistry will be brought into play… all the boys and girls will learn from an early age to be what is called “cooperative” i.e.: to do exactly what every body else is doing. Initiative will be discouraged in these children, and insubordination, without being punished will be scientifically trained out of them.”
For the elites in Russell’s dystopic world, a different role was envisioned:
“Except for the one matter of loyalty to the world state and to their own order, members of the governing class will be encouraged to be adventurous, and full of initiative. It will be recognized that it is their business to improve scientific techniques and to keep the manual workers contented by means of continual new amusements”.On those rare occasions when a boy or girl who has passed the age at which it is usual to determine social status shows such marked ability as to seem the intellectual equal of the rulers, a difficult situation will arise, requiring serious consideration. If the youth is content to abandon his previous associates and to throw in his lot whole-heartedly with the rulers, he may, after suitable tests, be promoted, but if he shows any regrettable solidarity with his previous associates, the rulers will reluctantly conclude that there is nothing to be done with him except to send him to the lethal chamber before his ill-disciplined intelligence has had time to spread revolt. This will be a painful duty to the rulers, but I think they will not shrink from performing it."
Reminds me of Orwell's warning about scientists in totalitarian regimes needing to "steer clear of dangerous subjects such as psychology."
The Prevention of Literature, George Orwell
Polemic, January 1946
"When one sees highly educated men looking on indifferently at oppression and persecution, one wonders which to despise more, their cynicism or their shortsightedness. Many scientists, for example, are the uncritical admirers of the U.S.S.R. They appear to think that the destruction of liberty is of no importance so long as their own line of work is for the moment unaffected. The U.S.S.R. is a large, rapidly developing country which has an acute need of scientific workers and, consequently, treats them generously. Provided that they steer clear of dangerous subjects such as psychology, scientists are privileged persons."
"Some, at least, of the English scientists who speak so enthusiastically of the opportunities to be enjoyed by scientists in Russia are capable of understanding this. But their reflection appears to be: ‘Writers are persecuted in Russia. So what? I am not a writer.’ They do not see that any attack on intellectual liberty, and on the concept of objective truth, threatens in the long run every department of thought.
For the moment the totalitarian state tolerates the scientist because it needs him. Even in Nazi Germany, scientists, other than Jews, were relatively well treated and the German scientific community, as a whole, offered no resistance to Hitler. At this stage of history, even the most autocratic ruler is forced to take account of physical reality, partly because of the lingering-on of liberal habits of thought, partly because of the need to prepare for war. So long as physical reality cannot altogether be ignored, so long as two and two have to make four when you are, for example, drawing the blueprint of an aeroplane, the scientist has his function, and can even be allowed a measure of liberty. His awakening will come later, when the totalitarian state is firmly established. Meanwhile, if he wants to safeguard the integrity of science, it is his job to develop some kind of solidarity with his literary colleagues and not disregard it as a matter of indifference when writers are silenced or driven to suicide, and newspapers systematically falsified.
But however it may be with the physical sciences, or with music, painting and architecture, it is — as I have tried to show — certain that literature is doomed if liberty of thought perishes. Not only is it doomed in any country which retains a totalitarian structure; but any writer who adopts the totalitarian outlook, who finds excuses for persecution and the falsification of reality, thereby destroys himself as a writer. There is no way out of this. No tirades against ‘individualism’ and the ‘ivory tower’, no pious platitudes to the effect that ‘true individuality is only attained through identification with the community’, can get over the fact that a bought mind is a spoiled mind."
To say that Bertrand Russell, or any individual, “is evil” is a blasphemy to the purely loving God I choose to believe designed, creates & sustains the multiverse.
Everyone currently walking the Earth continue to use our freewill to make evil choices.
This will continue until we gain a perfect understanding of love, which to me is what our brother Jesus accomplished two thousand years ago, and what he and our Divine Parent desires for all of humanity.
Humanity is still in the rebellious teenager phase of our development. Totalitarian feudalism is the best the fear driven minds of the oligarchy can manage.
Our compassion for the extreme childhood traumas they suffer is the fulcrum that will lift us into a civilization that adheres to God’s definition of Love.
I have faith that this time around the Great Year “block,” we will achieve it.
I don't use the term "evil" loosely, and although very few people qualify for such a label, in my assessment Lord Russell makes the cut and then some. I appreciate your desire to project love outward, and that's great. But it doesn't change the fact that Russell was committed to murdering you and everyone you love and willfully devoted his life to that cause using every technique of sophistry (aka: art of lying) available to him.
I can’t argue the point as I don’t have the familiarity with his writing to do so, but you seem convinced he was being prescriptive and not descriptive. I am not convinced, although I could be wrong. And quite possibly he approved of the world he saw coming. But to me this adds up to little more than a pernicious philosophy.
That's the kind of simplistic and wishful thinking of those who still buy into the trust us and "follow the science" deceptions when real facts and actions are ignored ; of course there are no really nefarious actors with evil intent but just those trying to figure things out as they went along and if they kill countless millions and destroy civilization then that's just a natural consequence of honest human experimentation and learning; these "thinkers and writers" knew exactly what they believed and worked to enact and it wasn't for the common good of humanity!
With regard to the writers, one wouldn't suppose output to be an instantaneous expression... 'Figuring it out' doesn't quite do it justice... As each writer will draw from the information highway he is on which may include certainly or evidently.... Thinkers... 🤔... Meh. Far too many think tanks around... ✌️
This oft-repeated claim about the CIA, MIC promoting UAPs as some kind of diversion, just doesn't stand up to scrutiny. When, in fact, the exact opposite has been happening and is still happening.
So far all the MIC/CIA have been doing is blockading any release of UAP data, pictures, videos, eyewitness reports, everything. Not even giving the Congressional committee access to a SCIF room so they can legally debrief the whistleblower. And their MSM is giving only cursory coverage to the story. In the recent Eglin AFB incident, under intense pressure, they finally relented to give out one lousy photo of an UAP to Rep. Gaetz, but immediately classified it as "Top Secret" so the public can't see it. With arm twisting they allowed him to briefly interview one of the pilots involved in the incident. If it is a dirty Russki jet harrassing a "Top Secret" Air Force Predator drone, they release high resolution video almost immediately to the public.
Matthew completely misses the point. There is far, far more evidence to warrant investigation of this, the most important scientific endeavor in ALL of human history, than probably ANY other scientific investigation of anything going on right now.
So where is the URGENT scientific investigation?!? It's pretty straightforward, you have these military groups who are consistently witnessing these objects over a period of days often. Where is the science team who should be johnny-on-the-spot at jet speed? Why are they not on standby? Dirt cheap compared to studying some black hole a 100M light years away.
The ONLY rational action. Objects detected. Military mickey mouse exercise shutdown immediately. All assets directed 100% at gathering UAP data. All data is released for scientific analysis. 100% transparency. A team of civilian specialists are sent immediately at jet speed to investigate. They overrule all military authority. The cheapest, most valuable, biggest return-on-investment scientific investigation in all of human history. Any military cement heads interfere they are immediately fired. They don't belong in ANY government job.
But the military wants to keep all that knowledge to themselves
Sure looks that way. Where do you think they got the tech to burn Lahaina to the ground, except houses that rich people own.
I dont watch movirmes or crap TV or news , i didnt take any vaccines , i wonder if there is a link there , its possible 🫡
Hi Matthew,
You refer to Greer as a military physician. I have been following him since the early 90s and have never heard him or anybody else talk about him having served in the military. Source?
I reviewed the source for that and the evidence is wanting, so I eliminated the reference to the military.
Do you have a reference for David Fravor being a former intelligence official?
I have only read about him being a pilot & squadron commander.
Everything he said was corroborated by 3 other pilots flying on the same patrol and radar operators also.
True....but not related to my question.