I would love a digital copy but for the moment I am without internet other than at a Tim Horton's parking lot, so I will have to sort that out first, pls send out reminders.

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Shoot me an email at canadianpatriot1776@tutanota.com and I'll send you the PDF

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Have you ever spoken with Benjamin Fulford, Matthew. Just wondering. Also, I heard your interview with Lew Rockwell. I enjoyed every minute of it. I think that it is interesting that many libertarians don't take into account the existence of the "supranational" oligarchy, like you said, when they analyze world events. I think they are somewhat convinced that the statists are just stupid and what happens is natural when their "stupidity" is put into action. I tend to think that free societies need intentional disruption to become unfree. There has to be an instigator.

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I think Fulford is a very superficial thinker. Thanks for the positive feedback

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Just ordered a copy via Amazon.NL

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Thanks for contributing to my continuing education.

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